
Crazy merchants (1)

When we walked into the town, the unhappy mood disappeared without a trace.

Ariel's eyes opened wide and she excitedly looked around.

I had been worried that she would forget what I had said and would start talking, but it seemed that she was too excited for that. 

However, it wasn't as if we could just let her run around on her own.

So I had made sure to put Cecilia, Moon, and Veronica by her side so that they would be able to control her if anything happened. They were already holding her arms just in case she tried to run off, but it didn't seem like that would happen.

The look on her face made it seem like her brain had short circuited from the excitement that she was feeling, so it didn't seem like she was going to run off on her own.

It was like a kid going to an amusement park for the first time.

They were just too stunned by the sights to move or make a sound.