
Flashily Saving the Day...

Chapter 3 - Flashily Saving The Day...

"Time to hunt some mutts" I moved from my leaning position and stretched my joints and back while flexing my fingers as I seemed to have a lot of excess energy from the Naruto part of my powers that just won't calm down unless I did something productive and exciting.

I turned towards the direction of the wolves, spreading out my chakra sense I found that two had broken off from the group and were running towards Laurie and Bill, who were heading towards the camp so it will get dangerous for all the survivors there if they successfully get there.

I wordlessly casted the Lightning shadow clone technique from Kakashi-Sensei and a clone appeared before me with lightning sparking around it quickly and then just vanishing just as quickly as it came.

"Follow the two wolves that split up from the group ahead and dispose of them silently without alerting the survivors or Laurie and Bill who are making their way there" It saluted lazily and vanished with a quick Body flicker technique.

I turned my head just as the first of the pack emerged from the bushes and snarled at me while pouncing brazenly in an attempt to catch me off guard by the quick attack, unfortunately it was too slow as I just lifted a finger and flicked it on the snout making its head pop and for its body to go flying into the next mutt that appeared behind it and it also died prematurely from the impact.

Luckily, or unluckily, a few more came out from hiding and started to cautiously encircle me, one, who I assumed to be the pack leader, barked and two of the minions dashed at me from behind and tried to bite my head and right arm, to which I dodged by twisting my body and tilting my head to the left and just as they both passed by my sides, I grabbed one by the nape of its neck and roughly yeeted it at two wolves that instantly became gut-paste on the grass floor from the overwhelming force slamming into them.

Now, there was only three others left including the pack leader who looked at me in rage and it snarled dangerously while barking at the other two who looked like they were about to run and try to escape. They somehow regained their courage and charged at me from different sides as the leader looked like he or she was about to start howling.

"Oh no, you don't" I teleported in front of the leader and grabbed it by the neck and started to squeeze it started to growl slightly but struggled due to me blocking it wind pipe slightly. The last two minions charged at me again, only to have a giant boulder suddenly crush them from out of nowhere. The area had thoroughly been decorated and coated in a deep crimson color from the guts and life blood of the mutts.

The leader seeing its only chance of escaping, become a bloodied mess of mashed potatoes, whimpered and looked at me in resolution and acceptance of its death, to which I swiftly just threw it into the air and incinerated it alive with my [Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu]. However I made sure to make it precise and centered on the wolves so that none of the survivors could see a giant fireball in the forest, after that I doused some of the excess flames littered around the area with water style. Looking around I made sure there was no more hostiles in the area or near the camp and swiftly jumped into the thickets of trees and hopped my way towards the camp.

--- 7 minutes later ---

About 8 minutes into hopping on the trees, I felt my shadow clone pop and all the information rushed back into my brain allowing me to get a better sense of the situation and on whether they had made it to the camp or not.

My left eyebrow raised in slight surprise as even though I felt them before, I also got information on who was at the camp and a rough estimation on how far down the timeline I was brought to just by seeing all the survivors and seeing who was either missing or had not arrived yet.

These were the people that were currently in the camp doing various things.















And five others I kinda recognised from another game that had something to do with a cannibalistic family. Those survivors were






So it was the first fourteen survivors with five new ones that i only saw once in another game and there could possibly be more as the others could either be in a 'Hunt/Game' or they had just been transported to a 'World Map' and were going to begin their Hunt, or these were the only survivors up until this point.

Either way, I decided to speed up a little and got there a few seconds later, observing them from the trees I decided to wait a little bit and see how the whole dynamic of this survival group worked and who to keep an eye on as potential troll targets.

-- With the Survivors --

All of the aforementioned survivors were mulling around the camp and doing their own things, like covering up wounds, playing an instrument, chatting or standing nearby and listening to the various conversations going on.

Dwight was relaxing next to the campfire and cleaning his glasses with what looked to be a book or tome was sitting right on his lap as he wiped his spectacles and equipped them, then he picked up the tome and started to read. Although he would glance up at the others every minute or two.

Meg, in all her glory, was stretching her legs and talking to Claudette about some stuff that was too unimportant to mention. Then she challenged some of the other survivors to have a quick race around the outskirts of the camp or at least the parts where the light reached, to which everyone but David declined as he got up and followed her out the camp but still within sight of the others.

Claudette who had been multitasking by talking to Meg, gathering potent plants and creating tinctures that helped stop bleeding, was now helping the other survivors who got injured or just felt sore from running around or staying hidden from the Killers.

It was kinda surprising seeing her chatting with some of the others due to her lore stating how she left behind the real world for chat rooms and forums, but considering how they need each other to survive, then communication is one of the keys to success and survivability.

Jake as the Solitary Survivor was sitting a few feet away from everyone else and pretending to be asleep, as for how I knew he was pretending is because his expression would shift slightly as he heard the others talking and the occasional strumming of Kate's guitar.

It made sense that he wasn't joining in with them as he was the lone wolf type who only worked with the others so he could live and embrace his solitary life. Now if only the Entity had left him alone and there were no Killers after him then his dream of isolation would come true.

Nea, on the other hand, was by the campfire and sitting on a log with her arms crossed. She looked like she wanted to talk to the others but something was stopping her from doing so and it was seen on her face that, that was the case as she sighed and closed her eyes and drifted off into her own world.

The next Survivor, Laurie, was tending to Bill who had yet to awaken from his unwanted nap time. She was careful as she rubbed a towel on his head as he was sweating a little bit and was snoring a little.

She was also occasionally looking over her shoulder at the others and at the forest around her, she would add in her two cents of conversation whenever it was a subject she knew about or when she had questions about the others timelines, seeing as how they were mostly from a time similar to each other but she wasn't as she was from the 1900's and not the 2000's.

Next was the gambling Italian, Ace Visconti, who was talking to himself in a corner of the camp as he drew a table on the ground and started doing what he was best and also bad at doing, gambling. The dude looked like someone had threatened to give him money but also would kill him if he lost it, making it so his face was contorted into a happy, nervous, worried and eager expression, all of which I had no idea that the human face could make those expressions at the same time.

The Soldier aka Bill was dead.




Okay he wasn't dead per say but he might as well be with how he looked all ragged, sweaty and pale. As Laurie took care of him, he slept like a Sloth while occasionally twitching his fingers and whispering some things that were hard to tell from here if I wasn't focusing, which I wasn't, so whatever it was would be left unknown as I didn't really care all too much to find out, probably some Vietnam/zombie apocalypse flashbacks.

Anyways, onto the next survivor, the next Survivor or you could say, competitor, was Feng Min, the focused competitor who was once known nationally in her home country and her name was spreading to international waters. But that fame caused her to have many sleepless nights to stay at the top of the game in order to not disappoint her family and fans.

The restless nights however caught up to her and caused her to lower her performance rate during games and eventually she started to fall off the radar in the eyes of everyone.

She visited bars and would wake up in unfamiliar places until the day came where she drifted away, beyond what was known to her as reality and into what was fiction in her eyes, she awoke to a fictitious world becoming her reality.

Feng was sitting far away from the rest of the group and she was wearing her stan outfit that had earphones with it as accessories. She looked to be in her own little world away from the troubles of the dark reality she was brought into, as she listened to whatever music she had on.

Moving on, we had David King, The Rugged Scrapper, who currently was returning from his little race with Meg and looked to be a little winded but fine altogether. He took a seat next to the campfire as he grabbed what looked to be a hand made bowl that looked like it was made by an amateur craftsman. After taking a few sips he started to talk a little bit with Meg about the race and her athletic abilities.

He was the kind of guy that loved getting into scraps just for the fun of it, the thrill and need for that kind of excitement had landed him in countless fights, whether they were in a bar or on the streets. He would get back up to push himself and heighten his need for feeling alive after every blow he received until the hour arrived where he took on a fight bigger than him, bigger than any of those debt collecting missions and bigger than any bar or casual street fight.

After the battle he awoke in an unfamiliar place with fog surrounding it and no possible way out. He saw no other way but to fight his way out with murderous and savage Killers loose around him, he had to do what he always had, fight and survive so he could battle on even more.

Next up, Quentin Smith aka The Resolute Dreamwalker, gremlin boy as he is known by the dead by daylight community. He was one of the people looking after the wounded as he cooperated with Claudette, Laurie and another Survivor who I'll get to in a bit.

The Freddy Kreuger victim was trying his best to bandage up those in need of healing as he also tried not to fall asleep while doing so. He spoke a few words with his patients and listened to anything happening around him. He had this calm and determined air around him that made the others feel relaxed. They just better hope he doesn't fall asleep on top of them, because I definitely won't let that happen to me, no dude is going to be on top of me.

One of the patients ended up being Detective Tapp, The Obsessed Detective, who was getting his arm bandaged up by Quentin, he was leaning forward as he sat on one of the many logs around the campfire and gazed at another Survivor who was strumming the strings of her guitar quietly to herself as to not disturb the others.

He was known as The Obsessed Detective for the sole reason of him going after Jigsaw and his apprentices, solving whatever riddle or trap came before him until he uncovered Dr. Lawrence Gordon's possible involvement in the murders and went to his place to stake out and find evidence of the doctors guilty fingers.

However he instead ended up being another victim and as he was taking his final breathes, he was taken from his home and brought into the realm of The Entity. After finding out there were others here with him he set out to live up to the vows he took on his initiation and bring justice into a world filled with the blood of the innocent.

The survivor who was strumming on a guitar was of course, Kate Denson, The Hopeful Songbird, who was now starting to hum to herself as the rhythm of the guitar picked up slightly and she closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.

She was in her own world as she soon drifted off and began to sing a song as her voice grew louder and more harmonious. The others stopped what they were doing and gathered around the campfire, except for a few special cases, with them being the loners/lone wolf's of the group.


-- With the MC --

I stood just out of eye sight and listened to Kate sing and a small smile graced my face as I enjoyed the encouragement and Hopeful feeling I got from the song.

'A Hopeful Songbird Indeed...'

-- Back with the Survivors --

As Kate finished her song the group that was in her immediate vicinity clapped and gave her compliments to which she thanked them, some went back to what they were doing as some stayed to get some heat from the campfire or chat more comfortably.

One of the few remaining people around her was Adam Francis, The Resourceful Teacher, he was praising her voice and said that he knew a few things about the music industry thanks to his friends being in the industry.

His story was of a temporarily orphaned toddler who had lost his father in an accident when he was 2 and his uncle took him in and raised him into respecting and valuing education.

He became a teacher, due to his need of wanting to become more grounded and surer of the path he was taking, to insure that he would make both his biological and adoptive father's proud he overcame many trials and stipulations to get a teaching job abroad and fix his future on a secure path to achieving his goals, while living leisurely.

Unfortunately he was derailed from that path both literally and figuratively as the train he was taking got derailed and he was taken from his day to day life, to a day to day hell crafted for him with little resources to help himself and others like him with, but that was his specialty, as The Resourceful Teacher he'll make do with what he has in order to survive and find a way home to his family.

-- With The MC --

That was all the survivors I was familiar with and had played with in my previous life as characters in a game. But now they were just people trying to survive a death game of the Hunter and the prey, unaware of the Eldritch horror lurking beyond the boundaries of the fog.

The only one's I wasn't all too familiar with was the survivors from the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' Game as I had only played it during the release of Julie, and that was only for a week before I got bored and went back to DBD.

However during that time I did read up on their lore and whatever abilities they had in the case that one day I would return to the game and I'll have a storage of information on them for when I do return.

They were all sitting together at the side of Kate and listening together as they made the occasional comment on her vocal range and skills.

The first one up was Connie Taylor, The Crafty Intellect, who was the tinkerer of the group and was made to be one hell of a escape artist with her crafty and ingenuitive mind helping her and her friends to escape the basement of 'The Cannibal'. From then onwards it's her job to remove the locks and get a secure and sure fire way out of 'The Cannabalistic family's' territory with her nimble fingers and smooth brain.

Next up was Leland McKinney, The Bouldering Charmer, who was the Brawn of the group and had more than once faced off against leatherface in the trial as even if they were in another reality, he still couldn't escape the murderous family's clutches. His strength lies in...Well his body as he wasn't the smartest book in the library so he couldn't formulate plans or lead the group as that would be a death sentence.

Onto another one in the group, his name was Sonny Williams, The Knowledgeable One, who was the book worm of the group. He was the decisive planner who made the ticket to freedom possible with his decisions and quick thinking skills allowing him to analyze the situation and process what to do far quicker than most.

Now we had one of the more plump survivors in the camp, Julie Crawford, The Oceanic Walker, who was a Southern California native and had a love for the sand, surf and sport lifestyle that allowed her to build up her endurance and take on the situation at hand. She was quiet and stealthy, almost on the level of John Chena. She came along with Ana to find her sister and if they couldn't then she promised they would endure it together until they could.

And lastly we had the reason for everyone getting slaughtered, Ana Flores, The Truth Seeker, who had started the quest for the biggest mystery in her world. To find the One Piece.

Okay she didn't necessarily set out to find The One Piece, but then again she did set out to find one piece of her sister, if there was any left in Bubba's Refrigerator that is. Her toughness will come in handy when she finds the remains of Maria Flores. But hey that willpower will help out tremendously in the upcoming trials and her natural charisma in commiting genocide would come in clutch to guide the others like Dwight.

But enough of that, I've already spent enough time in this tree stal-Observing them, its about time I introduced myself to the vicitims of this hellish reality and reintroduce myself too, in the case of Laurie and Bill.

Why not make it a 'flashy entrance' as Uzui Tengen always says...

-- At The Camp --

Everyone was going about doing their own things and discussing when the next trial would be in their own little groups when suddenly the wind started to pick up.

At first it wasn't that noticeable as it only rustled a few tree branches and flowers on the ground, but after a few seconds it grew stronger until the trees really began to sway and this caught the attention of all the survivors and they all quickly huddled together with their backs facing each other and they looked out towards the forest.

Eventually the wind died down and a gentle breeze resumed it's flight across the area, this made the survivors breath in sighs of relief as they were about to take their seats again, a sudden rustling came a few feet away from them and they all looked towards it, after 4 seconds of observing, Kate who was closest to the rustling squinted her eyes and saw something poking out of the bushes.

It was a Bears paw...

She widened her eyes and shouted for everyone to run and she started to run to the opposite side of the camp whilst everyone else spread out and booked it not wanting to know what would happen it they were killed outside of the trials.

The unfortunate one however was Bill as he was just awakening from his unwanted nap and was still groggy so when he saw the bear, his life flashed before his eyes as he tried to get up and fall back or get out of its way. Regrettably he couldn't do so and was about to become the bears meal.

However from behind the bear a tree branch the size of a stop sign was thrown and hit it's back leg causing it to stop and divert it's attention to the source of the toss.

Bill used this time to back away and get out of there, the person who threw the stop sign, not so much as they were the object of attention now for the bear.

The person in question was David as he got ready to take on the bear even if his chances of succeeding were null, he was never one to back down from a fight, even against impossible odds.

The bear rushed at him and he used his much smaller body to move out of the way and take a step back before punching the bear on the side of its snout, causing it to get confused and even more angry. He made some more space between them as the bear rushed at him again and he repeated the same process as before and got another hit making the bear even more angry.

Taking a few more steps back, he readied himself as the bear rushed at him again and as he was going to take another step back and to the side, his back hit a rough, hard surface making his eyes widen and for him to realise he was royally screwed but the determination and spirit didn't leave his eyes as he braced himself for the feral bears attack.

As the bear was a few feet away from him, and got up on it's hind legs to swipe at him, everyone witnessing the moment closed their eyes except for a few brave souls who watched on as one of them was about to be mauled alive.

As the bears paw descended onto Dave he looked it into the eyes and smirked proudly and he looked to be trying to make a last ditch effort to dodge, however it was not needed...

As just as the paw was few centimeters away from his face, his eyes widened as a fist hit the side of the bears head, causing it to be sent a few feet away from David as dirt was sprayed everywhere.

The onlookers watched as the dirt settled down and and David was shown to be perfectly fine, albeit with shock plastered on his face, but fine nonetheless. However that wasn't what drew their attention, no, what drew their attention was the weirdly dressed man with black hair and dressed in dark purple trousers and having a shirtless torso with bracers on his arms made up of a steel of some kind. He had his eyes closed but when he opened them and grinned, they could see ruby colored pupils gazing at the Grizzly bear confidently and with excitement in them.

Then they heard him speak...

"Heh...would've preferred to save one of the fair and fine ladies, but saving a dude ain't too bad, if it means he'll be indebted to me for saving him, then sure I'll kill time by saving them, but for now, its only a one off thing so after this you're on your own my dude" he said as he grinned and bumped his fists together.

'It's him!' was the thoughts of Laurie and Bill as they looked on with shocked expressions, not expecting that man who saved them to survive the wolves and find them.

'He hasn't even been touched' Thought Laurie as she observed his body and clothes.

'He survived!' Was the thought from Bill as he also observed the strange and unfamiliar man.

"Time to send this Yogi wannabe back to his cave" I said as my smile got wild and I smirked at the idea of smacking a bear into submission.

"Lets start the show, shall we?"