
Shinmai cross DxD: Multiverse Outer God

Mc is Akeno Himejima's brother in the High School DXD world. Anything I say from here will be spoilers, so you'll have to read and learn. There will be incest in the story. I'm also not very good at writing sexual scenes so many will either be skipped or left unfinished, leaving the rest to your imagination ;) This world is the combined world of Highschool DxD and Shinmai Maou No Testament.

DEADLYSHADOW · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


The shadow monarch is a class that has power over death. It has unique skills like Shadow extraction, Save Shadow, which means I can add dead people to my army and fight.

[The blood of the Fallen Angel race was found on the host's body.]

[Do you want to extract your fallen angel blood and get rewards accordingly?]

[Accept] [Refuse]

"I've never been able to awaken my bloodline, so I accept it."

[[The rewards are increased for having a high-class fallen angel blood.]

[Extraction successful. You get 1 free item ticket and 1 free skill ticket from the shop as a reward.]

[The body is completely renewed. The host is transferred back into his own body.]

Then the darkness disappeared, and when I opened my eyes, a familiar sight greeted me. Yes, that's where I died. They hadn't even removed my body, and when I looked around I realized that my own blood had dried on the floor, so time had passed. But when I looked ahead, I realized that the man whose head started bleeding and fell to the ground when I threw a stone at his head was still there.

"If they can do such a disrespect to the corpse of even their own teammates, those guys are more trash than garbage."

[The host's job has been successfully set to [Shadow Monarch].]

[Bonus stat points will be awarded due to the host's job choice.]

[The host can get 1 free skill and 1 free item in the shop tab for a one-time only.]

[The system has tabs as Status, Inventory, Store, Skills, and Jobs.]

[Using the Status tab, you can check your Hp and Mp status. You can also transfer your stat points to your stats.]

[You can store anything as long as it is lifeless in the Inventory tab.]

[From the Store tab, you can enter the store and buy items and skills for money.]

[Skills tab, you can check your skills.]

[Using the Jobs tab, you can see future jobs you can get and learn about their requirements.]

[Now you can see your status by saying or thinking 'Status'.]

"Okay. Status."

[Name: Solas Himejima]

[Job: Shadow Monarch]

[Title: None]

[Hp: 50/50] [Level: 1]

[Mp: 40/40] [Fatigue: 0]

[Strength: 7] [Vitality: 5]

[Agility: 5] [Intelligence: 4]

[Sense: 20]

[Remaining Points: 30]

"My stats are really bad. Skills."

[Passive: Muscularity lv1]

[Active: None]

[Class: Shadow Extraction Lv1, Save Shadow Lv1]

"I have no skills other than 1 passive and two Job skills, this is a disgusting situation."


[Daily Quest- Train To Became A Formidable Combatant]


Push-ups [0/100]

Curl-ups [0/100]

Squats [0/100]

Run [0/10Km]

[Caution- If the daily quest remains incomplete, penalties will be given accordingly.]

[Caution- Extra rewards will be given if the host complete the first mission without using the extra stat points.]

"Geh! What is this quest?! If I do all this anyway, all I get is a tight butt in the afterlife. But I can't think of that right now. First I have to go home and find my mother."

I quickly began to return home. I was moving quickly but carefully. When I came near the house, the fires were out, after making sure that there was no one around, I entered the house, or rather the ruins of the house. And in a short time I found many bodies, but none of them were my mother, until they were in front of the back door.

I saw my mother's pale skinned body lying on the ground. I could tell she was dead without even touching her. But my mother's body had never been burned. She just had a sword stabbed in her stomach. But my mother was not at all affected by the fire. It reminded me of the lessons my mother used to teach me once in a while. She said that people who use fire-type magic are more resistant to fire, I guess so, my mother's body was not burned.

"System, answer me is there a way to get my mom back?!"

"System, answer me!"

[The host's pleas were accepted. The system will respond once.]

[Found 1 way to bring back the dead person 100% safe with no issues.]

[First, the item [Soul Lamp] must be obtained from the shop tab and the soul of the deceased must be transferred to the lamp. Afterwards, the body of the dead person must be healed. After the body is fully healed, the soul in the lamp must be transferred to the body. (As long as the soul is still in this world, the [Soul Lamp] can be used.)

Collecting the soul and transferring it to the body can be done by the system, but the host needs to find a way to heal the body. Since corpses fall into the inanimate class that cannot be put into inventory, the skill [Death's Realm] must be obtained from the Store to protect the body.]

"System, I want to buy the [Soul Lamp] and [Death's Realm]."


[Free item ticket used. [Soul Lamp] has been sent to inventory.]

[Free skill ticket was used. Acquired skill [Death's Realm].]

"System, use the [Soul Lamp] to gather my mother's soul."

All of a sudden, a green lamp appeared and started to scan around with its green light. When it came to me, my eyes widened in shock, a black silhouette hugging me and stroking my head with its hand. I knew immediately who it was, it was my mother.

"Don't worry mom. I'll bring you back, I'll find my sister, and we'll be family again. I will get stronger and I will achieve it."

The silhouette moved a little further away from me, revealing her face to me, not too obvious, but I could have sworn I saw my mother's gentle smile. Then suddenly the silhouette of my mother was drawn into the lamp.

"Show details of this lamp and skill."

[Soul Lamp]

(The Lamp, which consists of a spiritual space in which souls can be placed, at the same time calming the souls and in which the souls can stay for an unlimited time. With the calming of the souls, no soul is subject to vengeful spirit or madness.)

[Death's Realm]

(This area is a mana-free area where both the dead and the living can enter. If a dead body enters, it prevents the body from decomposing. At the same time, it is a completely safe area, as it is an independent area from the outside world. In case of being in a dangerous condition outside, you can go inside and hide or sleep.)

"This skill is beyond awesome. Mother, I will take care of your body, [Death's Realm]."

The shadow under my feet moved and first formed a giant shadow under my mother's body, then slowly pulled her body in. When my mother's body disappeared from view, the shadow was back under my feet again.

Of course, during all these events, I was unaware that someone was watching me in the sky.

(Few Minuets Ago)

Azazel got the news about the assassins and teleported to Shuri Himejima's house at full speed, but it was too late. Shuri's house was on fire. He immediately put out the fires and started looking for Solas and Akeno. When Azazel found Solas it was too late, what he sees is Solas' lifeless body lying on the ground and the assassins who killed Solas right next to Solas. The men were making fun of Solas and bragging about how they killed him.

Azazel doesn't normally get angry easily, but now it was different. Because Solas was Azazel's nephew, even godson. And what these men did to his godson was unforgivable.

Azazel angrily destroyed all the assassins with a single action, leaving not a single dust on the ground. He then descended to the ground and went to the lifeless body of his godson, Solas, sat down on the ground and began stroking Solas's head.

This lovely boy, who used to radiate joy around him, now lay lifeless. Azazel had seen many deaths in his life, but none of them had ever made him feel this way. As he looked at Solas' face, his heart was crushed and shattered. And that damn Baraqiel was hanging out with other women instead of taking care of his family.

Some time ago, Baraqiel had started hanging out with other women and they even argued with Azazel because of it. Azazel was one of those who accepted polygamy, but Baraqiel had a family and he had to take care of this family, but as a result of Baraqiel's negligence, his wife and son died. Azazel searched around through his senses, but Akeno was not there. By looking at the death places of Solas and Shuri, he deduced that the sacrifices of Solas and Shuri enabled Akeno to escape, of course, another factor in this was the faint smile on Solas' dead face.

While Azazel was thinking about all this, suddenly changes occurred in Solas' body. His faded color began to lighten and the cut on his chest began to heal. Azazel's heart was filled with great joy and enthusiasm. All of a sudden, a small amount of mana started pouring out of Solas' body. Azazel wondered what had happened, but thought it wouldn't be good for him to show himself, so he went up to the sky and erased his presence.

And then Azazel started watching everything from the sky. Of course, Azazel couldn't hear about the system. According to Azazel, a lamp suddenly appeared in Solas's hand, drawing Shuri's soul. Afterwards, Solas had Shuri's body in his shadow.


Hello dear readers, yes I have started a new story. Don't worry I didn't drop Tensura System, Reincarnated into anime or Dragon system. I just try new things and write whenever a story idea comes to mind. There will be disruptions in the chapters due to the fact that I enter the university and move from the family home to the dormitory. I'm studying German language and literature and the school I entered is a bit annoying. Who makes a quiz from week 2?! They make me very angry.

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Hello dear readers, yes I have started a new story. Don't worry I didn't drop Tensura System, Reincarnated into anime or Dragon system. I just try new things and write whenever a story idea comes to mind. There will be disruptions in the chapters due to the fact that I enter the university and move from the family home to the dormitory. I'm studying German language and literature and the school I entered is a bit annoying. Who makes a quiz from week 2?! They make me very angry.

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