
5, not that scary stories


If you're scared of monsters, don't worry. Just look for them. Look to the left, look to the right, look under your bed, look into your closet, but don't look up. She hates being seen.


If you wake up in 3 AM and it's raining, be careful. They're trying to make theirs way in.


If you stare in the dark, stop it. Theirs eyes will start to glow as your fear will be bigger. If you'd keep staring, they'll smell your fear and you'd be unable to scream, when they'll start to eat your organs.


If you summon Satan, don't be shocked, when some person will appear. Satan is just fallen angel, but he is among us. In my case...my best friend appeared.


In the past, I had an imaginary friend. I called her Nanny, because she always wanted me to be careful around knives. One night, she changed her mind. "Oh Mindy, I know I've been strict, but...tonight, I'll let you play with knives. It's very fun, try it." I was about five, so I did. I took knife in my hand. It was fun. "Ohh, and Mindy.. I can tell what is right..so if you get this knife into your body...Nanny will be proud!" I wanted Nanny to be proud, so I did. I...started to bleed. "Ohh, little stupid child. You listened...poor thing. Thank your for body..."

some of the stories are mine and some are from pinterest. thank your for reading!

Alex_Maxxcreators' thoughts