
Shoujo Phantasia

Batu, an ordinary man with a passion for all things anime, had been summoned to a Game of Death by The Creator where he has to compete with other players from different world in order to survive. The Creator had given every player unique powers to make his Game of Death more interesting. Batu, however, had been granted an unusual power to summon girls from different animes. Follow Batu as he overcomes The Game of Death!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Feeding Sweets and Dinner Time

Batu and Louise were finally done shopping. They had stopped at one last place to buy an F-Ranked leather chest armor for him and some potions.

Potions were quite expensive. The cheapest ones were the lesser potions, which costed 150 points per bottle. He bought four health potions and mana potions.

Now, his points were nearly depleted.

[Points: 100]

As they walked, Louise noticed a street stall that sold sweets. The delicious aroma of pancakes and maple syrup enticed Louise, and her stomach began to rumble.

The wooden stall had few customers in line waiting for a delicious snack.

"I want to try those over there," she tugged on Batu's sleeve.

Batu was suddenly struck by too much moe. He didn't think he could handle seeing Louise acting like a little kid.

He didn't have the heart to say no to her. Batu glanced at the sign next to the stall. It read, "Rolled pancakes! Only 15 points!"

"Sure, let's try some," they walked towards the stall where the chef was busy cooking some yummy pancakes.

"Hey, can ya cook us up 4 pancakes?" Batu asked.

"Yeah, no problem!" The chef nodded.

With quick hands, he pulled a bowl of batter into the pancake molds and placed them over the grill.

After a couple of minutes, the pancakes were done, and the chef quickly rolled them up and inserted sticks into them.

He then added maple syrup as a final touch. Louise couldn't help but lick her lips in desire as she stared at those delicious pancakes.

"Here ya go, brother," he handed the pancake sticks out. "Only 60 points." The chef reached his fist out to Batu.

'A fistbump? That's new,' Batu thought to himself. He fist bumped the chef and transferred the points over to him.

Then, Batu and Louise went to a quiet place where they won't be bothered by the crowd.

"Here," Batu handed her a pancake roll.

"Feed me," she ordered.


"I... I order you to feed me," Louise repeated herself in a much more quiet manner. "Unless you forgot that you're supposed to do anything I say, right?"

"How could I forget about that..." Batu sarcastically replied, acting as if he didn't even want to do it.

But, deep down, Batu wanted to cheer in victory. Feeding a cute girl like Louise was every otaku's dream.

However, he hid his excitement behind a stoic face; he couldn't let Louise know how he really felt, otherwise he would be labeled as a weird creep.

"Fine..." he faked a sigh. He brought the rolled pancake to her mouth. "Open wide."

"Ahh~" Louise slowly took a bite out of the pancake. Her eyes twinkled with delight as a wave of sweetness overwhelmed her tastebuds. "So good!"

This rolled up pancake was almost better than cookberry pie. It was a sweet softness like no other, and Louise felt like she was in cloud nine.

"Is it really that good?" It was just regular old pancakes on a stick. As Batu went in for a bite, Louise stopped him.

"Who said you can stop feeding me?" She furrowed her brows. She was going to have all the pancakes to herself.

Typical Louise.

"I mean, it's only one bite-"

"Pancake," Louise pointed at her mouth. "Now."

Batu couldn't argue against her when she was acting like a spoiled child. He continued to feed Louise until there weren't any rolled pancakes left.

Now, Batu was left with four sticks. Damn. Maybe he should have stolen a bite.

Louise burped unexpectedly

"Excuse me," a light flush colored her face as she covered her mouth.

Batu looked up at the orange sky; it was getting pretty late now. They had spent all day shopping together.

Although it was mostly Louise ordering him around, he still enjoyed his time with her.

'Would this be considered a date?' Batu thought to himself. It was something to consider. After all, he had never been on a date before.

"I-I had fun today," Louise suddenly interrupted Batu's thoughts as she twiddled with her own fingers.

"But, that doesn't mean we're all lovey-dovey," She pointed at him rather haughtily like she always does. "A noble like myself would never stoop so low to fall in love with some useless master like you."

"Sure, sure," Batu rubbed Louise's head with a smile. "C'mon, let's head back home. I'm starving."

Time passed, and the both of them arrived back at the inn. The inn should be done with dinner by now since it's nearing six o' clock.

"Welcome- ah, it's you two," Lucia said as the two of them walked in.

"Is dinner ready?" Batu asked Lucia.

"Yeah, go right ahead," she answered. "It should be next door to the left over there."

"Ah, thanks."

Batu and Louise first put all of their shopping bags on their room. Then, they made their way to the dining area.

It was fairly big; enough to fit about twenty tables. There were already people here eating, and a few servers cleaning and serving meals.

The dining room had a lively atmosphere as men and women chatted and laughed with their acquaintances.

Everything felt normal.

The delicious aroma wafted through the air, and Batu couldn't help but drool. He hadn't ate since yesterday, and he felt like he could eat a whole cow right now.

"Batu, Louise, ova here!" Chin waved at them. He already had a full course meal and a big jug of booze out on the table.

"Hey, Chin," Batu greeted as he sat down with Louise.

"I see you guys are finally back from your date."

"It's just a shopping trip, you old midget," Louise quickly corrected him. Date? Yeah, right!

Chin gave a chortle as he chugged some booze down his throat, "Ah, the young'uns are so shy nowadays. Let me tell ya, back in my day, kids used to get married at sixteen."

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're old," Batu said jokingly.

Then, a cute waitress walked up to them with a notepad in hand. She looked to be around her late teens.

However, what stood out the most were her antlers, and her white tail shaped like a ball of cotton.

Batu was in shock as he stared at her antlers that resembled tree branches. He seen demi-humans in mangas, but to actually see them in real life was so different and strange.

Batu may be a degenerate, but at least he wasn't a furry.

"Are you guys getting anything to eat?" Her voice was soft and pleasant to the ears.

"What do you serve at the moment?" Louise asked with interest. Like Batu, she hadn't ate a proper meal since she had been summoned.

"Umm, we have white rice with stir-fried beef and veggies; and creamy mushroom chicken with homestyle mashed potatoes," she replied in a chipper tone.

"Well, I never had stir-fried before," Louise thought for a moment, tapping her chin. "I guess I'll have that."

"Any drink with that?"

"Tea, please."

The waitress nodded, writing Louise's order in her notepad then turned to Batu with a smile, "What about you, mister?" She asked him.

"I'll have the same thing with beer," Batu answered.

"Alright," the waitress quickly wrote down his order. "The food will be ready in minutes!"

She ripped the orders and disappeared into the kitchen. Chin looked down and noticed Batu's new sword on his waist.

"Oh, ya got yerself a new weapon?" Chin asked.

"Yeah, only a F-ranked one, though," Batu unsheathed the sword out, giving Chin a closer look at it.

"Hey, as long as the bitch can cut, am I right?" Chin nearly laughed out loud, seeing the broken pile of shit presented.

He'd never seen such a shoddy sword like this. He wasn't even sure if this thing could cut tofu!

"Hmph, a broken junk like that shouldn't even be called a sword," Louise added.

"Hey, it was all I could afford!" Batu felt slightly offended. It was his first sword, and he considered it beautiful in his eyes.

"Haha!" Chin couldn't hold his laughter anymore. "Might as well use your fists instead, boy! This sword looks like a back scratcher if you ask me."

"Give me that," Batu yanked his sword back and put it back into the sheath.

Was it really that bad?

As time passed with the three of them chatting, the waitress finally came out with the trays of food and drinks. She had everything carefully balanced in her hands like a pro.

"Thanks for waiting! Please enjoy your meals!" She placed the food and drinks down. She then bowed her head before leaving.

Batu licked his lips with desire. He hadn't ate in so long that the food looked like a piece of heaven that had been ripped out and served on a nice porcelain plate.

Picking up the spoon, Batu quickly scooped the rice and stir-fried beef in his mouth.

"Ahh~ so good," he said, savoring the explosion of flavor.

"It is quite palatable," Louise agreed. Unlike Batu, she wasn't eating like a straight savage. She had been taught proper etiquette at the table.

"Oh yeah, there's one thing I need to tell ya, Batu," Chin said.

"What's that?"

"I got recruited into something called a guild."

sorry for no chapter the past few days. i took a road trip back to my home state and spent time with my family, but now im back!!

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts