
Short Plump Treasure

"Who are you?" Mayo asked squinting to look at the person who saved her. "My name is Sari and you are my treasure" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayowa, a short plump girl from the kingdom of OSU ran away from the crown prince of Osu who only wanted her body and neglected her true love for him. Heart broken, she finds herself in the arms of a Prince who needs her for the throne due to unexpected curcumstances. Nobody made her feel special, her mother, her sisters, her father except her friend. Living life like that was quite tough. Now she is in a kingdom where a neglected Prince needs her to take over the kingdom. She is made to feel special and is well taken care of. For some reason, this prince keeps his distance from her. Though she likes it, she hopes it will only come out well. Denle, Mayo's best friend goes in search of her friend after she found out that she disappeared. She goes with the prince to bring her back leading them in series of adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Please Mayo, stay away from my brothers. They will do anything to get you You need to stay with me always. Do you understand my treasure?" Please follow my Instagram to know more about me @ellathefirst18. Thank you

Ella_Thefirst · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 13 - Run! Part 2

Author's note: I am sorry please. I don't know if the last chapter might confuse you, but I want to clarify some things. Mayowa read about the staff. She was never taught. It isn't something that is known to all. I hope you understand. Please bear with me. All these thinking of things to write is actually stressing me out. I pray I won't rubbish. Lol. Thank you for your cooperation.


Mayowa took two steps back even though she actually wanted to move forward. Running away and escaping was the only thing settling on her mind. She had completely forgotten about everything that went on with the prince and was focused on escaping. Even though Bimbo used to be one of her closest friends, after what she had done, she feared her. She couldn't even believe that she had befriended someone like her. Where Bimbo feared her was when she tried to kill the king's daughter all because of money. She was so and maybe is still blinded by wealth that she would try to kill someone. Mayowa never thought she was able to kill someone much less a little baby. If she hadn't done that, she would have still been in the kingdom and maybe it would have been worse for Mayowa. Bimbo would have never let her be especially after she, Mayowa had promised to tell on her if she went on with the plan.

Mayowa didn't tell on her because she didn't need to, but Bimbo would have blamed her anyway. That is who human beings are, always looking for who to blame. It is part of our nature and only few go different. So, at the end, it was kind of good Bimbo attempted to kill the king's daughter so she could banished. But Mayowa couldn't deny that she was pained that day. Either way she saw it, she lost a friend.

Bimbo stared earnestly at Mayowa. This girl used to be the closest person in her life. She was the only family she had then in her life. She had thought of giving her everything, that is why she wanted to be wealthy. Mayowa always complained about her family to her, that is why she thought of giving her a family that would love her, and also compensating it with money. She wanted the best for her friend, but she guessed people saw it in a different way. Why did Mayowa back off? Why did she disagree when they were just at the last minute? They would have collected the staff, given it to the man and wealth and love would be theirs. Mayowa kept saying she was stupid to believe that man, but she had seen how he had the change the lives of others. They just needed to give something precious to him and he would give them what they want in the end. Look at how he took care of her, trained her up till this point. He was not a bad man like Mayowa said right? And he probably didn't have any issue with the king or the kingdom. Maybe her desires were too strong and he needed something strong to complete the ritual. That should be it! Yes it should! For a while there, Bimbo almost believed everything Mayowa said about the man, but him having to come back and give her a life, she knew he was good. He was a powerful ritualist, probably one of the best ritualist she had ever encountered and the most caring.

"Don't even think about it. You can't run from me" Bimbo said as she smirked. Mayowa legs were crumbling in fear. If Bimbo was ready to risk her life just to get her, then probably the ritualist must have sent her to do it. Of course she would do anything for someone who took care. But what would the ritualist want from her? She didn't see herself as important. What does anyone want from her? Was it sacrifice? Oh My God! Was she going to be sacrificed? She had to run away somehow.

"I know it is the ritualist who sent you to get me. What does he want from me?" Mayowa asked in curiosity.

"I don't know and I don't care. I just need to get you to him, then we both will know. Now please, I am fed up with this get together, we will have plenty of time to catch up...maybe" she smirked erratically. "Just come with me. It might even be for your own good. Maybe, he still wants to give you your desire....aargh! Let's just go"

"But I don't want to go. What if he wants to sacrifice me....He is a ritualist remember" Mayowa pleaded

"A good ritualist" Bimbo added in hopes of clearing any misunderstanding of "the man that took care of her".

" You don't know that. You are so blinded by what you want that you can't see him for who is" Mayowa continued. She wanted to prolong this as long as she could while she thought of a way to escape. How did this whole day go? Her father must probably be looking for her right? Somewhere within her wanted to laugh at her thoughts. Well, he could be looking for her to cook for him.

Seeing that Bimbo was a little taken aback by what she said, Mayowa started running in the opposite way away from Bimbo and sadly, away from her kingdom. There was nothing she could do, Bimbo was standing in front of it and if she moved any closer, Bimbo would get her. For sure, she understood that Bimbo was quicker, smarter, stronger and more sensitive to things than her. It is quite hard to catch her off guard, so she had no choice to run away from her, not run into her and try to fight her way through.

Bimbo was a little stunned by what Mayowa just did, but she also felt it as stupid. Mayowa was way slower than her, and she was not as smart as her.....or maybe she has levelled up within the years. Hmm... she thought. But she smiled later when she almost catching up to her. How she missed when she and Mayowa used to play "Catch and Hide and Seek". They were fun times. She shook the feeling off. This was not the time to get emotional. She had to bring Mayowa to the ritualist or he won't like it. Though she didn't know why he wanted Mayowa badly that he even asked her to risk her life to go into the kingdom, she had to get her.

" Bimbo, do you remember that friend of yours who asked for a family that would love her? What was that her name again?"

Bimbo looked quite taken aback. She knew who he was talking about but why was he talking about her? Knowing she had no other to choice to speak because he would keep insisting, she said " Mayowa?"

"Yes Mayowa"

Bimbo rolled her eyes "What do you need her for?"

The ritualist Bariga smiled and said "I would prefer you leave that to me. Now bring her to me. I always knew there was something special about her, but I couldn't quite get it until now"

Bimbo was confused "What do you mean? How do I get her? You know I am banished and I might face death if I ever go back there"

"Then I think you should use some of those trainings I have given you over the years right? Whatever you do, I trust my teachings, bring the girl and your desire will be more than sure" Bariga said with a commanding tone

"But I don't understand...." Bimbo moved to speak but was stopped right on the way by Bariga who held his right hand up, signalling her to stop.

"You know how I hate people who try to understand me. Just bring her to me" He commanded and left.

Bimbo looked round the house she lived in. Even though she had her own room, it wasn't her style. Things were always a mess no matter how you try to arrange it. She wanted a big house, with servants to take care of her, weear her clothes and do biddings. Why couldn't he just give her that? Haven't she served him enough? she thought. But he was the one who took her in when everyone shunned her. Even though this place is not what she want, it is still better than living in the streets. Oh God! Why such a plan? What could the ritualist want with Mayowa? Sigh. Mayowa! She was going to see Mayowa. It has been long!

Mayowa continued running with everything in her. She could hear Bimbo coming closer and closer to her and heart beat increased at every step. God! What was she going to do? She knew that Bimbo was faster than her. But now it seems like she became even faster. If she doesn't think of something soon, Bimbo will catch up with her, and God knows what will happen next. She took another turn in the woods, running her hands through the trees in her way. Where was she going to go next?

Just as she was still contemplating, she felt her leg hit a stone and that was enough to make her fall down. She cried in pain. But she knew she had to get up or Bimbo would get her. Oh God! Why did she have such bad luck in life? Can't something good work out for her?

Just as she was about to turn back to the direction she was running to, she turned to see Bimbo standing there, with face covered in a dirty smile. Now that she looked deeper, Bimbo did look like some demoness in the night and it scared her the more.

"You know how good I am at the catch. Remember" Bimbo smiled wickedly.

"I think you have lost it over the years. If I didn't fall, you won't have gotten to me?" Mayowa said, trying to show confidence.

"Really?Think again" Bimbo smiled even more.

"Now where were we? Yes...come with me or I take you by force" Bimbo continued not caring about Mayowa's current situation.

"Why do you want me so bad?" Mayowa asked

"There is only way to one find out. Come with me" Bimbo replied mysteriously.

"No, I don't want to" Mayowa said as she took some steps back.

She readied herself to start running, but Bimbo caught hold of her and pulled her close. Mayowa screamed. She struggled to get out of the arms of Bimbo. She just wanted to go home. She never experienced the feeling where wanting to go back home was like an impossibility. The feeling is fearful. Bimbo tried to hold her and stop her from screaming. She of course couldn't use the dagger. "Make sure you bring her in one piece. Make sure there is no scratch on her when you forcefully bring her" she remembered the words of the ritualist.

"Don't make this hard for us. Stop struggling" Bimbo cautioned, clearly exhauseted with the whole thing.

"Let me go!" Mayowa continued to struggle, ignoring the words of Bimbo.

Bimbo was tired of all these so she decided to use the method that Bariga had taught her - how to put someone to sleep for sometime. But just as she was about to do it, she felt Mayowa's legs step painfully on hers and suddenly a stick from nowhere came right at her face. With that, she let go off Mayowa. Mayowa looked at her for a moment before she started running again. She threw the stick away to reduce the weight on her body.

Bimbo was shocked. She hadn't expected Mayowa of all people to do that. She really has grown. She thought as she touched the blood on her face which had started to trickle down. She frowned. Now, she promised herself to find Mayowa and bring her to the ritualist no matter what and when Bimbo promises herself something, she never fails.

Mayowa kept running to anywhere her legs led her. It was too dark so she couldn't figure the way back to the kingdom and besides she had never been this far away from the kingdom. Maybe when it is morning, she could try to figure something....Now she had to find where to stay for the night and hide from Bimbo.

As she continued running, her feets were begging to rest, luckily she found a small cave just beneath a tree. It looked like a good place to hide. If she stays there, Bimbo would definitely not find her..Without thinking much about it, she went into the cave..It was very small so she forced herself in. She was cold but she couldn't light a fire even if she knew how to, unless Bimbo would find her, and now she was tired. She just wanted to rest. Looking at the sky with pained eyes, Mayowa wondered what she had done to her creator to deserve this. She sighed. She thought about her family. Would anyone be looking for her now?

In a small town, a man came out in the night after checking if his two daughters were asleep. He looked worried and unsettled..Where could his third daughter be? It was already too late. Where did she go to? She had never done this before. She even left the house open. He hoped nothing had happened to her. Sigh....