
Back to school (3)

I made the three of them lay in bed while still in their uniforms, but I didn't have them lay down in a normal manner.

Instead of having them lay on their backs, I had them lay down with their faces forward and their butts sticking out in the air.

The way that they were leaning in on the bed, it was almost as if they were praying.

But this was anything but holy…

It could even be said that what we were doing was considered unholy with how much it was catering to a specific kink.

After they laid down like this, I stood over them and looked down at the perfect bottoms that were pointing up at me.

With their fair white skins, it was like six moons rising in the sky.

They were so full and plump that I really wanted to put my face in and just motorboat them, but I held myself back in the end. After all, there was something else that I wanted to do while they were like this.