
Short Stories of Goldiva

Short stories from some of my bigger stories.

Eleonara_Behler · Fantasy
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Story 1 - The Missing Princess

The queen destroyed our land, and I was left with nothing but distraught and terror. I lost everything, and was banished from my own land. My sister was banished as well, and I could only hope that there was some mercy on her to help her survive. I can do nothing but hide in forests and live like a traveller.

A kind man approached me one day with wood on his back. He was clearly done with chopping whatever tree he had just chopped. He tilted his head at me and asked curiously, "Are you lost?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm only a traveller with not much else to do. Why do you ask?"

"For no reason. I've noticed how pretty you are, that's all. I would like to bring you to my cottage where you can meet my family. It must be lonely living all by yourself."

I was on the verge of tears nearly everyday due to my aching heart. I nodded and barely whispered, "It is."

"Then come," he gently held my hand with a gleeful smile. He was quite handsome. He was blond and his hair was tied back. His beard was a bit long, but it was nicely trimmed. He put a lot of attention into his appearance just as I would.

I followed obediently, hoping that this would be a beginning to a new life. And as I had hoped, his family welcomed me with open arms, and only within months, we married. I wouldn't have wished for much else. For once in a very long time, I regained my joy and hope.