
Shinobi in a world of magic

Yohan, a 13 year old boy who got pushed around by his class mates and abused by his parents, found himself in a rare meeting with truck-kun.

SengokuBangloi · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: Yohan's Combat exam (Part 3)

"Yohan, since when can you use fire magic?" "Was that wind magic too?" "All I saw was streams of airs spewing from his mouth" "Yeah how come?" "I don't believe you don't have any affinities." Yohan's friends were chatting him up, they were extremely curious to how he was able to use elemental magic to such an extent.

"Bah, I'm not that amazing. Snow was a great fighter, she actually had me going there for a few seconds." Yohan chose to be modest and shifted the attention to Snow.

"Yeah her ice magic was awesome!" "I don't think I could even stand against her water or wind magic let alone her ice magic despite me knowing earth magic!" Yohan was successful but, the atmosphere became a bit more dejected.

"Yohan! I saw your next match! It will be with that Klara girl!" Stella said as she came running. Yohan was a bit shocked.

"Really? Is it true?!" Yohan had a maniacal grin growing on his face.

"Uh oh, Yohan's presence is becoming intense" "His expression looks like a crazed battle maniac's." "Well he is the battle junkie." His friends around him noticing the development backed away a bit. Yohan laughed foolishly in an attempt to dispel everyone's weariness.

'I've been curious about her. I want to see if she can put up an awesome fight against me!' The matches went on, Stella had won all 3 of her matches while each of triplet elves won their first 2 and were waiting for their third and final one. Finally the screen displayed Yohan's name and picture.

He got down to the arena, waltzing to the opposite side of his opponent. Yohan reached for his back once more pulling out his war fan. He stared at his opponent with anticipation, she had the same hairstyle as Ino Yamanaka. She stared coldly back with poise.

"Yohan Uchiha, age 11, affinity: none against Klara Price, age 11, affinity: none." The announcer introduced the combatants. "The match will commence in 3...2...1... begin!"

Immediately after the signal, Klara charged with wind on her heels. Yohan watched leisurely as she approached. Once with in a few meters she started using fire magic, releasing it from her hands. Yohan took his weapon and absorbed the flames, he moved closer to Klara. She kept the distance since he had the advantage with reach with his weapon, this way if Yohan planned to cast spells she could interrupt him while harassing him from a distance, though she still had to be weary of his magic. She switched to different elements to inhibit his movement, like earth but, it couldn't buy any time.

"Let's take this up a notch!" Yohan started to step up his speed. Klara now had trouble keeping the distance. He then used [Body Flicker technique] making Klara's cold face show an expression of panic. He swung down his war fan leaving a small crater, Klara narrowly dodged. She didn't rest and used earth magic in order to trap Yohan.

'This girl can make calm choices while being caught off guard, truly level-headed.' Yohan inwardly praised. Meanwhile people were amazed at Yohan disappearing and appearing next to his opponent.

'Teleportation? He has affinity for such an advanced element as space while being able to use it?!' Mistaking his jutsu for being related to space since he was not familiar with the element the Wizard couldn't be anymore impressed with Yohan.

Klara started to fire off sparks of lightning from her fingertips. Yohan side stepped while backing off, the lightning no longer reached him. Yohan then started flying. He rained down a barrage of magic of different elements. Klara countered with elemental advantage to outlast Yohan. A couple of minutes later, Klara stared daggers at Yohan who showed no trace of exhaustion. She had used a quite a bit of mana, around 40%, yet Yohan the absurd flying kid was still sending barrages of magic non stop.

"I can no longer be careless, it's time to bring it out." She mumbled to herself. She retreated a bit and chanted "[Earth Golem]!" A being fashioned of earth arose standing a little over 5 meters tall (16.4 ft).

'Intermediate Spell?!!' The Vice principal as well as the wizard were shocked. 'With her performance just now she can probably skip 2 grades! However she would need to catch up with the material of 2 grades.' The Vice principal was deciding on how to deal with Klara's enrollment.

Yohan had a pleasantly surprised face as he watched the tall creation trying to swat him out of the air with it's large rocky hands. Klara stayed behind her golem to catch her breath since the spell was draining on her, taking a little less than 30% of her mana. She still would take some opportune moments to fire off her magic while Yohan was dodging. Yohan conjured some wind magic but, it left no trace of even a scratch on the creature.

'Sure enough I can't underestimate a spell' Yohan decided to use lightning magic. His hands sparked as a bolts of lightning bounced back and forth his palms.

'Lightning magic as well?!!' The Vice principal looked even more happy. 'Two students that can use elemental magic at such an age so well?! They have a greater chance at being Wizards!'

Yohan proceeded to bombard the creature with his lightning magic. However even then there was just a negligible scratch on the golem's giagantic body. Klara was optimistic at this point. 'Hmm, let's see how you deal with this, I don't believe you can stand this any longer.'

Yohan then started to descended, Klara felt victorious seeing this, thinking he may have started to run out of mana. "You think you're so powerful? Well there's always someone better!" She started to taunt, it was a hard fought battle for her which made it all the more satisfying.

"Yep, you're right." Yohan didn't even oppose her words, she felt uneasy. Yohan landed on the ground across from the golem. The crowd watched the scene and thought it was hopeless for Yohan, seeing the unfazed and seemingly invincible golem.

However, Yohan just clapped his hands, shouting to the top of his lungs. "[Wood Release: 12-Armed Kan'on]!" From the ground emerged a wood Bodhisattva which sat cross legged at 7 meters (23.0 ft) against a sort of wood circle. The Bodhisattva's hands were together like it was praying, it had a head band which had 5 faces on it and 12 thick wooden arms which extended another 5 meters (16.4 ft) like a sort of peacock. It was obviously a much lesser version of the [Kanzeon lotus king] which was a lesser version made without senjutsu chakra of [Sage Art: Wood Style: Shinsu Senju, Veritable 1000-Armed Kan'on]. It dwarfed the golem which despaired Klara. The crowd continued to watch the match which seemed to have to turned into a giant monster fight, though much more intently.

'WHAT IS THIS?! Is this a new element? No one has ever had wood element, but he has a spell for it already! The only thing that comes close is plant magic and yet that's still a far cry!' The Vice principal looked amazed since Yohan could produce something that dwarfs and is more imposing than an intermediate spell. The Wizard almost fainted, this was unprecedented but he was glad that he might be able to see a legend in the making.

Yohan had been working on this jutsu for the past year, since he didn't have a superkage's level of chakra and, sufficient chakra control and molding skills, he could only make do with what he has. His complexion had lost a bit of color, since [Wood Release] needed monstrous amounts of mana. He anticipated the scene of himself commanding this hulking creation in fighting large hordes of monsters, crushing them wave after wave. He could make it larger, however that would be unnecessary and decided to dial it down a bit with this version. However, he can only wait till he becomes an official mage just like his promise.

"I've been meaning to test this out, well it's not like your golem will last long." Yohan had a smile on his face which looked quite devilish. "[Summit Enlightenment]!" The wood Bodhisattva's back arms extended and headed straight for the golem, it smashed it instantly leaving a pile of shattered rock in it's place.

Klara helplessly watched, she had lost the will to fight, the other kids and adults were sympathizing with her for coming across an abnormality.

"How come you were hiding such a trump card?!" Klara asked a question.

"Well, you were too but, you were the most interesting person I've ever fought! You are just like me being able to use all elements." Yohan said. "We're two of a kind."

Klara took that in a slightly wrong way and her heart started to beat faster. Yohan's sincere smile just made it all the more difficult to be angry at being looked down, it didn't show any intention to hurt one's pride. One can't blame someone who does something unintentionally. Since no one the same age as him has ever come close to matching blows with him, he had developed this habit of underestimating his opponents. Klara had understood this after experiencing his strength firsthand.

"I see... I surrender!" Klara conceded.

"Winner Yohan Uchiha!" The announcer declared. The crowd cheered, Yohan had won his 3rd and final match and became the talk of the crowd.

"Yohan, don't think of being beaten by anyone else! I will be the one to put you in your place!" Klara said as she pointed towards him defiantly.

"I'll be looking forward to it!" Yohan beamed. Klara turned away with a flushed face and marched to the changing rooms.

Well would you look at that. Yohan is starting to show off now.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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