

While everyone was off trading with the giants, I was still with Alidus and Isra.

From the information that Alidus provided in secret, I learned that the Harakka Tribe and the Korin Tribe that Dorian was from were the largest tribes in the surrounding areas.

Then following that was the Vale Tribe that Isra came from.

There were some other tribes that were a bit smaller than the Vale Tribe, but most of them didn't align themselves with any other tribes.

There were a few that aligned themselves with the Korin Tribe and the Harakka Tribe, which was why some giants helped the Korin Tribe earlier.

The reason why the ones that aligned with the Harakka Tribe didn't do anything was because Alidus had been defending us. Defending humans was not something that they could be a part of since it was not something that was looked favourably among giants.

Especially since they didn't know anything about the humans that were being defended.