
Shock! The Spell Is In English!

"Lugh woke up to find that he had transmigrated to a hundred million years later. Earth was now in the midst of a magical era, where mages were icons of nobility, commanding the energies of the world and unleashing devastating spells. Despite his transmigration, Lugh realized that he was a piece of trash when it came to magic, but just as he was giving up on being a mage, he realized in shock that the world’s magics were written in English! Unimaginable power could be obtained when the incantations are read. Saying Thousandfold Meditation accelerated training by ten thousand times, allowing one to reach the level of Archwizard in a single day. Likewise, saying Super Flame Dragon would conjure a divine dragon of flames that stood ten thousand meters tall, while Billion Thunderbolts would summon dark clouds, with a billion thunderbolts descending upon a target in the blink of an eye. Hence, with this special talent, Lugh became the youngest God of Mystics in the era of magic under a year! "

Soy Sauce San · Fantasy
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683 Chs

Instant Defeat

Translator: Simple MTL Editor: Simple MTL

Bania said loudly, "I won't go into details about the rules of the competition. All pets will be recalled."

Lugh recalled the Stormhawk, and Shelley also recalled the Azure Eagle.

"Are you all ready?"

"I'm ready."

"Then, let the competition begin."

In an instant, Bania leaped into the air and disappeared in front of the two of them.

After the battle began, Lugh and Shelley quickly summoned their pet beasts.

The Stormhawk flew high into the sky, and Shelley and his two pet beasts followed closely behind.

On the ground, a Fire Spirit that was burning with crimson flames floated in the air, and a Giant Diamond Python stood in front of Shelley.

The Giant Diamond Python was like a small mountain, blocking Lugh's line of sight.

On Lugh's side, the Bloodthirsty Hell Vine had just appeared when it disappeared from the ground.