
Being stalked

This visit to the Vale Tribe was just a courtesy visit this time.

It was our first time meeting the chief and the real chief of the Vale Tribe, so it wasn't as if the relationship was going to be much deeper than this.

Other than introducing ourselves, we also agreed to bring more goods from human society to trade with them in the future. Like this, it could be said that we had signed a deal to sell our goods to them.

That was a good starting point.

After this was settled, it was time to head back to the Harakka Tribe.

As we were heading back, it really seemed like Isra wanted to follow us back.

The way that she said this was as if she was coming with us to deepen our relationship, but her father didn't seem like he approved of this.

In the end, her mother was the one that stopped it by saying, "It's too late for you to go with them. You'll see them tomorrow, so there's no need for you to be acting like this."