
The smell and sound that melts a heart.

Right now both Joichiro and Sanji are walking in a forest.

"So old man what did the doctor say about me and WHY ARE WE IN THIS FOREST"

"well I'm looking for.. he looks down here it is some Kuzo" I'm experimenting with it."

Sanji twitch his eyebrows he fell victim of some of his experiments

"So the doctor what did he say" As he found some interesting berries"

He gathered a bunch and placed them in a bundle in the basket Sanji was carrying

"So your 5 years old even through you look about 8 and your birthday is March 2 but seeing how were not going to be able to register you because you'll be traveling with me for a while you will enter at the same time as Soma."

"I see it doesn't matter about school but after this are we going to meet my little brother"

Joichiro thinks for a second and says "Nah we can wait first I have a meeting with a old friend" he says mysteriously

"Oh did the doctor say anything else?" The doctor seemed to enjoy me too much to seem like he didn't find anything strange with me

"Yeah" he looks at me and says "you strong like especially your legs like they were trained to beat a bear with a kick... but your hands are really strange."

"Whats wrong with my hands " Sanji says as he looks at his hands

"Your hands are like a Sergent hands or a professional chef. Like they were naturally be able to cut and feel with precision. I believe you have your generations the Gods touch"

"Gods Touch? whats that? Sanji looks at questioningly at his step father

"Every generation there are people born with great abilities. Their senses are greater than normal. for example there is the Gods tongue that can taste any type of flavor and understand what makes it better. They say if you have one your destine to be a great chef and you have one. However just possession one doesn't mean you will achieve greatness some fall and never recover. I explained about the senses early remember.

"Yeah I remember but old man your a great chef does that mean you possess a God sense"

"Me haha I wonder" he say mysteriously as we walk of the forest then they take a taxi to go to Nakiri family'"but dcont you care about how strong your body is especially your legs.

'why does that sound familiar ugh my head hurts...Im sure its better left unknown'

"Well strong legs isn't going to help me cook better and using legs is better than hands because if you lose your hands you cant cook anymore"

"haha true, so lets go" as they walk and out of the taxi and walk to some a old building...

They went inside then visit a old lady and Joichiro and this old lady talk for a bit. He introduces his son to the lady and they talked for awhile. The old lady said something about trying some of his cooking later but Joichiro says they're actually runining late. The lady was thinking about how the person once known as the demon has changed...

They then said bye and went to a mansion

Sanji is shocked he has his mouth opening and says "pops do you have a sugar mama by chance"

Joichiro lips twitch "no there was only one woman for me and this is a old friend of mine only my friend is home."

They went to the back of it and went inside and got changed in one of the rooms. Joichiro changed into a professional white chef's uniform. he then had a black apron around his waiste and Sanji was wearing a white jacket blue pants.

"So whom your friend as they walk and see a old man drinking tea the old man smiles and is surprise to see a boy with and they talk for a bit and Sanji cheekly asks his father

"So your going to rob them. stealing is bad" Sanji gives a sneaky smile.

"Brat shut up and you aren't quailified to too cook for him"

"Tst" 'just wait till i beat you old man'

"Just play over there while I prep"

"whatever can I play the piano when hes eating?"

"You can play?"

"I feel I can dont know why but I want to try"

the old man starts laughing that sounds like a great idea how about you do that"

Since Sanji wasn't allowed to help prep he went walking around till he bumped into a girl.

{POV Sanji}

"Im sorry for that...miss?" 'I almost forgot Im a kid again. Wow shes cute I can set her up as one of my woman in the future a girl that isnt ripe yet' I bend down and put my hand out

"she pushes my hand away and says watch where your going and what are you doing in my grandfather home" She says then she flips her hair a little but I see shes blushing.

"Oh my father went to talk to him for a while why don't we talk for a while maybe I can cook you something. "

"no judging from your looks I bet everything you cook will need to go in the trash... but if you want to"

That pissed me off and I say "What right to you say that my food goes in the trash when you haven't tried it. besides you should never waste food."

"well my father says that food should go in the trash if it isn't good. I do have the Gods tongue"

I was surprise that she has the gods tongue that father talked about but still pissed off at her and ay

"Your father is wrong"

"No your wrong"


"your disgusting"

"your ugly "

"you can't call a girl ugly"

"I meant your personality but if your talking about looks no comment"

"Why I never "

I am so pissed off I was about to walk away and ask her in a condescending voice and ask her

the same thing father asked me

"For a cook what is the most important sense??"

"Obvious the taste"

I then shake my head and say the same thing my father said to me but modified into my own version and finish with

But more important is imagined sight. What you expect to see should be a part of the cooking process. if you dont understand that you have a long way to go!"

She was in a daze for a while but I ignore her and walk away to where my father and Mr Nakari are.

I feel her gaze on me. as she just stares. I realize I lost my cool...

So when my father was still in the kitchen almost done I walked to the piano

For some reason I remember all the songs from my original world and how to masterly play these instruments. I also know how to sing and some novels from my original world and many other skills like haki but I lost lots of memories too but that's not important.

I think of that girl... I know she seems lonely so I want something that she will like but first for Mr. Nakari. Father says he helped him out a long time ago...Oh I got a song for him

"Ok Mr. Nakari I'll play the piano now and sing a song on how my father felt after traveling." the old man was shocked and just nodded

I then played Soredemo sekai wa utsukushii - Beautiful rain

As my father come out with food he is shocked with the music and thinks about meeting his wife and having soma...

{POV Erina}

Who does he think he is lecturing me. He makes me so irritated I hate him. the only thing he has to go with him is hes cute... no hes not cute his words messed with my head thats all.

Huh whats that smell and what that noise. Tears fall down her eyes and she follows the sound and smell and sees her grandfather and another man serving him food and on the side she sees that boy again playing the piano... that beautiful song came from him...

"Grandfather? and who is that man"' 'what a wonderful smell' I smiled ( I cant remember the last time I smiled ) The boy stops playing then my stomach growls embarrassing... but the boy doesn't laugh. everyone looks at me

"Erina" I look away shyly

"Come now, Senzamon-dono, this isn't what we agreed onto. I only came because you said you'd make sure no one else was around." The man said with his arm on grandfather


I lowered my head and said "My taste-testing appointment was canceled by the client. "

" I see. Erina this is an old friend of mine. This is a private meal. I'm sorry but-"

I bow and say "I'm sorry." I turn around and said"I'll go now" but my stomach again embarrassing.

"Erina-chan was it? So your Azami's ....If you like you may stay and try some. Its a bit lonely with just the two of us at the table"

"hey dad what about me" the boy says upset

"oh I though you were going to play music your cooking still needs some work" "Tst"

I laugh at their exchange the man says thats his son hes cheeky all the time..I agree

I sit at the table and then taste the food ' amazing food can taste like this' the boy starts playing the piano he said its called Saori Hayami - Yasashii Kibou it was like I was locked in a tower and rescued by prince charming

'this is totally different from anything else I've eaten. its fun ' the boy smiled at me and said beautiful smile I pretended I didnt hear him... Its not like i forgiving him...but I was having so much fun' but it ended way too soon. they were leaving the man had his chef kit in one hand on his back and the boy too just with his jacket... he looked cute...

"u umm May I know your name? " I look at the man

he thinks for a while and says Saiba and then I look at the boy my age and he says its Sanji

The three of us then proceed to take a picture Im nervous then the boy goes and hugs me and says he'll make me his wife when he surpasses his father in cooking...the picture was taken with him hugging me. So embarrassing he ruined a picture I had with Saiba-sama. but I saw he was bright red in the photo. They then left and the boy then runs up to me and took my first kiss and kissed me on the cheeks He then apologies for what he said before and gave me a necklace and runs away saying your my wife now don't forget me. and runs away

"Who wants to be your wife" I pout but I was kind of happy... if he can become a better chef then.. nonono that's impossible...

Everything was good but

"Never let an imperfect dish to pass. Anything other than what I your father acknowledge is trash"



Six months after I met them my father education begin...

***at that time in the yukihira dinner***

Damn I lost again

"Hey nii-san do you think I can try to compete with you guys.."

"Oh you want to join our fun" A year of losing caused me to want revenge on someone "sure little brother I'll teach you how to cook"

"Hey your still too young to teach him anything let me show him how to cook"

"Oh is that a challenge old man I wont lose this time. "

"Oh really I do have to test one of my new experiments "

"wait dad niisan what about me"

"Soma sometimes men have to compete with each other

"yeah your not a man if you back down from a challenge:

"the winner is Joichiro "

"haha so I'm the one will teach Soma "

Sanji didnt realize he Joichiro was teaching Soma a year earlier than in the Manga...well he forgot this was a manga world.

I'm wondering if I should make a time skip or not.

well please like comment and review

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts