
chapter 3

Temple of heaven The whole hall was decorated with lantern, and many visitors were roaming in the courtyard with smile on his face. A beautiful young man sitting in the main hall was flavoring the fine alcohol in the glass, but the fine wine made his eyebrows a little wrinkle and his expression was bitter bitter. He looked at a hoist in the hall, and the presence of the lost soul was like a lost love. "Is not this Prince Alvin? At this time, a voice was heard, and I saw that a fat and crazy man is coming with a great alcohol." Oh, this is the master of the wild animal sect. Alvin rotated his head, and when he saw the person who came, he forced him to smile. He fought the cup and hello to the crazy animal sect master. "I did not expect that you will come, Mad Beast Sect Master. Crazy animal sect could not help master laugh," Prince Alvin, your word is a little sudden, the empress is married, does not dare the force of our donggsguo? "" Uh, that's what I said. Alvin nodded. The mad animal sect Master raised his head and took alcohol in a sip, seen alvin which looked down, and ah, "said that the purpose of the marriage of the Queen is worthless today, it is worthless in the monster sect. This is a ... It's a way, alvin unconscious wine glass tight caught and just smiled. The crazy animal sect was a glow of deep meaning in the eyes of the master, he casting alvin, and it was something to mean. "I have heard that Prince Alvin, you have praised the empress for a long time. At my glance, you are the third prince of Dongxinguguo, which are worthy of empire. How can you afford a waste?" "If I would have noticed you, then I certainly do not give up losses. This woman was feeling open to the pain of Alvin, and his face looked a little, and he visited a little enough." Elvin could have to face his head? His expression was desolate, he was more, said, and went to the rest of the hall. Walking an abound, Running a false ridicusion, as a time was more than the time, the more time was gathered, a semantic gurus was a great emperor and a holy goddess in the hall ... This is a great master, a country's great emperor and a sacred goddess ... all the time is coming to participate in the wedding marriage function. This old man went into the top of the hall, slowly in the red robe, he was immediately. He was immers, who had headed the wedding ceremony. "Everybody, please be calm. The old master of the celebrations fought your hands to indicate dry cough and hall to stay in the hall. For a time, the hall fell into silence. At this time, whether it is the owner of the sect, be the emperor, or the son of the gods and the daughter, they all maintained complete silence. Because they know that the Queen is coming! Now the eighth generation leader of the demon sect, the brutal marriage hall of Women's Emperor Amelia, please keep the full silence. "Now, please, the Queen is here!" As soon as the words of the owner of the fastest, the breath of the great emperor was suddenly descended in the hall, the face of countless strong men changed a lot, and their body could not be up and could not move! Is this the former power of the Powerhouse of the Emperor Realm? ! Boom! The Hall's door was opened by Aura, and I saw Amelia, wearing red dresses, walking from outside the hall, with light steps and a cruel face. With every step, a double animal emits. In the hall, a group of people saw Amelia in Awamay, and their hearts were filled with fanatic! Alvin saw Amelia, his heart suddenly became restless, he took his fist, and his heart was filled with reluctance. Seeing Amelia powerful strength and amazing beauty, the group has not understood a group of strong men in the hall that the Queen should be married to waste. A mere extraction, how can he be favored by the Queen? Is she worthy? In the hall for a while, the son of God was reluctant to grind his teeth, and the prince was angry. Can they be better than a waste Amelia quickly went on the top of the hall, was lightly light up, with a nostalgic expression, such as the people were not the visitor, but was a group of ants. "Cough cough, since Lady's Queen has already visible, we will invite anyone to marry Lady Queen, Brandon" as soon as the voice, strong men of the strong men in the hall suddenly, their eyes were shown, and their hearts were full of anticipation. What kind of useless person married to the Queen is? Inside the hall, it was cool. After a few minutes, Brandon still did not appear. "Cough, please come to Brandon!" The old master of the celebrations spoke strange cough and again. "..." outside the hall, there was still no stir. After this, the old master of the celebrations sculpted a lot, and almost ten minutes passed, and Brandon did not appear in the field of everyone's vision yet. All the powerhouse has a strange expression on the face. This trash is actually in that hall where he had married the Queen, and did not appear long? Can it be that he felt that he was not worthy of goddess, so he ran away? However, this behavior is undoubtedly not killing the empress? Only Alvin, originally dead hearted in his heart was suddenly ignited again. If the trash ran away, would it mean that he had the chance? Just when everyone in the hall seemed strange, the voices of huge steps and gasping were coming from outside the hall. I saw that a beautiful young man came out of the hall. This person was Brandon. He did not want to come late, but who would have thought that the place in Amazia was actually 10,000 meters from the temple of heavenly monsters! Using a gun of Huagi Master, he ran for more than ten minutes before coming. The Brandon went into the hall and found that many of them were looking at a strange look of surprises, and he could not help in scratching his head. "The first time is getting married, I am late, I am ashamed ..." Listen to this, a group of strong people in the hall was weird expressions, almost crazy. For the first time wedding? Sorry for coming late? You have married the Queen! Lady Queen's marriage function, as the hero, dare to come late! ? "I do not really know that live or die, and you really give the queen wait for dozens of minutes in vain. Can you delay it?" Seeing Brandon, Alvin Envy immediately ignited. Is this young man not slightly more than ourselves? However, strength can get full crushed! Why is he worthy of goddess? Listening to voice, Brandon saw and slightly frozen, this man has made him uncomfortable. My wife and I am married, is it no one of your business to come late? "Do not worry, regardless of how much time delay, it will not delay the time of the wedding night with the Queen and I will be delayed!" "What?" "He still wants to spend candle night with the Queen?" At this time, a group of strong people in the hall was shocked. According to rumors, the woman is not close to the emperor men! Ding! When a group of strong people was shocked, the voice of the system was heard in Brandon's mind. [You stunned the third prince of Dongxingguo! आपने You stunned the community master of the Creaty Beast Sect! आपने You stunned the holy male of tiancich! [[You shoot the emperor of the Great Xia Empire! [[You shook the Holy Son of Light! ... ... [[Congratulations to host four shakings and giving the "Mallest Devil's palm" of the ground level martial arts! [[I am faster than martial arts from ten times! [["Satan's palm" has been successfully understood! जब When Brandon was inquiry martial arts in his mind, then Amelia was a bit above the hall. After checking Brandon looked at Alvin, besides, my wife has no objection. What is you early, an outdoor person? Speaking of which, Brandon saw Amelia, on the eyes, and smiling, "said in fact? Wife. Amelia did not change his face at all, just nodded lightly. Seeing this scene, the face of the surrounding powerhouse changed a little, the face of the alvic immediately became black like the coal, he fell to his teeth, and the deep voice fell. "Boy, I want to challenge you! Do you adopt it to accept it?