

The village that took him in was wipe out by demons. Now he must return to the world that had forgotten him. Shiro will face many challenges… slay many demons and face the troubles of his unforgettable past.

The_Advent91 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Revalations

The moon shines brightly as snow falls silently over a abandoned village. The homes are blacken by a fire that happen three years ago…

A figure stands on the snow covered ground in the middle of the village. It's a boy who looks to be fifth teen years of age. He is a tall, fair-skinned young man, he has piercing silver eyes and spiky, white hair. He also has jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face. He is a handsome young man. He is wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black ninja pants with white medical tape wrapped around his legs, he is wearing a wearing a short-sleeved long white haori over his attire, closed in the front by a thin, blue rope. The haori is decorated by silver flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "White Dragon" (ホワイトドラゴン, White Dragon) written vertically down the back and black tabi (ninja shoes) on his feet.

He is a holding a katana in his right hand, it had traditional gold wrapping, with black ornaments, and the Tsuba (鍔, Tsuba? lit. "guard") is octagonal. The tsuka-ito seems to be braided from white and dark blue material. The blade features several intricate ornaments, most notable is a relief of a dragon at the endpoint of the hilt and with an ornate bronze guard with dragon motifs.

The young swordsman closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He concentrates as a sliver energy engulfs his body. The sliver energy intensifies as it builds up in power. The snow around the swordsman feet melts from the heat of the sliver energy revealing the burnt and blacken ground underneath.

"AHHH UGH!!!" he yelled as his white turned jet black.

The ground began to crack from the pressure of the power buildup. Chunks of burnt earth exploded around him.

"AHH!" he yelled as he opened his eyes to reveal that have changed from his regular sliver to a fierce dark blue.

The sliver energy exploded once more before fading back into the swordsman body. The now black haired swordsman stares at the empty village with his blue eyes. This sliver energy is called Reiryoku (Spiritual Power). He holds his katana out to his side and channels his Reiryoku into the blade as the sword starts to glow a light blue. He closes his eyes again as he begins to rise from the ground to ascend into the air.

He stops ascending when is he is ten feet in the air. He looks at the village that was once his home, the village that took him and offered him sanctuary, the village that his grandfather founded. All these thought's raced through the young swordsman mind as tears fell from his eyes.

"I miss you grandpa.. I swear on my fallen clan I will avenge you all." He said as he raised his glowing katana in the air.

He stops ascending when is he is ten feet in the air. He looks at the village that was once his home, the village that took him and offered him sanctuary, the village that his grandfather founded. All these thought's raced through the young swordsman mind as tears fell from his eyes.

The falling snow flaks stared to glow silver they gathered together and started to grow and take the shape of the swordsman katana. The snow flakes formed eight swords the glowed with the power of the swordsman's Reiryoku.

"WINTER BLADES!" he yelled as he swung his sword in a vertical slash causing the ice katanas to fly downward towards the village.


The village went up in a silver-blueish mushroom cloud. The village was wipe away, nothing was left. The swordsman floated back down to the ground and landed gracefully. His hair chained back to its normal white and his green eyes reverted back to their piercing sliver. He looked around the scene he created , seeing nothing but smoke.

When the smoked cleared all that was left of the village was a massive crater.

The young swordsman sheaths his katana and looks at the crater one last time and walks away. Tears fall from eyes with every step he take, he sees a pink lotus tree that is four feet away from he takes a deep breath and runs to it. He wraps his arms around the trunk of the tree crying. His tears melt into the bark, creating what appears to be a water drop.

As the sword gets closer to the water drop it slowly becomes surrounded by water and turns into a large block of ice. When it finished freezing it drops and lands in the center of the crater next to a Sakura tree. As the young swords man moves away the Sakura tree the pink petals start to glow white and begin to blow of the tree branches and float in the air. The petals glow brighter as they around into a circle and begin to take the form of a elder man with long white hair. It has a sad expression on its face. He is dressed in a royal blue robe with white dragons wrapped the the sleeves, he has a blueb haori over it with white a white lotus flower on the back and he has gray tabi on his feet. This man is Hakushoku hikari (White Light).

"G-grandpa?!" the swordsman cried as he dropped his sword and ran to his grandpa.

"Shiro-kun." Hakushoku said as held his arms wide open.

The now named Shiro got the message loud and clear and ran into his grandfather's arms and cried his heart out.

"Grandpa!" Shiro cried as Hakushoku wrapped his arms around him.

"Shush it's ok Shiro-kun, death is never the end of life but the start of a spiritual journey." Hakushoku said as he rubbed his grandsons back to calm him down.

Hakushoku letted go of Shiro and looked at him with a warm smile he looks at the crater that Shiro created with his Spirit Power and sighs.

"I-I killed every last demon that attacked the village, b-but I couldn't save the villagers, our clean and… I couldn't save you." Shiro said as he started crying in front of Hakushoku.

Hakushoku placed a hand on his grandson's shoulder and gave him a sad smile.

"You fought with all your heart and with all your strength and for that I am proud Shiro-kun. Those demons found our village because of me." Hakushoku said as walked over to the crater.

"What do you mean grandpa?" Shiro asked walked over to his grandfather's side.

"I was a demon once Shiro-kun and I was very powerful one. I was the right hand to the demon king Kokushibyō but all of that change when I met a female monk named Yara. She taught me the true meaning of kindness and compassion and made me want to protect humans not hurt them like I used too. The day after my encounter with her I resigned from being a demon general and swore never to return to the world of darkness ever again." Hakushoku said he stared into the crater.

"Grandpa I understand, but I don't understand how did you stop being a demon." Shiro said sounding confused.

"Yara spent a few years with me teaching me about Reiryoku she explained to me that Reiryoku is s a power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by the Shinigami and other spiritual beings to provide power for their various abilities. You see Shiro-kun every spiritual being and every Human has a certain amount of Reiryoku. If this amount is higher than a certain degree, it grants the person superhuman abilities. Those with such an above-average level of Reiryoku are very rare among living Humans. The most basic ability that Humans with a higher level of Reiryoku have is the ability to see ghosts: Pluses, The Shinigami clan and Demon alike. The Shinigami essentially was a clan with very high levels of Reiryoku who received special training to utilize their powers. Reiryoku is most quickly increased when a Soul is in a life-or-death situation. Demons and other spirits use their Reiryoku to catch their prey. Because of Reiryoku I was able to destroy my demon side and infuse my with pure energy." Hakushoku said as he turned to face Shiro.

"When I found you in the garden laying near the koi pond I knew there was something special about. I sensed chakra inside of you but your body was unknowingly absorbing Reiryoku and when I performed the white dragon ritual on you, my blood became your blood. When the demons attacked our village and killed everyone you absorbed all of their Reiryoku and the same thing happened when you killed the demons." Hakushoku said as his tone became serious.

Shiro looked at his grandfather in utter shock. He didn't what to think of it all.

"Grandpa what is it that your saying?" Shiro asked.

Hakushoku took a deep breath and placed his hands ok Shiro's shoulder's.

"Shiro-Kun listen to me carefully because I can only hold this form for a few more minutes. You have absorbed so much Reiryoku that your not human anymore because of this you have Immeasurable Spiritual Power. Basically you are a God tier supernatural being. This also means you have to become stronger, but you will also gain the attention of all types of demons. My time is up my grandson I love you with all my heart." Hakushoku said Shiro one last time as body burst into sakura petals and blew into the winter wind.

Shiro smiled to himself and walked away from the crater. He walked back to the sakura and looked down to see a blue scroll with a white dragon engraved on the front of it float into his hands. It was a scroll given to him by Hakushoku. He sat down and and unrolled the scroll and started to read it:

"My dear grandson, you have came far from when I found you in front of the koi pond in the garden.

You have grown into a fine young man and for that I'm very proud of you. There are three things that I want you to know Shiro so please read this scroll carefully.

Firstly during the years that Yara-chan was teaching me about Reiryoku we grew closer and we fell in love. That's right Shiro-kun Yara became my wife so she would have been your adoptive grandmother. She was beautiful, she had long white hair that looked like snow and gray eyes that looked as mysterious as the moon itself.

Secondly I know this comes as a shock to you because you have have white hair and gray eyes just like Yara-chan. You see Yara became pregnant with our son Shirubāmūn and when he was born he out he had inherited his mothers looks. Shirubāmūn grew up to be a fierce swordsman, but he was murdered by some demons. His Reiryoku for some reason infused itself with the lotus tree near the koi pond. When you came to this world you absorbed Shirubāmūn's Reiryoku and you took on his image. He lives within you.

Lastly the katana that I gifted you was Shirubāmūn's. Is called Honjo Masamune its blade was made from the tooth of a white dragon. That sword was used to separate our world from the demons. Hojo Masamune is far sharper than ordinary blades, and is imbued with tremendous demonic and angel Reiryoku. It to cut through anything, even the very fabric of space itself. This ability of the sword's creates portals for its wielder to travel through.

There is so much more that Hojo Masamune, but you have to discover that for yourself Shiro-kun. You must remember that Reiryoku exists throughout all living creatures so the entire universe is connected to each other. Therefore, as the cosmos has its cycle of life, death, rebirth, and change, so too does everything else in the world.

Remembere you are the legacy of the white dragon. Our clan lives on through you.

With love from your grandpa, Hakushoku hikari.

Tears fell from shiro's eyes as he placed the scroll on the snow covered ground. He grabbed the scroll and placed it inside his haori. He stood up and walked away from the sakura tree as the wind blew through his white hair. He smiled as the cold breeze washed over him.

His smile faded as his face became serious. He pulled Honjo Masamune with its sheath in one fluid motion. He takes a breath and slashed the air in a vertical slash. Whit energy started to crackle in the air as the fabric of space itself open up into a swirling portal. Shiro hesitated at first but he calmed his nerves as he walked towards the portal.

He turned his head to look at the land that he was raised in, his home.

"Thank you grandpa." Shiro said as he sheathed his sword and enter the portal.

The portal cracked with white energy as Shiro entered it closed behind him leaving nothing behind but empty land and snow. Shiro reached inside his shirt and pulled out a amulet with a silver stone attached to it. He smiles warmly at it.

"I won't let you down grandpa." Shiro said as the white energy created a bridge of energy for Shiro to walk on.

The energy bridge leads Shiro to a door that is made out of cosmic energy and sits next to an enormous chakra core which burns bright blue with a red aura around it.

Shiro steps forward and placed his right hand on the door. As soon has did the the blue chakra from the core mixed in with the red and turned purple. The purple chakra flew from the core and spread to the door. The door glowed and opened.

"I'm back." Shiro whispered. He sighed as he walked through the door the purple chakra glowed brightly as the door closed.

As you can see bleach was a major influence on this chapter. But to make it clear this not a bleach crossover. Only certain elements of from bleach will be used. But Devil May will be the main influence when it comes to major plots. This still a Naruto fanfic with other elements to make up a unique story. Shiro will have Virgil’s personality when it comes to fighting. He is calm and collective when he is not fighting. But when he kills demons he is a strom of death.

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