
Shop Owner in the Death Valley

It has been ten years since Cien Millard was trapped inside Death Valley. A cursed place shunned by everyone. Only those crazy and desperate people who dare to go in there. Right at the end of his life. Cien, who he thought was going to die, turned out to be remembering all of his previous life on Earth. With new memories and a cellphone now in his hands, Cien is determined to survive to be reunited with his family. It's just that, different from the cheats he usually read, he only gets the game managing a shop as a weapon for survival. "Are you crazy?! What kind of madman would shop in such a godforsaken place?!"

hatentea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
167 Chs

Inferno Bear

It was still daytime, but due to the blockage of sunlight by the trees, the forest was always dark. Two red eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.

The sound of running from the owner of the scary eyes was getting louder and louder. As it got closer, the place where Cien was standing started to shake. It was as if a small scale earthquake occurred due to the movement of the creature in front of him.

Cien gripped his kitchen knife tightly. His left hand then shone for a moment before a ball of water the size of a soccer ball was created out of thin air.

The creature was getting closer, from the silhouette of its body, he already knew that the size of the creature was more than three meters.

Cien is certainly scared. However, he believed in a layer of protection that was not far ahead of him. The Forgotten God Shield Formation!


With full speed the monster lunged at Cien without knowing that there was a transparent barrier in front of it. The sound of the monster hitting the barrier was so loud it even made the air around it vibrate. Both red eyes looked surprised before finally closing unconscious.


Cien couldn't help but stare at the monster that is now lying helplessly. How fast was the monster speed so that it could hit the layer as hard as just now?

Cien threw the ball of water he had made onto the ground. He slowly walked closer to the monster's body.

Now he could see exactly what the monster looked like. The massive, stocky body was around three meters tall as it ran on all fours. If it stood, the monster could probably be five meters tall.

Its red eyes were now closed. Pitch black fur all over the body with a few stumps on the back as hard as a rock. There's cracks in the hard part, a light flashed from it, from within the body. The light seemed to glow like magma.

The monster is in the shape of a bear. Unfortunately, Cien didn't know what kind of bear was in front of him.

He approached cautiously, afraid that the bear would suddenly wake up. As he drew closer, he saw a tree branch not far from him. With one slash of his knife, he took the branch.

When he was about two meters away from the bear monster. Cien did not dare to come any closer. Even though he knew there was a barrier that would protect him, the monster's large body still gave him the chills.

With an irregular heartbeat. Cien started poking the monster's head with the branch he had just cut.


"… Ah, so you're still conscious, hehe…"

Cien immediately stepped back quickly. Sweat dripped from his forehead and nape. The bear monster started to wake up again, he growled while looking at Cien sharply.



The monster hit the barrier again.






The monster shook its head looking dizzy. Then it looked back at Cien intently, but this time it no longer tried to lunge at him. Just stand still outside the layers staring at him.

"Gulp… are you all right?"




Probably because of a habit he had in the past when living on earth. Seeing the stupid behavior in front of him, automatically, his hand immediately reached into his pocket, took out his cell phone, opened the camera and…



"Let's take selfies!"

Felt a weight lifted after taking photos of threats that couldn't get to him. The tension in him immediately disappeared.

Cien approached the monster until a distance of one meter between them, then like someone who visited the zoo. Cien wants to take selfies with the big monsters he encounters.

However, when he just saw the screen and wanted to switch the camera to the front camera. His eyes opened wide, on the screen he found that there was a suspicious option in the camera capture earlier.



'Details? It means?'

Cien pressed the details, then a status column immediately appeared on the screen.


[Inferno Bear]

Rank 6 Middle Grade

Skill : Fire Magic (Expert), Earth Magic (Expert), Lava Magic (Competent), Physical Enchantments (Competent), Mana Slash (Master).


"… so the function of this camera is actually to see the status of the photo taken. That's right, where is this photo stored?"

Because Cien knows that his cell phone doesn't have anything other than the Kirana Shop application. Only then did he realize that there was no gallery or memory as an option to save the photos he took.

So, after a while of searching. The camera can only take one photo to give status to the object, after that, the photo will disappear when he wants to take the next photo.

"Useless. Aish…"

Cien then sat cross-legged behind the protective layer, he watched the Inferno Bear still trying to force its way in.

The monster spat out flaming hot lava at him, but the lava couldn't pass through the barrier. Tried attacking with earth magic, but the magic couldn't pass through the barrier. Attacking the barrier with its mana-coated claws, but not a single scratch left on the protective layer.

"This barrier is really great!"

Cien was amazed by the defense capabilities his phone provided. However, he still has a problem that worries him. What if the bear never leaves there?

The amount of food that is inside the protective layer is very limited. There would be times where he would have to venture outside.

Cien then looked at the knife beside him, then at the branch of the tree he had cut earlier that was stuck to the ground in front of him.

"Maybe I can try."

Cien looked around him, then his eyes focused on the sack containing the wild plants that would be his food. He tore off the top of the sack, turning it into a piece of rope.

With the rope, he took the stuck branch, then tied the kitchen knife at the end of the branch.

An improvised spear was successfully made. Cien stood up, then played with his spear a little, feeling the balance and strength of the spear.

"Not very good, but this is enough for now."

He then looked at the bear beast who was still trying to desperately go inside. Cien smiled mischievously.

'When the mana within the bear has run out, that's where the opportunity appears!'

For the next hour, Cien just silently watched the Inferno Bear attack the barrier. Occasionally he would taunt and challenge the monster when the big bear wanted to rest.

When he felt that the bear's anger would subside, Cien would taunt him and thrust his spear with all his might. So the bear got angry again and attacked him again.

After an hour of relentless attacks with various terrifying magics. Inferno Bear finally lay limp and drained of mana.

His body still looks scary, but now there are several stab wounds that were given several times by Cien. Inferno Bear seemed to know that he would die if he stayed there. So, after lying down for a bit, he immediately moved to get away.

Of course Cien did not waste this opportunity. When the monster just turned around to leave. He ran out quickly, even though he was only Rank 2, still his physique exceeded that of the average human.

"Water Balls!"

As he stepped out of his comfort zone, Cien immediately created a ball of water with his magic and shot the ball at the back of the Inferno Bear's head.

The power of the water ball shot was fairly weak. But Cien's aim was not to shoot to injure it. But to cover the Inferno Bear's head with water. He wanted to keep it from breathing for a few seconds.

Inferno Bear who immediately felt his head being submerged accidentally choked. It panicked but with just one claw, the ball of water burst like a water balloon.

Three seconds.

That was the time Cien got, in that much time, he was already in front of the Inferno Bear who was standing on two legs and panting from choking.

The Inferno Bear's gaze suddenly stunned when it realized the human prey was already in front, smiling as the spear started to stab it.

Inferno Bear had no time to dodge. The tip of Cien's spear, which was a kitchen knife, managed to stab chin and then penetrate through the brain and came out from the top of the bear's head.

Inferno Bear's body convulsed for a moment before it finally breathed its last.


Cien took out his spear and twirled it around. The Inferno Bear's body, which had lost its life, immediately fell.

Monsters as strong as Rank 6 had been successfully killed. Cien still couldn't believe it, but he couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face.

"Hehehe, meat… meat!Yes! MEAT! Hahahaha!"