
First Fight?

"You alright Mi Amore?"

"Yep, I'm totally fine. Thank you for defending me from them."

" No one's gonna speak out about it, Mi Amore. And I don't want to keep my mouth shut, your hurting deep inside I know that it's slowly killing you and I hate it. I hate it when people look down at you like your some kind of garbage that easily thrown out. I loathe people like them, they judge easily without knowing what's the real story behind those people they talk ill." He said and damn his fuming mad again.

I gently caress his arm and he slowly relaxes.

" That's the nature of people, Lukas. They judge people's lives to satisfy their confidence, to boost it. Yes, it's wrong but what can we do if there are really people like them? Yes, I know someone needs to speak out but I didn't. Why? Because I will rather be silent than explain my side which they'll never believe." I told him while looking at him meeting his eyes genuinely.

"But it's still not enough reason!"