
Dinner with the duke (4)

I just looked at the duke with a look that was trying to judge if he was being serious or not.

But the look on the duke's face made it clear that he was serious about this.

It seemed that as long as I took care of this matter for him, he would take care of the matter that I presented to him.

But that matter was a cover in the first place.

Even if it was true, with the power of the Shadow Garden that I now possessed, it was  easy for me to take care of those nobles if they wanted to do anything.

So I didn't really need the duke's help for this.

However, there was something that had caught my attention about this report that the duke had presented to me.

There was something about it that seemed suspicious…almost as if there was some kind of other force that was interfering in this matter.

In short, it seemed like this could be a clue as to the demon presence in this city.

But why would the duke give me this?