
Shoto In Another World(Discontinued in order of rewrite)

After being transported to another world in his sleep the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe has to now make a life for himself in this new world.

OtherworldlyGrey · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 4: Wild Lands

Shoto and Grysilia had been in the Wild Lands for three days leaving Raijū and the Thunderstorm Pack in the south. Raijū wanted to follow but Shoto told him to stay and guard the south.

Shoto traversed the Wild Lands with Grysilia together conversing about many different topics. They fought monster an collected materials for the merchant company they were going to start.

Then at 3:00 pm Shoto and Grysilia stumbled upon a den of Black Boars. They set up camp at the entrance Grysilia insisted on hunting alone as said she was the servant.

"WU.. aaaaah"

The last black boar squealed in the den before dying. Grysilia dragged out the carcass by the tusk she was covered in blood and dust yet it didn't stop her beauty from shining through.

"Sorry I took so long Sir" she said.

The sun was about to set in the Wild Lands. Shoto swallowed the meat he was eating an spoke.

"Is not as juicy as the Crimson Boar we killed earlier"

Grysilia left the carcass at the entrance and took some of the meat roasting a the fire. She took a bite examining the it.

"Perhaps oil and seasoning his needed"

"Perhaps" Shoto said pondering.

"Sir if you please"

"Oh yeah Bath" Shoto raised his hand casting magic.

Nearby a pit formed in the ground then a it filled up with water a few seconds past and steam rose from the pool.

"Thank you Sir your spell chain has gotten better"

"Thanks" Shoto replied.

As Spell Chain was the act of linking different spells together. In this case Shoto linked the spells together. Pit and earth spell, Flow a water spell and Heat a fire spell.

Shoto watched Grysilia undress and get into the bath he seeing her naked was enough to pitch a tent in his pants.

"Would you like to join Sir?" She face Shoto with her body fully soaked in the bath.

"Nah I'm good" he refused

He needed some sort of self control he couldn't just jump when offered.

"Hmm" Shoto's <<Compass>> detected something.

Shoto's finger glowed then


The light on Shoto's finger flashed stunning the oncoming target.


It fell near the black boar carcass.

"Grysilia" Shoto called.

She walked out the bath and pulled out a towel from charm around her wrist. She wrapped the towel herself.

"Thank you Sir"

"No problem is that what you wanted to lore with the carcass?" He asked.

"Yes it's a Nite Vulture they scavenge at night only" she said.

Shoto knew Grysilia leered the nite vulture to teach him the taming ritual.

The nite vulture was big bird but not as big as the Shriek Hawk in the Creator. Nite vultures were the size of hand gliders in Shoto case.

A magic circle appeared beneath Grysilia and the nite vulture. Bindings wrapped around the big bird stopping it from fleeing.

"From now on you are my servant and you will serve me and master" Grysilia said.

The bindings tightened the bird squawked in response to Grysilia's words.Grysilia established a 80:20 contract meaning she held all the power.

"A servant like you needs a name Vortex" she said.

A certain amount of mana went from Grysilia to the nite vulture now named Vortex. The magic circle disappeared then she gave Vortex a piece of meat.

clap! clap! clap!

Shoto applaud her and she gave a small bow before making Vortex flight off. She put the black boar carcass in storage charm around.

"Sir you seem to be blocked up shall I help you?" She had noticed Shoto pitching a tent and got between his legs.

"Y.. yeah" Shoto

She unbuttoned his pants revealing his mighty rod she teases it a bit with her tongue.

"Ooh" Shoto groaned.

"Sir is it me or did you get bigger?" She examined his shaft.

"No it's just you" he replied.

"Then I shall examine it to see" she swallowed the tip of Shoto's rod before taking the rest down her throat. She raged up and down his cock before rewarded with his seed. Shoto grips her head forcing her still while his seed filled her mouth.

"Haaaah!" Shoto was satisfied.

He removed his cock from her mouth not a single drop of his seed had spilled.


Grysilia savoured his cum before swallowing it.

"Thank you for the meal Sir" she stood up heading to the tent ready to call it night.

Shoto put out the fire and followed her to the tent.

"Sir you have gotten bigger ~aah!~" the two spend the night 'examining' each other.


In the morning Shoto and Grysilia continued their journey to the west. Shoto had thought that the Wild Lands would be some hot insufferable place and it was in some parts. The region they were in was rather cool due to the monsoon season.

"Sir I suggest you retract you mana  we are about to reach civilization" Grysilia ears twitched.

"Retract my mana?" Shoto raised an eyebrow.

[Your mana leakage is creating toxic mana particles]

"Oh how do I do that?" He asked.

"Try to feeling your mana then pulling it in" Grysilia instructed.

Shoto did as instructed and began feeling his mana from the inside out. His mana covered a large surface area Shoto tried reveling it in but only a small portion could come back in.

"Is that enough?" Shoto said

[Perhaps I can be of assistance]

Sage began sucking up the mana like a vacuum until there was no trace of it. It like he had no mana at all the problem was now it was all bottled up inside Shoto.

"This feels uncomfortable"

[Regulating mana to reduce strain]

"That feels a bit better" Shoto sighed.

As they began passing through the canyon the weather had gotten hotter. The sun was incredibly hot in the canyon that you could see heat rising from the stones.


Shoto and Grysilia heard a scream it sounded like that of a woman. They looked at each other it might sound like someone needed help but they weren't going to blindly help. The first got a high vantage point to scout from.

They saw three man at a carriage trying to drag a woman out. The woman screamed and kicked trying to fight of the men. Shoto and Grysilia witnessing the event in progress.

"Bitch stop kicking!" The bold man said.

He griped the woman ankles and spread the woman's legs. The woman's clothes were already ripped even her underwear was gone. The bold man had a perverted smile on his face as he alined her womanhood with his crouch.

"I'm gonna enjoy this so-"  his sentence was cut off by one of his man.

"He boss save some for us"

"Argh later just loot the carriage" the bold man ordered.

The bold man was about to unsheathe his rod when another disturbed occurred.

"You know you shouldn't force women to do such thing"

A voice entered the bold man's ear  turned his head to a boy with black hair and a dark eyes accompanied by an elf with ash blonde hair.

The other two man stopped looting the carriage an charge at the two with swords in hand.


"On it" she said charging at the two man.

The bold unsheathed his giant sword and charged at Shoto. He raised his sword overhead ready to bring it down upon Shoto but...

"What a clumsy swing you should do it like this" Shoto said in a nonchalant voice and swung his hand vertically.


The bold man dropped his sword and stumbled back two steps. There was an expression of shock on his face he knew what happened.

A vertical line appeared on his body splitting him down the middle then blood sprayed out of the line before dropping dead.

Grysilia had already killed the other two and she stood over their corpses.

The woman who was almost raped saw all of this she was more scared of the two strangers in black then the bandits.

Shoto and Grysilia looked at the woman with an expressionless faces they didn't say anything incase it might startle her. The woman had minor bruise but still fine. Her breathing was quick and rough she was judging the situation then she making a choice.

She calmed her breathing before standing up her legs were weak so she used the carriage to lean on. After few minutes of leaning she walked to one of the bandits Grysilia had kill and kicked them in the balls.

She began taking off the her torn clothes and replacing them with the ones on one of the corpses. Shoto turned away to give her privacy as she changed.

(Sir why did we save her?) Grysilia communicated telepathically.

(It would be strange if we walked into a town straight of the Wild Lands someone should create a background for us  that way we look less suspicious don't you think plus we can get information from her) he said.

(True) Grysilia sighed inwardly she thought her master was trying to be a hero but now she was provided wrong.

Her master was calculating but he lacked the ability to use people that was something she had to teach her master.