
A normal day?

today 13th December 2030 , raping is no more illegal as the state imagined men started raping women everywhere in gas station in malls in police station's everywhere without exceptions even Muslim men didn't stop their sexual desires . Will women fight for their right and suppress this law ? or will they just go with the flow ?

Hi i'm Kayla, I'm 16years old . When this law was announced I was in the metro , that's when multiple men started rapping girls all around me but a man stayed calm and didn't let his desires get to him beside he even helped some the girls who were going to get raped .Oh I forgot to mention lucky me had a shock clock so none of these filthy men dared to touch me and even if I didn't have it I'm a black belt in karate. when I got out of the train a lot of men tried to get me but I beat them to the point that they couldn't move anymore . When I got home , i activated my house security system and slept . when I woke up the next morning on my way to school , multiple women were beating the shit of some men some of these women only had shock clocks and some of these were just really good fighting because in my city Celestium we young girl had to practice at a very young age at Least one martial art. when I got to school, male teachers tried to touch some girls but I scared them off with my shock clock and I gave both of my best friends a shock clock as I had three at home . We women had to survive and in order to do that we had to join power some women even had to kill men who were trying to rap them and the government wasn't helping at all he was even encouraging us to kill those men who tried to rap us which was really unusual why would the government encourage us to kill men while the government higher up were men . In fact the government gave us the right to kill any man who was trying to touch us in any way which was really useful one week later the government announced that raping was now illegal again. Later that year the population got to know that the government allowed raping for population control