Just some short stories I came up with, usually about life.
There out the window, I can see the rain, it pours non stop and hard. It floods the drains. It is over flowing and no one does anything about it. People go along with their lives. The rain doesn't seem to affect them. It tries to get attention from them, but splashing onto their clothes, wetting their favorite shoes shirts and pants. They cling onto the clothes but eventually vaporize away, and they become dry again, as it the water had never touched them. The rain turns more aggressive, in need of attention. It is persistent and lasting hours. At last the people notice the rain. But they are irritated. They blame the rain for everything wrong, how they were late because of the rain, or how they lost their job because of it. The rain takes it all in and persists. The people get angrier, cars are honking, the roads are flooded, and the people keep arguing, blaming everything on the rain. The rain gets discouraged and goes away.
The rain doesn't comeback in fear of the people's hate. All he wanted was some attention, some love, but no. Everyone hates rainy days. However, eventually, the people started to notice that there was no rain. Massive drought spread throughout. The rain showed no signs of coming. The people grew panicked when they suddenly noticed that the rain had gone away. They pleaded the rain to come back, that they would be good to him this time. The rain did not listen. Despite how desperate the people got, the rain just hid. He was scared of the people. This was not the first time they promised him. The last time, they had said the same thing, yet every time, everything was blamed on him. He no longer wanted to live this way. So this time, she fled as far as possible from humanity.
The humans were scared and desperate. They searched for the rain high and low but wherever they went, it was not there. However eventually, a tiny girl was able to find the rain, hidden in the forest. The little girl marveled at the rain, amazed. She had never seem rain before. She was not scared of it either. The rain was intrigued by the little girl, surprised that she did not scream or yell at it.He played with her in the rain the whole day, until it was finally time to go home and rest. As the little girl left, the rain felt sadness. It missed the humans, even if they yelled at him. So he went back and it rained. For the first time in forever, the people awed the rain, realizing just how beautiful it was. They rejoiced and sang songs and praised the rain. The rain was happy at the moment but knew that eventually, they would hate him again, because they were humans. And humans were forgetful. They will eventually forget the beauty of rain, and the rain will run away. They will repent and say promises that they will never forgetter rain ever again . And the rain will come back, missing human interaction, they will rejoice him once again but eventually forget again.