
Baroness (1)

When the sun shined in through the window and fell onto my eyes, I couldn't help waking up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was morning and that I was all alone in this room.

I had expected Madame Rose to be with me, but it seemed like she had gotten up early in the morning for something.

I wanted to keep lying in bed, but as I remembered everything that we talked about last night, I just couldn't stay lying there anymore. So I got up and got dressed before walking out into the living room.

When I walked out, I found that Madame Rose and Cecilia were both there along with a bunch of maids.

These maids were running around helping Madame Rose put on her dress, but this wasn't a normal dress. This dress was much fancier than anything that she had put on before.

It was as if it was a special dress for a special occasion, but I didn't know what that occasion was.

At the same time, I was also surprised to find that Cecilia was here in full armour.