
Dig out the roots

The king raised a brow when he heard this, but he didn't say anything.

He just looked at me with this brow raised for a bit before saying in a whimsical voice, "Should I punish you? You're the one that suddenly ditched all your work to cause this large commotion for a 'detour'...that was what you called it. You didn't tell us anything about this 'detour' and just headed off on your own."

The way that he said this, it was almost as if he was teasing me about this which made a bitter smile appear on my face.

But I didn't say anything as it seemed like he was avoiding the issue by talking about these things. It was as if he was trying to keep me in suspense for as long as possible, though I didn't understand why he would do that.

It didn't seem like there was anything for him to gain from this.