
Elven village (1)

Inside of this compartment, there was an ocarina like I had expected, but…

It had a very strange shape.

Instead of having the normal ocarina shape, this one was much more slender and longer. It was in a shape that made one even doubt if it could be played properly.

That was because it was a very phallic looking shape.

With two round bottom parts, a long neck, and a short bulb on top, this looked just like a dick…

It seemed that the way to play it was to put your mouth at the tip and then use the holes on the shaft before letting the sound come out of the two balls at the bottom…

But it would definitely be embarrassing playing something like this…

And this was definitely not the ocarina that I had seen in the game. The one that I had seen before was the shape of a normal ocarina, round with small holes in its body and a long slender neck.