
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Discovery

I look at the others continue to play as I test my laptop. I know it's stupid, but I was hoping that someone finally figure out how to fix the issues regarding the global shut down in computer or any digital access.

But it seems that it was nothing more than just a dream. The only pieces of Digital World human could access is in my Digivice and it wasn't even a real digital world, merely an artificial copy of it thanks to the Code Crown. I can't help but think that it feels like a plot device.

Code Crown in anime are at first nothing more but items used to claim a portion of territory in Digital World. Then, the anime drop the bomb that one piece of Code Crown gives the user an access to shaped the Digital World into the user's desire, which allows Bagramon took over the Digital World in less than one day in human world.

....then again, the time flows in digital world and human world are like heaven and earth.

I look at my digivice before pulling out the SD card as yellow amber starts to cover the card, shaped like a diamond. I look at my laptop and insert it. To my surprise, the white screen disappear and it turns to normal.

I stare at the screen in disbelief before pulling out the Code Crown out of the laptop and try to use it. Sadly, what happens in Digital World is more severe than I thought as the internet can't be accessed. All I can do is to use mundane things, like Notepad, Paint, Words, camera, etc.

I groan before slamming my head into the table in frustration. I truly messed up not only in Digital World, but in real life as well. I look at the screen before noticing a new app in the home page. I sigh before clicking it, and it shows the world map. I was at first confused before suddenly, shit tons of red dots cover the whole world. The continents, the tiny islands, even the seas.

"A-are those..." I mutter before clicking one of the red dots.


Lvl 30

Type: Cyborg

Attribute: Virus

Field: Metal Emprie

Group: D-Brigade

Status: Confused, Desperate, Survive.

Location: Hokkaido, Japan.

I stare at the screen in disbelief. Commandramon, one of the digimons I trusted to evacuate the civilians. I shakily click another one.


Lvl 8

Type: Demon Man

Attribute: Virus

Field: Nature Spirits

Status: Tired, Hungry

Location: Okinama, Japan

Flamemon, Veemon's first friend during the adventure. I can't help but collapse on the chair, catching the attention of my friends and son.

"Dad!?" Veemon said before jumping and land on my table. "What's going on!?" I simply pointed at the screen and Veemon looks at it before stumbles back. If I didn't catch him, he would've fall.

"I-it's Flamemon! It's Flamemon! He's alive!!! He actually alive!!!" Veemon said, trying to wipe off his tears. I help to wipe it off as he wrapped his arm around my neck for a hug. "He's alive, dad!! He's alive!!"

"It's....it's a good news....but, we have a problem." Ballistamon said before I could say anything. "We have no idea how to go there and help them." I grimaced at how nonchalantly Ballistamon mentioned the bad news, which cause Veemon to stop cheering and gave me a sad look. Oh, no...please, don't cry!

"W-we can't help him!?" Veemon mutter as I hugs him.

"We'll.....we'll try to....no, we'll find a way....." I said while petting Veemon and glaring at Ballistamon, who shrank down.

"Oh...." Veemon mutter while holding my hand. I never notice it, but it feels weird for my human hand to touch Veemon's hand. The scaly skin on his body feels so weird, especially when I can't feel those as Shoutmon.

".....You know I want to help them like you do, right?" I said as Veemon nodded.

"I know.....I just hate being helpless again...." I can't help but grimaced at Veemon's words as it hits home. I also hate that feeling, and I truly didn't want to experience it again.

But, I'm more worried about what Veemon said. That isn't something a child should be saying, not especially-


I could only watch in horror as Veemon push me away as a giant sword slice him in half at the hand of Tactimon's unsealed sword.

"NOOOO!!!" I could only watch as Veemon's last smile as he disintegrate into particles of data.

"Dad?" I snaps out of my thought as Veemon calls me out in worry. I also notices that I unintentionally tighten the hug, so I loosen it.

"Don't worry about it, son." I said while petting Veemon.

"But, dad..." He cuts himself off while looking at my face.

"Please..." Forget it, Veemon. Don't do anything reckless. Just be a child and enjoy your time. It's a peaceful time now, just enjoy it. I beg of you.

"....o-okay...." I continue to rub his head while looking at the screen of my laptop. I will not let Veemon involves with the current situafion, let him enjoy his childhood.

There's no way I'm going to let my son be in danger, not after I finally have him back. I don't think I can handle that moment again.

And.....I don't know if my other son is within the pile of eggs. If I lose Veemon, then that's it.

"Hey, Veemon." I said, getting Veemon's attention. "You wanna go train with me?"

"Really!??" Veemon asked excitedly. I almost forgot how much most Digimons are battle hungry to the point that in history, there's a story about a tournament held 2000 Digital Years ago because apparently, all Digimons were too bored by the peaceful day.

Yeah, it was written in an ancient Digital Language, which not only baffling, but also hillarious.

"Yeah..." I said as Veemon hugs me.

"You're going to train now?" Dorulumon asked.

"From what happen yesterday, I doubt the mission will be simple." I said while getting up while lifting Veemon. "Not to mention, possible rouge Digimons aren't out of window. If we plan to save them, we might as well be prepare to fight. And I rather not made my battle sense dull."

"...very well." Dorulumon said before getting up. "May I join?"

"Yeah, me too!" Ballistamon said excitedly.

"Don't forget us!" Yeah, no way am I forgetting any of you. I simply smile before shifting into Shoutmon and save Veemon from falling.

"Well, since it's already nighttime, we can go out now. Just made sure no one made loud noises." They all nodded before I open the door.

To be continued