
Should have remained crush

Warning: (Mature content) Which is more painful? Losing your childhood friend or losing your other half? What if your childhood friend is also your other half? Life with Ray was perfect. Perfect family, lovely kids, lavish life...everything was perfect. But then Ray had to die leaving Laura an emotionless object. She became immune to pain. She forgot how to care and in the process, she pushed her friends away. She needed healing. Or maybe love. But the media wouldn't make things easier for her. Every tiny bit of her life was captured and featured on the dailies. Her immediate best option was you hide; Hide her life, work, kids, friends and love. Hiding her feelings wasn't easy though. She was hurting the other party in the process. Dario Anderson. Our dark eyed knight. If the media was the issue, then he had to be more powerful to control the media. If he was the issue, then he had to change to be worthy of her love. If his age was the issue, then he had to convince her that age was just a number. If her kids were the problem, then he had to convince them that he wouldn't try replacing their father but would try helping their dad finish what he had left unfinished. What about if his family was the issue? What if the Andersons hid some informations on Ray's death? What will happen if Laura came to know? There are so many hurdles that the two were to pass through such that they would begin questioning if their decision to become a couple was a good one. The main question is: Should they have remained crush? .

sugainmytea · Urban
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44 Chs


General POV

Blake was sound asleep when he was woken up by the noisy tune from his phone. He groaned painfully.Thinking about how much struggle he went through inorder to fall asleep...(even sleeping didn't help much) only to be woken up by someone's girlfriend.He cursed before answering the call.

"What do you want?"

May sensed his hostility.

"Is Dario home?"


Blake was annoyed.

"Why don't you call him?"

"He is not picking up the call."

"I'm sure he's fast asleep.It's past midnight already May."

"I know but before you hang up i need to ask you about something. Is he really working at R&L?"

Blake wa getting frustrated so he only brushed her off with, "That's not my business," before ending the call.

He tried going back to sleep but to no avail.

"Fuck you May!" He cursed out loudly.

Now that he couldn't sleep, maybe he could check up on his brother.After all he was the reason why he was woken up.

"Not in his room? Why?"

Blake tried thinking hard.He was not with May and he was not that kind of person who hooks up with random ladies.

"Is he really fine?"

He had started panicking.Lately he often had nightmare about the accident. Sometimes in his nightmares the is always a voice whispering...REVENGE.


And now that his brother is not answering his calls, he was losing his mind.In his mind he had started thinking of bad things that could have happened to him.Suddenly, all lights went off.In his half-insane state of mind he began seeing and hearing some weird things.

Now this is more creepy.

Just as he was completely losing his mind, he heard his name being called by someone from far.

"Why does it sound like Dario?"

He felt someone holding him tightly.

"Is he really gone?No you can't die brother.!"

"Shhhhh! I'm here brother...come back to me...shhhh...I'm here." Dario tried reassuring him.

"Are you really here?No you are lying. I saw him...you know Mr.William...he was dragging you in the middle of the road.I tried helping you but you didn't want to listen to me.You know you two were laughing at me...and when that car hit you,i heard you scream in pain.Stop lying to me.I saw what he did to you....i...heard you scream in pain."

He was losing his mind now.Literally losing it all.

"Hey...hey.. look at me.See I'm right here." Dario raised his chin so that Blake could look at him. "See I'm fine.No bruises no nothing so snap out of it B."

Luckily he snapped back to reality.

Dario was concerned.His brother looked scared...he was literally shaking.

That is the moment he decided that his brother needed therapy.It was not easy for him.

He helped him back to his room but he didn't want him to leave so he spent the night there.


Dario's Pov

"You said it was about May."

I'm really getting fed up.She literally called me at midnight claiming that it was about May.It is almost half an hour since i got here and she still has not said anything.

"I used that because i knew you weren't going to come unless it involved May."


If it is not about my girlfriend then what is it?Hope it is not about the hook up thing because i have been really trying to avoid that topic like a plague.

"I was hoping to talk about last winter."


"I know you said that we forget about it but i really can't."

I'm just thinking if girls lack girl-code stuff where they are not allowed to hook up with their friend's boyfriends.

"May is your friend." I tried reasoning with him.

"So? If we're in love with each other then i can't trade that for friendship."

I really want to tell her that it was just sex...that I'm not attracted to her...that but for the intoxication i wouldn't have found her attractive.But I can't.I will break her self-esteem.I believe that i am a gentleman so i have to behave like one.

"Cathy.You're very pretty and any normal man will be attracted to you..."I am hesitating.I don't want to say that i am not normal.Why did i use that line by the way?

"I guess 'but' will follow." I heard her say.

She is expecting me to finish my sentence so i guess i have to say I'm abnormal.

"...but i guess I'm not normal."

I saw disappointment in her face.Why are girls so difficult to please. I definitely called myself abnormal but she still got mad.

"I have to leave.Blake needs me."

I said showing her the numerous missed calls from blake.


I'm at my house. Why are the lights on? Maybe Blake is waiting for me. He is not in the living room.I checked his room but he was also not there.

Where could he have gone?

Just as i was giving up the search I heard sounds from the corner in the living room.


I called but he didn't answer.I went towards the direction of the noise only to find my brother coiled in the corner shaking in fear.He was losing his mind.

"Is he really gone?No you can't die brother.!"I heard him murmur in fear.

"Shhhhh! I'm here brother...come back to me...shhhh...I'm here." I tried reassuring him.

"Are you really here?No you are lying. I saw him...you know Mr.William...he was dragging you in the middle of the road.I tried helping you but you didn't want to listen to me.You know you two were laughing at me...and when that car hit you,i heard you scream in pain.Stop lying to me.I saw what he did to you....i...heard you scream in pain."

He was losing his mind now. Literally losing it all.

"Hey...hey.. look at me.See I'm right here." I raised his chin so that he could look at me. "See I'm fine.No bruises no nothing so snap out of it B."

Luckily he snapped out of it.

I helped him into his room but he seemed reluctant to let me go so i stayed with him for the night.

He was broken.

He was hurting.

I really broke my heart seeing him in that state.

"Maybe he should see a therapist."

I thought.

I don't think i will ever forget his pained expression...



When the chatty one becomes the most vulnerable.

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