

"What's next on the agenda…?" A young girl's voice said as she looked over the lands at the peak of a mountain as the strong wind blew through her black and white hair.

"Why not go traveling?" An older male's voice had responded.

"It's rare for you to visit without notice, I'll go ready a cup of tea for you." She offered.

"There will be no need." He humbly responded.

"I see… Am I to ask the reason behind one's visit on such a day?"

"You are one to oversee the balance of all things, are you not? The Yin and Yang Dragon." He teased her as he looked at her black and white horns which sweeped backwards

"I'd prefer if you didn't refer to me by that name, Rex Lapis. I'd rather you call me by my name, Shiro." The horned girl glared at him.

"I jest, shall we get to the reason behind my visit?"

"Please." She simply responded.

"You're free to travel the land of Teyvat and observe the other regions."

"...?" She looked at him in confusion.

"You no longer need to serve this land as you once did, you've done enough."

"What about my contract with you?" She questioned.

"We never had one." Rex Lapis simply said. "By that, I mean, we never set it in stone, you're free to explore this world."

"What about The Secretary of the Qixing, Ganyu and The Conqueror of Demons, Yaksha Xiao?" She asked.

"Unlike them, you've never wished to confine yourself to the lands of Liyue, have you?" He knowingly said as the girl went silent.

"Ever since the lands of Liyue were formed and Liyue Harbor was built, it has always been us, the adepti who have protected Liyue, but I feel, the time has come for humans to rule the lands of their own volition, but what do you say on this matter?"

"There comes a time for all to leave the safety of what they once knew, is there not?" She simply asked.

"Indeed there is." Rex Lapis said.

"I should get going." Shiro said as she jumped down from the cliff.

"I advise not choosing to take the form of a young child during your travels." He said while waving as a black and white serpentine dragon soared into the sky from below.