
Shinji's Playground

Shinji survived the White Room along with Kiyotaka, and was adopted by Professor Ayanokoji. Now he'll enroll in the Advanced Nurturing High School along with his brother. However, unlike his brother who wants to have a normal and quiet school life, all he wants is to cause havoc and have fun as he make his way to the top. Watch as he conquers the school, and a few girls along the way!

TheHunter12 ¡ Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Kikyo's First Mission, And Kei's Training

After school, Shinji asked Kikyo to meet him in his room

"I'm sure you're wondering why I told you to come here" said Shinji

"I am, so tell me what you want already" said Kushida. Since the first time he saw her true personality, Kikyo stopped faking when the two of them were alone.

"It's good that you're not acting when you're alone with me, but do you have to be so rude?"

"We're not friends. We simply using each other for our own good"

"That's a very interesting way to describe our relationship. Though, it doesn't have to be like that. I know for a fact that you're aroused by me"

"What the hell are you saying?"

"Well, at the time when I firmly gripped your chest, I could feel your nipple getting hard. Perhaps you're a masochist, despite your rather cold personality"

"You fucking horndog! Don't imagine gross things like that!" Kikyo said in anger, but, even if it was barely visible, a small blush appeared on her face

"Anyway, let's get to the subject. I have your first mission. Want to hear?"

"So? What are you going to make me do?"

"Make you do? If you feel like I'm forcing you, you can walk away. Of course, I'll post the video if you do" Shinji said with a smirk, daring her to walk away. Kikyo gritted her teeth hard, and then said:

"What can I do for you?"

"That's the attitude! I want you to do something pretty important. I need you to befriend Ryuen"

"Ryuen!? The same one you humiliated in front of his class today!?"

"This exactly why I want you to befriend him. In other words, I want you to be a double agent. In August, there will be certain events which will allow gaining a big amount of points. My aim is to for our class to get promoted to class C by the end of summer vacation"

"Is those events are that significant, that our class will be able to get promoted to class C? And how do you even know about them?"

"How else? I already told you that during the first month, I got my points from upperclassmen, right? So to reconcile with them, I paid them for information about all of the significant events during the first year. I know exactly when each event is, and what's its rules, and how much cp and pp you can obtain from each event"

"You work fast"

"Of course. After all, knowledge is power. The one with the biggest amount of knowledge wins. You'll have to be a once in a generation genius, to defeat someone who has a significant amount of knowledge more than you"

"So? You just want me to befriend him? And then what?"

"I don't want you just to befriend him. I want you to base your 'friendship' on the want to humiliate me, and the want to crush our class. I don't care how you do it, but you need him to have some kind of trust in you until the second event. After that, we'll use that 'friendship' to crush class C in the second event"

"And what exactly are those events?"

"I'll tell you once we'll get closer to them. I still need to prepare some things, before I can say I have a solid plan"

"I see. I'll do it"

"Great! And who knows? Maybe I'll... reward you once you complete your mission..." Shinji said as he took a step closer to her, and gently grabbed her by her chin

"What the hell are you thinking about!?" Kikyo said and tried to push him

"Why are you so nervous? It feels good, you know? Sex. There is no reason to refuse. It's just physical pleasure. You don't need to be my girlfriend or anything" Shinji said as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pushing her body against his, as he whispered in her ear

"Why would I want to do it with you? I'm not like those whores who're falling for you just by some sweet-talking" Kikyo said furiously, but didn't put up any resistance

"I was told that I'm pretty talented in it. I was also told that I tend to be able to awake some of my partner's inner fetishes... Don't say you don't want it. I've seen some of the gazes you're sending my way every once in a while"

"I'm not sending you any gazes..." Kikyo said, but despite what she said, she started to push her body against Shinji

"Have it your way. But just so you know:

Just as the reward for completing the mission can be what you fantasize about, so is the punishment for attempting to betraying me with Ryuen, will be your nightmare, so don't even try. If I'll find out you're trying anything funny, and I will find out, I'll crush you together with Ryuen, or whoever you may try to betray me with" Shinji whispered in a cold tone, making Kikyo shiver in fear and, even if she'll deny it, also in arousal and excitement. Then, Shinji released her and took a step back

"After I saw your amount of points, and now that you told me that you know about all of the significant events, I'll be an idiot to betray you. After all, I too, believe that knowledge is power"

"Of course you are. If you haven't, you wouldn't try to befriend everyone and discover their secrets, so you can blackmail them if the need ever arises. That's also one of the reasons I wanted to cooperate with you from the start. I believe that we're quite similar" Shinji said with a cheeky smirk

Kikyo closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she smiled for the first time in their conversation

"Yes. Maybe we are"

A few minutes after Kikyo left, Shinji heard a knock on the door. Guessing already who it is, Shinji put on a smirk and went to open the door. When he opened it, he saw Kei standing outside. She was wearing a sports outfit, consisting of a white top, black tights, and sneakers.

"You're right on time. Ready to start?" said Shinji

"Yes!" Kei said with a determined expression. When Shinji accepted being Kei's fake boyfriend, he promised to make her stronger. He finally decided to fulfill his promise.

"Listen:" said Shinji as they both stood in front of each other, with a few meters between them

"I'm going to teach you some basic self-defense techniques. I'll teach you anything you need, to protect yourself from the normal bully. If the bully is a boy, he'll try to either grab you by your hair or to punch you in the gut. However, if the bully is a girl, she'll try to either slap you, push you with both of her hands, or she'll also try to grab you by the hair. I'll teach you to protect yourself in each one of those cases, but to do that, I'll have to demonstrate it to you. Are you sure you're okay with it? It may hurt"

"Yes! Please help me get stronger!" Kei said and bowed. Shinji smirked and said:

"I like your attitude! If that's the case, then let's begin!"

And that's the start of Kei Karuizawa's training!