
Short story of a vampire named rick.

gitchcon002 · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter two: The offer.

Rick tried everything to fight the cancer. He underwent chemotherapy, radiation, and experimental treatments, but nothing worked. His condition only worsened. One day, when he was at his lowest point, a stranger approached him in the hospital.

The man introduced himself as Victor and claimed to have a cure for Rick's cancer. Rick was skeptical at first, but Victor seemed sincere. He told Rick that he was a vampire, and that his blood could heal any disease or injury. Rick was taken aback, but he was also desperate. He had nothing to lose.

Victor offered to turn Rick into a vampire, to give him immortality and the power to heal himself. Rick was hesitant - he had always thought vampires were just myths, creatures of fiction. But Victor was persuasive. He told Rick that he had seen countless humans suffer and die needlessly, and that he could help him avoid that fate.