
Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN

Shinji sells his soul to the Warhammer 40k god of pain and pleasure but becomes a target for the other Chaos gods in an EPIC struggle for the fate of his butthole and also the world! ​ ​This modern cringe classic was written back in the 2000s when I was at peak autism but heavily edited in 2022 to take the insanity to new heights.

Psychostorm · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Welcome to Chaos


They were talking about him, he knew it. He could hear the soft hissing voices as he sat on the crusty toilet in the dirty too-small bathroom - vein-streaked eyes bulging, jaw clenched, and hands clawing at his face. He knew they wanted to hurt him. Wanted him gone. Wanted him dead.

A soft, whimpering moan escaped his drooling lips as he moved a trembling hand down to his swollen bulbous nard sack and caressed it gently. He grimaced, sharp pain sparking through his tender orbs at his touch. It hurt. It hurt so fucking bad he wanted to light it on fire and watch it burn.

They don't know me. They don't want to know me. I want to die. I want to kill. Warped thoughts bored their way through his fevered mind like flesh-hungry worms as he bit down on his lip, drawing blood. As his sanity was gobbled up and shit out by his broken psyche, he vaguely remembered the events of the past week.

The white walls. The weird jacket with sleeves that were much too long. The mad gibbering of the vacant-eyed, slack-jawed creatures that scampered about, scratching at their flesh hungrily. And the brutality of the ones that tormented them with clubs, needles, and shocks of high-voltage electricity.

His anus was a gaping cavern, a literal meat tunnel leading into his fleshy inner workings. Wicked magical eyes gleamed in that darkness, blinking several times before retreating into the void. With rough sweeping strokes that sent ripples of unnatural pleasure echoing within his tainted soul-core, he caressed his hole with cheap toilet paper a total of six times before throwing the soiled material into the nearby sink. Just make it stop. Just make it stop.

Trembling like a sexual volcano about to erupt in an explosion of fuck sauce, he fumbled with his belt as he pulled his pants up, struggling to secure it. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.

He moved in slow motion, a strange light reflected in his eyes as he reached a trembling hand towards the handle of the grungy toilet. An eternity seemed to pass before his fingers touched the tarnished metal, a cold shock paralyzing his body as swirling darkness churned within his chest. No. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of such things. It was time to die. It was time to kill.

It was time to fuck.

Blood seeped from his eyes like tears as he stared at his warped reflection in the sweet-scented pink liquid in the toilet bowl. Drops of crimson fell, rippling the surface as his reflection held him in place with eyes that burned like purple warp-fire. It smiled.

"Welcome to Chaos," said the twisted reflection.

Shinji smiled back. "So, it was me all along…"

* * *

"Yall know Shinji is a legit doo doo chaser right?" said Asuka, stuffing her mouth with a big ol' chocolate chip muffin.

The red-haired bitch was sitting at one of those low Japanese tables eating dinner with Rei and Misato in Misato's shitty rundown apartment while they watched TV. PenPen was hanging out too, his beady penguin eyes glued to the screen as Jimmy Firecracker and Erasa of ZTV News reported on the Z Fighters' latest embarrassing death at Gohan's Easy Cum - Easy Go abortion clinic.

"For Christ sake, Shinji is not a butt bandit," said Misato, chugging Barton Vodka straight from the bottle. "Not that there's anything wrong with that. You haven't lived with the little pervert long enough, Asuka. Every time I take a shower he's out there humping the door with his crooked little weenie like he thinks I won't notice."

Asuka snorted a laugh. "Yeah right, I don't believe that horse shit for a god damn minute," replied Asuka taking another bite of her muffin. "Shinji is gayer than Elton John eating a bowl of Lucky Charms."

"It's possible that Shinji may be bisexual," said Rei quietly before stuffing her mouth with a spoonful of hearty Beef Noodle Hamburger Helper.

"Get a load of this little ho," said Asuka, giving Rei a sideways glare. "Bitch is always taking the middle ground. What? Did Gendo say you're not allowed to have legit opinions when he was putting his thumb up yer puckered pink butt hole?"

"Stop picking on Rei, She's just covering all the bases as usual," said Misato taking a bite of her crab rangoon. "By the way, how's Kaji Jr. coming along?" Misato gave a nod to Asuka's big fat 8-month pregnant belly.

Kaji had knocked up Asuka several months ago just before being stabbed in his dumb grinning face by a coked-up Gendo in the break room at NERV HQ. This wasn't because Kaji was a Seele spy. No, no, no. No sir, no ma'am. This was because the cocky doucher had eaten half of Gendo's turkey sandwich and threw the rest away, including the piece of gravy-soaked bread in the middle. The moist-maker, as he called it.

Anyway, Gendo merked Kaji and everyone was sad that he was gone. Except for Gendo of course. The head of NERV had literally taken a turkey sandwich shit on Kaji's grave. However, despite dying like a bitch, Kaji's legacy lived on in the form of his fetus who currently resided in Asuka's big fat pregnant belly. While the man-whore may be gone for good, at least he had someone to carry on his slutty legacy.

"Bitch please," said Asuka looking at Misato like she just swallowed a frog. "I've been binge drinking, snorting crack, and playing rugby. This little fucker is gonna come out strong, or come out dead."

"Or come out more retarded than an autistic fanfiction writer," said Misato, gagging as she took another chug of Barton Vodka.

"Fuck you, bitch-face," snapped Asuka with a mocking laugh. "It's my baby I can do what I want. Maybe I'll put a beer bong up its ass and give it a good ol' butt chug like on Jackass. Get this little wanker sloshed worse than Jon Moxley drinking himself into rehab to sell more copies of his shitty book."

"Asuka, please stop," asked Rei politely, taking a sip of non-alcoholic beer.

"Oh hell naw, don't you be white knighting for Misato, you albino horse-faced freak," huffed Asuka snatching the bottle of Barton Vodka from Misato and guzzling down the last of it. "I'll straight whoop your ass, ho. Knock you out, tie you down, and fart in your mouth. And you ain't gonna do fuck all about it because you a bitch."

"Rei's right, Asuka," said Misato cracking open a can of Dog Bite beer. "Can't you act normal for just one night? This is Shinji's first day back from the mental hospital and we need to show him love and support."

"Shinji can support deez nutz on his chin," retorted Asuka with a snorting laugh as she finished off her muffin and grabbed another from the big muffin bowl on the table.

"Asuka, you don't have testicles," stated Rei flatly.

"Bitch, you don't know what I got," snapped back Asuka. "You're just mad my tits are bigger than yours. I'll knock you straight the fuck out with these big mommy milkers and give you a 5th-degree concussion. I don't give a fuck. I'm ready to go all day every day."

Before fat pregnant Asuka could attack Rei with her jumbo jugs, the horrific screaming started… and it was coming from the bathroom…

* * *

"Well look at this, little shit-stain Shinji's being a pussy bitch again," sneered Asuka, looking down at the lad like he was a dog turd baking on the sidewalk on a hot summer's day. "Who would have fuckin' thought. It must be fuckin' Groundhog's Day up in this bitch."

"Asuka stop, he needs help," said Misato. She was kneeling down in the small bathroom and cradling a sobbing Shinji against her ample bosom as he shivered in her arms. "Get the phone and call the psychiatric ward."

Upon hearing the chilling psycho freak screaming coming from Misato's tiny bathroom, the three had rushed to the scene to find Shinji curled up beneath the sink shaking and crying uncontrollably. A lewd bug-eyed grin twisted his features as he furiously jerked at his limp and crooked little dingus.

"Naw fuck that, I'm already over this shit," said Asuka pushing past Rei and swiftly grabbing the incoherent Shinji by his greasy brown hair. "Time to pay the piper, ass boy."

"Asuka what the hell are you doing!?" gasped Misato as Asuka began dragging the lad out of the bathroom, his body twitching oddly as he made weird grunting noises like a dying pig.

"My maternal instincts are kicking in," replied Asuka, pulling Shinji over to the table. "It's time for this little twat to eat dinner, and I won't take no for an answer."

"For Christ sake, Asuka…" muttered an exasperated Misato, getting up and grabbing another can of Dog Bite.

"The fuck are you lookin' at? Get the fuck out the way!" snarled Asuka, roughly shoving Rei away from the table and plopping Shinji down in front of her half-finished bowl of Hamburger Helper.

Poor Shinji just sat there, wide-eyed and trembling like he was having some kind of prolonged orgasm. The lad continued to make weird grunting noises as his head wobbled about like one of those bobblehead things that used to be popular before society went down the shitter.

Ready and willing to carry out her motherly duties, Asuka picked up Rei's spoon and aggressively dug into the hearty Beef Noodle mix. "Alright Shinji, here comes the airplane…" she said, making legit airplane noises as she brought the spoonful up to his mouth.

However, Shinji refused to open wide and simply grunted in protest like a spoiled child.


"I'm pretty sure that's child abuse," commented Misato sipping beer casually as the redhead continued to wail on Shinji like Johnny Depp going ham on his wife. "I don't think you're ready to be a mother."

"I was born ready!" snapped back Asuka, picking up the TV remote and smashing it into Shinji's head until the batteries fell out. "I swear to sweet Jesus that if you don't eat this motherfuckin' Hamburger Helper, this remote is going straight up your ass and coming straight out your mouth, Shinji!"

Having seen enough, Rei grabbed Asuka by the wrist and slung the raging ho against the wall with a surprising amount of strength. "I'll show you how its done," she said simply as she knelt down next to Shinji.

Placing a hand on the lad's arm, Rei spoke in a soft, motherly tone. "Alright Shinji, it's time to eat a big boy meal," she said tossing the spoon aside and scooting the yummy bowl of Beef Noodle to the edge of the table so that it was directly in front of the lad. Gently taking Shinji by the back of his head, she slowly guided him down so that his face was directly in the bowl like an animal.

At long last, Shinji began to feed.

"See Asuka, special needs children need special care," said Misato, giving Rei an approving nod as she held Shinji's hair out of his eyes while he gobbled up the Hamburger Helper like a starving puppy. "You can't just beat the shit out of them and expect them to do what you want."

"Why the fuck not?" huffed an Asuka, pulling herself to her feet. "That's how it works with normal people."

Misato sighed. "Shinji's not normal, he's a retard. You can't help him, that's just the way he is," she said, giving the girl some valuable pearls of wisdom as she finished off another can of Dog Bite and crushed it on her forehead like a boss. "Now sit down and let's finish dinner."

Grumbling, Asuka returned to the table and did as instructed. The seething redhead, gave Rei a glare of contempt as Shinji hungrily devoured his hearty Beef Noodle meal. Little did she know the warp-spawned horrors her special needs friend would soon unleash upon the world…


NEXT TIME on Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN - Asuka gets hornier than a hound dog after witnessing a gruesome murder on the news and sneaks into Shinji's room to get real slick on his little crooked dick. Can Shinji finally man up and lose his virginity once and for all? Or will the daemonic powers of the Warp turn the most intimate moment of his life into the most horrific and traumatizing thing he's ever experienced? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN!

Thanks for reading, mate! If ya liked that chapter, use the URL below to visit my website for more crazy content! Cheers, have a good one!


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