
Chapter 2: Mate

Bai Yu's POV

Fast forward to three weeks later…

Today is my first day working at the pack house and coincidentally it's also a monthly tournament for the warriors. I sat beside Jing Tian to monitor the warriors. I could see Axton making a bored face in the group of warriors. When he saw me, he waved at me with a big smile. Seeing his childishness, I let out a soft laugh and waved back. Jing Tian turned to look at me with an amused face.

"Sorry. Just saying hi to my friend." I explained.

After hearing that, he turned back to focus on the current battle.

'Ok that was awkward.' I told myself.

Jing Tian's POV

I don't know why everything Bai Yu does just attracts my attention. When I heard his laugh, it tingles my ears. I turn to see him smiling to another guy at the opposite. I felt anger bubbling in me for no reason. I just can't compose myself whenever I'm around Bai Yu. At some point, I start to suspect that he could be my mate but it's impossible because his scent doesn't give off the attraction that a mate does. I turned my head back to the tournament but my mind is wondering elsewhere.

After the tournament, I went back to my office to settle my paperwork. I was having an uneasy feeling out of a sudden. My uneasiness was confirmed when one of the guards notified me through mind link that rogue broke through the border. I transform myself into my wolf and ran to the border. One of the guards handed me clothes to change. In one glance, there were about 15 rogues. Only two of them were captured alive. I stood in front of one of them to questioned them. Bai Yu had also arrived at the scene while panting. I guess that he was just nearby when he got notified.

"Why are you here?" I asked one of them.

"Alpha, I'm so sorry to trespass. My name is Ou Qing Lan. We just got kicked out of our old pack and try to find for shelter." The woman said.

"Then why did you attack with our warriors?" I continue questioning.

"Well we were running away from the warriors of our old pack. The one that attack your warriors are warriors from our old pack." Ou Qing Lan explained.

"What crime have you done?" I asked.

"So, urmm.. it's a bit weird for you to hear this. This is my daughter, Yu Lian. Her mate is our alpha's son. She kind of like hide from him because of what she had been through as a kid. She was always bullied for not being good enough. When the alpha's son accidentally found out that she was his mate, he told his father and he rejected her because he couldn't handle the embarrassment that his mate doesn't want to be with him due to her trauma and not giving him a chance to even explain anything. Then, the alpha decides to kick us out of the pack by saying that we committed treason and send warriors to send us to our graves." Ou Qing Lan explained.

"So, you want to join my pack?" I asked.

"Yes, alpha if you would allow." Ou Qing Lan said.

"I'll think about it first. Guards send them to the cells but treat them nicely." I ordered.

I turned around to see that Bai Yu's face turned ashen.

"Bai Yu, are you ok?" I asked.

"Huh.. Oh sorry alpha. I was feeling a bit under the weather today." Bai Yu answered.

"I think it's better to you to go back home and rest." I said.

"Ok alpha." Bai Yu said and start heading back.

As he went deeper into the bushes, I heard sound of wolves fighting. I rushed towards the direction Bai Yu went and found that he was battling with the two rogues. The guards were down. I transformed to help Bai Yu as I could see that he was very weak. It seems like he was stabbed as he was sweating profusely. I killed Ou Qing Lan leaving Yu Lian heavily injured lying on the floor while trying to hold on to her last breathe. I ran to Bai Yu and picked him up ready to leave when Yu Lian said "Alpha, don't you feel the pain?"

I was stunned by that question. I only felt pain seeing my pack member hurt. What does she mean by that question?

"Oh, turns out you didn't know." Yu Lian said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That man…. in your arms …is your mate. Don't you know?" Yu Lian said.

I almost dropped Bai Yu when I heard that statement.

"I am a half werewolf…. and half seer. I could see the bond…. between the two of you….. He's your mate." Yu Lian said breathing heavily.

I look at Bai Yu's face with disbelief. The mate that I have been looking for had been by my side for so long. I need to know why he didn't admit it.

"I also know…. the reason why….. he didn't want to admit…. that you are his mate. I won't…tell you… anything more than this...…" Yu Lian said and heaved her last breath.

I didn't get the answer that I need yet but the most important thing right now is to send Bai Yu to the hospital. I decided to teleport to the pack's hospital since it's the fastest way to reach there instead of me causing more harm to him by running there. When he was being pushed into the emergency room, I was lost in my thoughts. Like why I couldn't smell him. Did he masked his scent? How long had he known that I am his mate? Is he planning to reject me? Why didn't he want me as his mate?

I placed my face into both of my palms trying to hide my sobs. It hurts me to see my mate hurt like this and just knowing the fact that he was my mate. I wish I was the one whose bearing that wound. At least it would have hurt lesser than knowing the truth that he was my mate.

"Alpha. He's in stable condition now. There's no poison on the knife that stabbed him. We will be moving him into the VIP room." Gavin, the pack doctor said.

"Alright, thanks Gavin." I said and walk to the VIP room.

With heavy footsteps, I step into the room where Bai Yu is residing in. Seeing his pale face on the bed just made my heart ache. I wish that I could be the one hurting instead of him. I sat down beside him and took my time to stare at him. No wonder I felt giddy when he's around me. I want to hold his hand and connect with him. I want to let him know how long I had been waiting for him. He started stirring on the bed causing me to stop my movement.

"Water…" Bai Yu said with his hoarse voice while trying to adjust to the light around him.

I poured a glass of water for him and help him sit up. I moved the straw to his mouth and support his body with my arm.

"Alpha." Bai Yu said when he realized it's me.

"It's ok no need to greet me. Just lie down. Your wound was just stitch up." I said.

At this moment, I just want to ask him why he didn't want to admit me as his mate. I want to pull him into my embrace and tell him that it was ok to tell me everything. Tell him that no matter what I'll be by his side. Tell him that how much I want him to stand by my side and rule with me. I really want to know what he had been through. I had never felt so helpless before but in front of Bai Yu I was like a lost child. I braced up myself and asked him.

"Bai Yu. I have something that I want to ask you. But please promise me that you won't overreact to this." I said.

"Ok, I'll try my best." Bai Yu said.

"Just now Yu Lian told me that you were my mate. Listen first alright. I won't force you to accept me but I just want to know what were you planning to do?" I explained and asked.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him when I said those words. It's a lie that I don't want him to accept me yet. I really want to be with him but I had to wait for him to open up to me. I was waiting for his answer but he was just silent. When I look up at him, he was looking down as if the hospital's blanket is more interesting than the question that I've asked him. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he looked up only for me to see glistening tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…I didn't mean to treat you this way. You could have found a better person other than me. The problem is not with you but it's with me. It's my own trauma. I never dared to face you because I was scared that you might be the same as that person. I was so scared when the mother and daughter pair said about their story. At that moment, I was so scared that I would lose you. Sorry that I made you think that I didn't want or love you." Bai Yu said while sobbing.

"Bai Yu, it's ok. I didn't blame you. I just want to know what happen." I said while comforting him.

"I'll tell you. First of all, I would like to say sorry that I hide this truth from you for 3 years. I don't dare to face my trauma. When I was younger, I was kidnapped but I think you don't know about this because you were abroad at that time. Throughout the time when I was kidnapped by those humans, I was being slaved away. They did everything they could to break me. Every day I was tortured and in the end of the day they just gave me a mouthful of rice to continue surviving so they could continue torturing me. The horrible things they did to me was something that I could never forget. And the main person who did this to me was an Alpha. He even invited other Alpha who is a sleazy as him to join along. In the day, I was forced to do labour work. To clean the house, to cook three meals a day, to do the laundry and a whole lot more things. At night, they treated me as sex slave. They use all sorts of tools to torture me and to satisfy themselves. Lucky for me that your dad and my dad found me in a week time. That was the fastest speed they could find me because those damn bastards lie through their teeth when your father called to ask about ever seeing me. They talked about it when they were torturing me. Of course, those Alphas were dead by now since they were ambushed by your dad in order to save me. Until today, I could never forget that wound that they left in me. Please don't think that I hated you. I'm so sorry." Bai Yu explained everything with a pained expression on his face.

I could totally see that he was scared that I would abandon him after hearing his story. I was stunned for a moment overwhelmed by anger hearing what those bastards did to my mate. I didn't even say a word as I was hoping that I could dig up their graves and torture them the same way they did to my mate. My wolf want revenge for what our mate have been through.

"Jing Tian, I can understand if you felt that I'm dirty or you want to reject me. Thank you for listening to me." Bai Yu said.

When I heard Bai Yu said those words, I pull him into my arms giving him reassurance that everything is fine now.

"Bai Yu, it's not your fault. It's those inhumane bastards who kidnap you. I'm asking you for a chance to prove myself. I am willing to wait until you want to open up your heart to me. All that I asked for was a chance to be by your side. To walk along with you for the rest of your life. To prove that I was different from them. Will you be willing to give me this chance?" I said.

"Can you give me some time to think about it? I'll let you know when I'm ready. I want to be alone for now." Bai Yu said.

"Sure. Take care of yourself. I will be waiting for your answer." I said and left the room with a heavy heart.

I want to stay with him longer. To make up for all the loss time. To take care of him and do my part as a mate.

Hey lovelies,

I'm back with another chappy. Sorry for the late updates.Been busy with my assignments.

Lots of love,


lovehalseycreators' thoughts