
Balalaika Reward

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over 20 chapters in advance

The next morning, Leon told everyone they had a few days off and to get to know their surroundings. But they had to wear civilian clothing that he Pilfered from the previous compounds and hide their identities as Ninjas.

Leon gave Iruka, Hana Inuzuka, and Might Guy $100,000 each, for last night's raid, to spend. He also gave Hana Inuzuka $1 million for medical supplies, and he gave Iruka $1 million for the care of the genins

An hour later, he showed up at Hotel Moscow, with two new guards taking a shift

"{Hi there Conrad, is the Capitan here?}"

"{Hey Yuri, I think this is the Cheeky Mishka, we heard about.}"

"{Aleksei? You do remember that he's Russian like us. So that means he understands everything you're saying, dumbass!}"

"{Sorry about Mishka. I got accustomed to speaking Slavic with Thais around me, not understanding.}"

"{It's OK, Conrad. But is the capital around?}"

"{Oh, yes. She's in her office, you can head up there now if you want. And thank you for cheering me up.}"

Making his way up in the building, Leon finally made it to the Balalaika Office. Entering, he saw that she was having a meeting with Boris.

"{Ah, Mishka your return. Are you here to change your assignment to an easier one? I'll do that if you kiss my feet.}"

Balalaika Set in a playful tone while she was smiling at him.

"{Miss Balalaika I would do that for free. But no, I'm good with the assignment you gave me because it's complete.}"

Leon then threw the folder files onto her desk. Surprising Boris and Balalaika

"{Mishka, you better remember what I told you before, about lying to me.}"

"{No, I remember you can send some of your subordinates to check out the locations. Also, I'm going to need a couple more ID's and papers for my subordinates.}"

"{Bars and some people to check out the three compounds.}"

"{Yes, Captain.}"

Minutes later, they received confirmation that the three compounds were wiped out.

"{What are you, Leon?}"

"{Miss Balalaika I am a Mercenary, taking money to do dirty work. As long as the employer can pay enough, we can disregard justice and conscience, even break moral boundaries, and commit a series of appalling acts. Killing innocents, kidnapping and torturing, stealing information, destroying facilities, creating terrorist attacks, and overthrowing foreign governments.}"

"{So, you and your married band of mercenaries, are trying to make yourself a place in Roanapur. So how much are you asking for wiping out the Bulgarians.}"

"{Yes, and no. I only want to sleep with you. That's why I wiped out the Bulgarians, not for money.}"

Balalaika raised her eyebrow in response

"{You really are an audacious little brat, aren't you? Sergeant, step outside and lock the door.}"

The moment Boris stepped outside Balalaika began to unbutton her suit.

"{Well, are you going to claim your reward!? I am a woman of my word.}"

Leon smiled at Balalaika going for a kiss. He started sucking her tongue, licking her lips while fondling her while taking her clothes off. Casually, he popped one of her tits from her bra and pinched her nipple.

"{You taste so good, Balalaika.}"

"{I'm getting so wet just from your fondling.}"

Taking his hand between Balalaika's legs Leon took off her panties and casually rubbed his fingertips over the pussy then started to finger her. It wasn't long before Balalaika was biting her lip, blushing, and breathing heavier.

"{Right there... Keep doing that. Don't stop. More!}"

Balalaika felt his blunt fingers massaging her cunt, prodding her glistening hole, rolling her sensitive clit between his forefingers.


Leon, in a rush, picks her up by her legs he pins her against the flat surface wall. Pulling his pants off, he lines his cock with Balalaika's pussy, and without hesitation, he plunges his shaft inside her.


Balalaika tone, bare legs hooked around his thighs. He kept thrusting into her while she writhed, grabbing Leon with an iron grip. He held her up so their hips could move against each other, and all the while, the persistent wet sounds of her hips being hit, and they didn't stop kissing for a second.

"{Fuck! You're going to make me orgasm.}"

Her pussy swallow Leon's cock over and over, each thrust accompanied by the squelch of her dripping arousal, writhing in pleasure as her Leon jackhammered his cock inside her pussy like a horny animal.

"{Oh God! I'm getting closer! I can feel your dick throbbing!}"

Leon had a firm grasp on Balalaika's plump ass, fingers digging into her ruff skin, thrusting up hard and fast to drill her spread pussy with the speed and power about to cum.

"{I'm Cumming! Oh Fuck I'm Cumming!}"

seconds later he pulled her down with a groan and she tightens trying to milk him dry, as he shoots his seed in her cunt.

"{I'm Cumming so hard. Mmmmmmmmmm.}" 

An ensuing thick trickle of cream ran down her inner thighs, mingling with her sopping wetness.

"{Oh my God... I'm... how are you still going?}" 

After his first load, Leon continues to pump into her. He carries her as though she weighs nothing slowly walking to the desk.

Leon held her in a way that kept her legs spread wide, bouncing her on his hard cock with each step, walk-fucking Balalaika.

"{It's so hot when you grab me. I love feeling your cock thrusting into me!}" 

She clenched around him, drawing out a groan, and he started to thrust into her deepest parts, holding Balalaika's hips up for easier movement. She felt pure bliss, every time he thrust his cock deep inside her.

"{I love feeling you get hard in my pussy.}" 

Finally, they arrived at the desk, and he gently put her on top.

"{I want you on me now.}" 

Balalaika lowered her hips to meet him and moaned loud when his cock easily slid into her eager pussy. She savored his thrusts and listened to the delicious squelching of his cock pumping in and out of her pussy.

"{Fuck my pussy.}"

His movements sped up, Leon descending on her again to capture her mouth into an open-mouthed kiss, slamming himself harder inside to shoot his next load of his seed into her womb.

Balalaika shuddered with her second orgasm, while Leon's dick didn't stop pumping his cum. He'd just creamed her, and he wanted more.

Huff. Huff. Huff. 

"{With a dick like yours, you can take me anytime you want.}" 

They fucked moments later, after a heavy, sloppy make-out session on the desk. Both kept going for hours and Leon left when it got dark. Balalaika enjoyed him so much that she made him her fuck-boy and her problem fixer.

[Take out or beat Balalaika] [Complete by primal submission] [Super rare reward]

+Super rare Gold grade item Unique Ability Capitalism

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki- Longevity and massive Chakra reserves.

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire

Chakra level: Jonin

Chakra Control: Rank B

Taijutsu: Power Rank A, Technique Rank A

Shurikenjutsu: Rank B

Kenjutsu: Rank B

Fuinjutsu: Rank E

Genjutsu: Rank E

Ninjutsu: Rank A

+Multi shadow clone jutsu Rank A, Transformation jutsu Rank E, Sexy jutsu Rank D, Body Flicker Rank D, Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning Rank B, Flying Swallow Rank A 


+Naruto Uzumaki, Genin, Rank C

+Asuma Sarutobi, Jonin, Rank A

[Take over Roanapur] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat Balalaika] [Super rare reward] [Complete]

[Take out or beat Mr. Chang] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat Abrego] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat a main Protagonist] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat a main Antagonist] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat main support Cast Rock, Revy, Dutch and Benny] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat 5 Lesser Antagonist] [Rare reward]

[Destroy Roanapur] [Ultra rare reward]

[Let the story take its course] [Normal reward]

Cash: $203,080,000

MSP: 787,000 MSP