
A bunch of dildos

I didn't say anything at first as I looked at the seal a bit longer.

Holding a piece of paper in my hand, I looked at it and the seal at the same time as if I was trying to figure something out.

After looking at it for a bit, I went back out to the room with the black crystal in it and started moving around until finally stopping in one spot.

Standing in this spot, I looked around myself for a bit before giving a nod.

I turned back to Duke Nergiante and the others to say, "This is the spot that the demon king will appear in when it is released."

There wasn't much of a surprised look that was on their face when they heard this.

Rather, they just looked at me with bitter smiles as Duke Nergiante asked me, "Even if we know where it'll appear, that doesn't mean that we'll be able to do anything to it. This is a demon king that we're talking about!"