
Oh a Guest

I once played a game with my friends

It was a game of will that's what we called it

We would lock one another in the basement with 5 matches to see who had the courage to last the longest

One after the other we would enter I enjoyed those times

Being young and dumb without a care in the world

Wait someone is coming........

Just my imagination I guess to be 25 I still have a very active one haha

So one night we decided to spice things up when one of my friends got a ouija board as a present from his brother

We decided we would call on spirits and play pranks with them on the neighborhood bullies

Hahaha.. remember I was young and dumb

Well we tried it and it didn't work we didn't even get a sign that anything even heard us what a huge letdown

So we decided it was time for the game of will before watching out favorite show on Cartoon Network before bed

We gathered our matc.... sorry I thought I heard something

But anyway we gathered our matches and formed a line out side the basement hall way

But something didn't feel right i.. I.. I felt more terrified than normal

We drew lots and decided that I would be the last to go but what was his name?

Hahaha it's been so long I can't even remember his name or face we'll just call him dan

Dan suggested we all go in at once today and turn our backs to one another and whoever can go the longest without light... I swear I'm hearing things

Who ever could go the longest without lighting his matches wins

We all agreed and proceed down the stairs me being cocky about it claiming I wouldn't use a single match

We entered the pitch black with the first match lit and took our places

We said our favorite chant we found in this book at the library " darkness's be one with my soul as I cast aside this mortal coil" hahaha pretty lame right

We.... did u hear that

I must be loosing my mind it's been a long time since I've had company so do forgive me

We stood in our respective places with me being in the very back

But it didn't feel the same.. the room was cold and I felt like someone was watching me

I remember me not liking this feeling and lit my second match

I was expecting a smart comment from one of my friends but nothing I called out to them but no reply

I went for the light switch but it didn't work

I thought it was just a joke hahaha

Would u believe it if it was


I started to feel more and more scared by the second

This isn't funny I said with a fake grin

But I heard footsteps coming towards me they where slow and loud for some reason

I remember feeling relieved that the joke was over so I lit another match..

In font of me stood this old decrepit woman in a black dress

Her eyes where black and soulless

I was frozen in fear

Before I could even utter a word she blew out the match and grabbed me

That is all I can remember to this day

But now u have come


Come to keep me company

Nothing but my soul remains ahaha

And it's quite ironic to say the least that someone else as foolish as me and my friends decided to bring her into our worl......

She's here and this time not for me but ...