
Escort (3)

Around and around we went.

It didn't seem like the princess was planning on giving up at all as she kept crushing all the herbs that I tried to pick.

It took no time at all for us to exhaust all of the herbs that were in this area.

And at the same time, both of us were panting with exhaustion since we had been running around competing for these herbs in the first place.

The strangest thing was…there was a faint smile on our lips.

Halfway through this, I couldn't help feeling that this was almost fun.

The way that I tried to pick the herbs and the way that she tried to sabotage me, it was almost like a game.

Even if it was frustrating, it strangely gave me a sense of enjoyment that I didn't understand.

When we had cleared out all the herbs in this area, there wasn't anything else for us to compete over.

The two of us sat there on the ground trying to catch our breaths.