
Can I ride on your wyvern?

It took three weeks, but we were able to make our way through the four kingdoms and two more other nearby kingdoms.

This was all because of the efforts of the fourth prince.

If it wasn't for him giving me advice on how to avoid commitment with the nobles that tried to get closer to me, I really wouldn't have been able to avoid being swamped by them.

That would have caused us to stay even longer in these kingdoms.

But because the fourth prince was with me, I was able to keep each visit short and precise which allowed us to reach the dukedom earlier than predicted.

I had to admit that while I was against the fourth prince coming with me in the first place, he was showing just how useful he was and my opinion had completely changed about him following me.

When we arrived at the dukedom, the party that was there to greet us was…a bit lacking.