

I woke up at a breezy night, my mind couldn't think of a reason of why I would wake up at 3:00AM in the morning. Anyways I have short term memory loss, in other words I have the memory of a goldfish.

My mind randomly thought of going to a shut down carnival, I think the only way I actually remember that is because of the newspaper that I pasted in to the wall of my bedroom, I don't remember why I pasted that in my bedroom though.

Anyways after being prepared, I set out to go to the carnival but after 5 minutes, I had completely forgotten my original destination. In the barren place I was, there was a nearby hut.

The hut contained enough stuff for a person to live in it but as capable the hut was, the place was stranded, nothing was there.

I rested the hut for about a hour when I saw a door leading down to a basement. I gone down to the basement, my brain couldn't think of a reason on why I would go down a basement of a stranded hut.

The lights on the basement were flickering, electricity sparkled off the wires leading to the lightbulb, there was a light switch, which basing off on how broken the lights were, the light switch probably is broken.

I started to inspect the area I was in, the area almost was pitch black because the lights were too unstable. After adjusting my eyes to the semi pitch black area, I looked around the area's barren territory, there was a single door.

The door was scratched, the marks of the scratch looked abnormal, it didn't look like normal scratches of a animal. I entered the door only to find myself into another barren area.

Except this time there were three doors with a message, the message said "Pick one of the three doors, two will lead to a certain death, a slow and a quick death, while one will lead you to a clue on how to leave the basement.

I read something like what door most people pick in this kind of dilemma, I chose the left door, only revealing a pitch dark hole. I tried to back up and just leave from the door I entered in, instead the door was replaced with a brick wall.

I tried to open the other doors but they were all locked, I had no choice but to fall down into the pitch dark hole. I fell into a deep pool, I swam back up, there was a lighted room, a bed and a message. The message said "The room you have chosen is the slow death, but do not fear as it will give you something in return, lay in the bed to recollect your lost memories.".

I don't know if I really trust the message but I was gonna die nevertheless, so I layed down in the bed. I REMEMBERED everything, if death was the price to remember my precious memories, I would without fear die just to remember my memories.

Death has finally come to take me, but I perish along with my memories, I was at peace with life. I slept in the bed until I have fully rested.


Let's just say he made this story before he died but don't take the story too seriously. This was made for fun and satisfaction.

Have A Great Day!