
Arrogant chef and his leg rest



An expensive bottle of Chateau Lafite was laying broken on a table and driping down onto the cold kitchen floor next to it a figure of a young man holding some sort of a letter in his trembling hands.

"N-No...this can't be!? How can you leave me..."said the young man, his voice shaking.

------Scene change

"You lazy old jiji im going to strangle you when i see you next time!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LEFT FOR A TRIP TEHE AGHHH!!!" a shout is heard from the kitchen of the restaurant shocking all the staff and diners outside. (A/N:EHE TE NANDAYO)

The shout came from the grandson of the world famous chef Noa Keller, Akira Keller.Akira was standing in a puddle of wine with smoke coming out of his ears reading the letter his grandfather left him with an andress for him to go to and enroll into a culinary school.



"Hahh...what to expect from this unreliable old fool."Akira took a deep breath and calmed down leaving the letter aside deciding to finish the cooking for the day before thinking what to do next.

------Scene change

Akira was taking a bath to relax reading the letter again"Seems like this place is gonna be closed for a bit again." Akira is used to his grandfather leaving on random trips but never before has he not said anything about it and he even left him a task this time to go to school.Many would't know but this young man had to run the 3 Michelin star restaurant alone multiple times across last 5 years, sometimes even for half a year at a time.Akira has just turned 15 this year when his grandfather decided to dissapear again.

"Damn i have to go to Japan huh...Totsuki i wonder if it will give me a challenge" though Akira in his heart with a manic grin creeping up his face.

------Scene change


"Wow!This is a number one school in size thats for sure" said Akira shocked by the sheer size of the mountain and amount of buildings Totsuki academy has. He continue on his way towards the exam site his granpa left him, on the way there he even saw some blond arrogant looking kid with another what he assumed examine.Proceding past them not caring for kids squables he reached a place with a lot of kids gathering and waiting.Not long after arriving the test judge came and silence took the crowd which soon turned into panic and a mob of people running away.Akira could see a blond haired girl talking with another pink haired one.

"We will report it that none passed."

"It would seem that clears up my schedule for the day Hisako?"

"H-Hi Erina sama..."

*imput steamy over the top hisakoxerina scene*

"Um sorry but when will the test start?"asked a redhaired boy shocking the duo not expecting anyone to stay.

Akira was still shocked by the scene he saw that he only registered others when the blond examiner decided the theme.

"I want you to make me a dish using egg as the main ingridient!"said Erina arrogantly looking down on the redhaired boy who put his hand on her shoulder triggering the pink haired girl into pushing him away.

"So egg is the only restriction?"asked Akira bored of their arguing after understanding the situation seeing who she is closely.Nakiri Erina the girl with the God's Tongue.This question shocked the girls again not expecting more people.

"Well then sit tight real quick Ojou-chan"said Akira sarcasticaly getting ready to cook with the redhaired boy joining him.

Ignoring everthign else Akira got to work, he is making one of his favourite traditional Italian dishes Fritata. Frittata ai fiori to be more precise. Frittata ai fiori is a traditional Italian egg-based dish that's especially popular in Calabria. The frittata is made with a combination of eggs, fiori di sambuco (elderflower blossoms), olive oil, salt, and pepper. The eggs are whisked with salt and pepper, then mixed with the blossoms.

The combination is cooked in a pan with olive oil until the eggs begin to set around the edges, and the pan is then transferred to the oven and the dish is baked until the center starts to rise.Akira kept it simple yet the way he handles the knife speaks of his experience all a person on the side could see is a blur mincing up the ingridients.

While he was finish up his dish the redhaired boy presented his "Transforming chicken rice" as he called it. Akira took a second look at the boy he now found the name is Souma he saw the talent and potential he is exuding almost on par with or maybe even higher than the blonde ojou-chan which made him grin madly."Maybe this school won't be as boring."mumbled Akira while he aproached to present his dish.

"Here you go Frittata ai fiori Keller style, enjoy"

"Keller!?That old monster that is on par with my grandfather in the culinary worl?"thought Erina silently shocked by her assumtion.

"Hmph!" shrugin it off she took a bite of the Fritata and didnt feel anything but when she opened her eyes to say something she was shocked in front of her was a small Italian village with old people working and kids running around happily playing, it was a trully peacful and comfortable moment and then it switched the eggs flavour hit her and changed the scene to a rainstorm of eggs being drowned in them.

"So how is it!? Do i pass your test!"asked Akira with a grin on his face snapping Erina out of her trance.

"I-it..it's ok."said Erina confused about what she felt in that dish that made her the God Tongue aprove of it not realising the shock she caused her pink haired friend and an Old fellow hidding behind the scene.

------Scene change

One month after the entrance examination, Senzaemon Nakiri, the director of Tōtsuki, was welcoming the 92nd Tōtsuki Generation into Tōtsuki Culinary Academy and giving his entrance speech, declaring that 99% of them would be "sacrificial stepping stones" to polish the remaining 1% "gems" of the academy. To conclude his speech, Senzaemon motivated all students to keep up their best effort and devote their studies to achieve their goal.

"Now we have two transfer students joinging us today and we welcome them to say a couple of words on the stage.Yukihira Souma"

Yukihira in his speech declared that he will be the one to stand at the top of Tōtsuki at the end of their high school life and will use everyone as stepping stones to get there and he can't lose to people who never even served customers. All of the students at the ceremony did not take his comment well and angrily booed him as he walked off the stage after wishing everyone well.

"A-Akira Keller please come next"said the anouncer still shocked by the previous speech.

"Haiyah i gotta apologize for my fellow chefs words but there is truth to what he said, 99% are to be steping stones among you for the rest 1% as our Director said. Ah but don't count me in your petty kiddy squables who im competing against are the chefs out there in the storm and this academy as a whole is just a leg rest for me not even a steping stone since i already surpassed all of you."




A/N: Aight tbh i wrote this just cause i rly want a rly arrogant but OP chef to pop in the story and just demolish Totsuki students without even considering them an obstacle not even a steping stone as much as a relaxing breeze to take a break from the real world competition and in this case the storm most chefs get lost in ,in the anime.Lemme know how ya feel about this i might actually write a proper story this is very badly writen since i spent like 1 hr just slaping together random ideas.