
Chapter 1. First day at the Academy!

Kiko is a fourteen year old girl, who lives with her mother, since her father passed away. They were not allowed to know what happened to him specifically. All they know is he died while on an assignment. Her mother, Hinata, has always had a serious face ever since then. She had recently been asked to join Shiro Academy.Until she found out her daughter was going the Shiro Academy. That same night, she cried and prayed that nothing would happen to her. She woke up late and was running late for work, so she grabbed her things and as soon as she walks into Kiko's room, she wasn't there. She was looking everywhere in her room, when a sweet aroma came from the kitchen. Kiko had made breakfast and got everything she needed for the academy. Hinata grabbed a container of food and left for work. Meanwhile Kiko was on her way to school.

Kiko was walking to school when she noticed her friends around the corner. She walked up to tell them the great news. When they had heard, they told her they were attending the same academy. She was rejoiced to know she wasn't going alone. Although she was the strongest, her friends were also good company. Blyke, has the ability of energy beam. Which means he can shoot a laser like beam through his fingers and hands, that causes critical damage. Isen, has the power called hunter. Which means he has x-ray vision, telescopic vision, enhanced speed, and strength enhancement. Remi can heal unlimited amounts of people but, it doesn't heal quickly. Arlo is the serious one. He has the barrier ability. He can make a barrier around himself, but not three people at the same time. Blyke's, Isen, Remi, and Arlo are considered high tiers. Kiko is the only god tier going to Shiro Academy.

Kiko and her friends have finally arrived, and they were astounded to see how tall and long the academy is. The principal, Kevin, welcomed the group of friends. He led them to his office and gave them a seat to sit in. He explained to them why they were there. He said "you are here because of your unique abilities. You guys have abilities that no one has had in years. So you guys are going to be targeted by people, so be careful. You are to train and get stronger so you can defend yourselves." After that talk, he introduced Dale who is the doctor at Shiro Academy and has been for three years going on four. "Doc will give you a tour around campus and will answer any question you have to ask" said principal Kev.

Doc led them to the Gymnasium, then the library, showed them their classes, and finally the room that has doors leading to different realms. Each door was different. The door that led to The light of Giza was lightning blue. The Empty had a purple color on the inside with black fading towards the purple. Hell was obviously red mixed with orange. Darkness was just a plain smoky black color. Then there was a hall leading to a locked door and a sign that read, 'Slaughter of Darkness'. Doc told them it was the only forbidden realm to go to, and the lock is protected by a rarest type of magic. Only a god tier, like Kiko, could open it. Isen and Remi has known Kiko since the beginning of first grade. During those times, they now know that she's always done as she's told. So Kiko knew that if it was forbidden, then it must have a big consequence.

After the tour they went to the same class, which was Ms. Alice, who is a single women with dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and black squared shaped glasses. She introduced them to the class. Everyone wanted to know their power and their level. Kiko lied about her level and power. She didn't want people to fear her or get hostile. So she told them she was a level 5.5 and had the power of Heat Palm. They weren't that shocked, but they at least respected her. Unlike them she knows she's the only powerful being at her academy.The group went and sat near each other. Alice told the group of friends that her class was about how to concentrate and keep their powers lasting longer. That way they don't have to go somewhere to recharge their powers. Their next class how to defend themselves in one on one, and hand to hand combat. This teacher was Danny. He likes to joke around a lot even though he's always looking serious.

Next class was Miss Janis. She likes to make sure everyone was doing what she told them. She was the meanest teacher in the academy. She used to be nice until her husband died trying to save a student. Miss Janis teaches students how to treat wounds and how to survive in the wilderness. During class Isen couldn't help but wonder what was being kept inside that door. He wanted to figure out how to get inside and see for himself. So later that day he called a group meeting with his friends at his dorm.