
Crow Gang (2)

Ten minutes slowly passed by and when it was time, Shaka led the way forward.

We walked over to the building and there wasn't a single person that noticed us.

That was because all the people who had been around this area had somehow disappeared.

When we came closer to the building, I could see that there were a few people that were lying on the ground. From afar, it looked like they were napping, but when one looked closely…there were traces of red.

I couldn't help turning to look at Shaka, but he didn't bother acknowledging this.

I turned back to look at the figures that were on the ground and I couldn't help wondering just what kind of person I had gotten involved with…

I had thought that the noble that I borrowed these men from just wanted to do a few things under the nose of the count for his own benefits, but now it didn't seem to be the case.