
Shining Duos

Living your best life, an easy sounding feat that is in reality incredibly tough to do in a universe where everyone has extraordinary powers. Though for one Kazami Star he was born with supreme gifts allowing him to live out his greatest desires! To the heavenly pleasure of tasting the love of a fairy maiden or crushing his enemies with supreme power that even gods will tremble upon seeing, he wants it all. Plus he isn't alone! His celestial eccentric twin Kuzumi Star who takes pleasure in the despair of others wants to enjoy life to the fullest as well as long she traveling with her dear Kazami. Fame, Power, Kingdom Toppling Beauties is all that Kazami gain in the exhilarating adventure of cultivation. Though not everything is as one to one as it seems... https://discord.gg/kVbTCay-My Discord.

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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140 Chs

Veiled City

"Fellow brother, you surely won't regret choosing our sect at all! The Holy Twilight sect is the strongest in the city, not even the first rank clan, the Veiled Kingdom dare to stand against them!" Luo Ke spoke in passionate persuading tone, as he was sure these youths would want the best for themselves.

"He isn't lying, you know. No other sect on the entire Yang continent could move our sect position. Hell, even the mighty first rank province Ifrit Empire wouldn't casually go against us." Dela proudly stated in hopes to convince them as well.

"All of this couldn't be more true, our sect also only selects the top tier of talents. There is not a single waste inside a sect, something I'm sure will suit the four of you." Mara had also chipped in with a pleasant manner smile in hopes of persuading them.

"It's great..." Su Mo spoke only two words, but she was rapidly nodding her head to get the point across.

All of them knew the prowess these four posses would undoubtedly gather attention from all forces. And they were sure their master would protect and treat them right if they go with them.

Not only that, but they also knew, in general, it would be a sage decision to ally themselves with these four, even if two on their team were ruthless. Kazami acted fairer, and Lun Yuo had a disposition that can calm a wild beast.

"I see, you all have some excellent pitches. What do you girls think?" Kazami asked with a small smile.

"Yoh doesn't sound like anything special to me. Though some in that sect could make for good target practice." Brenda cruelly said, all the while holding a broad smile to the Holy Twilight sect disciples. Seeing that wide smile sent shivers down the disciples' spines out of her beauty and fear.

"Sounds generic and boring to me. Maybe it could be good for some beds, it's getting tiring sleeping on damn wood." Kuzumi complained while stretching out the kinks in her neck and also diminishing the other youths' hopes.

"I believe this sect will have some interesting tales for us to go through. And all of you look to be a bunch of promising individuals, I don't see a glaring problem as of now." Lun Yuo praise did get the four to lit up a bit and feel warm in their chest, hearing praise from a fairy maiden felt 10 times better than usual.

"Alright, we'll think about our decision for now. Oh, by the way, how long will this inclusion process last?" Kazami declared which turned the other four youth hopeful again and Mara answered him,

"Ah you're all just in time, this process will last for two weeks starting from today, All of you have plenty of time."

"Fellow brother and other fairy sisters, we haven't gotten your name yet. We would love it if you were to tell us."

Shrugging his shoulder, Kazami replied,

"It's Kazami."



They all respectively gave their names, not bothering with their surnames.

"I see it's an honour to learn the names of the one who saved us." Mara had respectfully bowed again causing Kazami to speak up,

"Well, then see you around the city, and maybe the sect if we decide to join." Kazami promptly turned around and dashed off alongside Kuzumi and Brenda, who didn't even bother with adequately saying goodbye.

Lun Yuo was the only left, but before she went off, four beautiful green roses spawned in her hand, tossing it to the other youths.

"A pleasure meeting you all, may we exchange more in the future." As the other caught the roses, Lun Yuo had also promptly followed after Kazami and the girls.

"Ah! Brother Kazami! Fairy Sisters! Shoot, we didn't even tell them the way to get to Veiled city." Luo Ke sighed in disappointment, feeling strangely comfortable from the soft rose in his hand.

"Obviously they probably sense the way to the city if they didn't ask you fool. Though speaking of them, just what the hell are they?" Dela spoke up still in confusion about this whole event, while also playing with the rose in her hand.

"Perhaps, maybe they have extraordinary parents, or they're related in some ways to those legendary God Realms!" Mara said, evenly replaying all the events that transpired in her head.

"God Realms?!" Both Luo Ke and Dela surprisingly shouted, for natives of a humane planet God Realms is a legendary place only the best of the best can go to. But never have they heard of some being born on a humane world and being related to the God Realms.

"But even so, I feel like those people are even far beyond the standard for God Realms!" Luo Ke stated which had the other agreeing in their minds from witnessing the impossible stunts they pulled.

"Rose Lun Yuo, she is friendly..." Su Mo softly said, still observing her rose keenly.

"Hey yea, I'm sure with those guys talents and potential many would either want them or sap them out. If we get on the rose girl good graces we can have our master protect them from any harm and maybe even form a friendship with that guy...er I mean! With the whole team!" Dela blushed a bit from her slip, but her words did inspire the others to think seriously about those youths.

"That's only if they do join our sect. But if those four do and we all seem in agreement, we must support them in any way we can!" Mara had affirmed, and the other vigorously nodded to her ideas.

It was like Kazami, and the girl cast a charm over them just from their words and actions. Though little did they knew from this decision, they would fundamentally transform their lives beyond what they could ever expect.

Appearing in the vision of four extraordinary youths' eyes was a grand, magnificent city that expanded on for hundreds of miles, making it seem endless.

Compared to the large Kelp city the four had seen before, this city makes Kelp look like a small-town neighbourhood. With building scraping the skies, stunning designs inscribed on every building, and the bustling mass of people walking around in it, this indeed was fit to be rank second among all the provinces.

Walking toward the entrance of the city, Kazami and the girls observe a large spectacular gate to the city. It was guarded by two fiercer strong-looking men decked out in high-quality silver armour.

"Halt! Pay eight purple jade crystals if you want to access into Veiled city!" One of the men spoke to them as the Kazami team near the entrance.

'Heh before I wouldn't be able to sense it but now...two late rank Emperor Sea guards. Quite a fierce deterrent for the mortals of this planet going so far to pay a hefty amount to even get in the city..'

Kazami thought while he looked in his blue rank storage ring. Currently, he and the girls all hid their appearance under their cloaks, simultaneously masking their levels to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After all, this isn't a forest where they could run wild and kill, now there would be dire consequences if they were careless. Thankfully for them after all the killing and looting from travelling all the way from Slaughtering God cave, the four had a hefty sum of currency.

Kazami tossed out eight purple jade crystals and kept on into the city with the girls like it was no big deal for them.

The guards stared back at them for a minute as they couldn't sense their realms but kept on their duties as many cultivators can mask their realms.

"My I have to say for a humane planet major city, this place is lovely." Lun Yuo commented, looking at the rich assortment of detail each building has and the vivid lights that accompany it.

"Yoh, even the people here are all high-class, not a single one of them look run down or weak. Exciting!" Brenda also commented, taking note of most people traversing around the city.

Because of cultivation, not a single person, there looks a day over thirty. Everyone kept up a youthful appearance or mature appearance with either the aid of cultivation or various pills and herbs one can buy from an alchemist shop.

Furthermore, all of them could sense mostly ever realm of each person there, and not surprisingly, the weakest one, there was only a mere late level Ruler Transformation.

But even then, it only applies for kids that looked slightly younger than Kazami and the girls. Brenda and Kuzumi felt an excited itch gazing upon all of these powerful people.

"So what's on the agenda now? We still have at least two weeks until that sect inclusion process is done." Kuzumi asked her eyes wandering every around the city, taking in its breathtaking sight.

"Well, first off, let's visit an alchemist shop to gain some pills, it will come in handy along the line since none of us is healers." Kazami decided, and from casually walking, it didn't take long for them to across an alchemist shop.

It was an exorbitant large building, and on the front of the shop was an artistic design pill, under it reading 'Zhen Alchemist.'

Going in it, Kazami and the girls' senses were assaulted with incredibly refreshing life energy. Just standing in the shop made the four feel more invigorated and rested.

"Indeed, this is the wondrous magical effects of even a bit of life energy. Alchemist sure are mysterious." Lun Yuo said, walking around the shop along with the others.

In the shop, many other cultivators were basking in the life energy and searching for their specific pills.

After observing for a bit, Kazami picked up earthly rank pills paying a sum of a few red jade crystals for it. He only went for these pills as he wasn't naive enough to think nothing would go wrong if he starts buying even a few heavenly rank pills.

Those were the most expensive and will cause a lot of traction if you're not already strong enough to protect yourself.

"Now, with that out of the way, let's find a place to rest at before going to a sect we have something important to do," Kazami said while looking at the different buildings. He was hoping his girlfriends would catch on to his hidden meaning at the end but only shook his head as they were earnestly looking around.

"Hey! Let's go to the 'Star Light Hotel' over there. That place looks really fancy, something suitable for us." To what Brenda was pointing at was a red, silver elegant looking building. Everything about the building screamed high-class, and Kazami knew they can afford it.

Walking in the extravagant hotel, their eyes were immediately drawn into its intricate design. Portraits of exquisite drawings, a mini fountain off to the side spraying crystal clear water, and soft, soothing music playing in the background to ease one mind.

"How much is for two rooms spanning across one week?." Kazami asked the sexy stunning receptionist lady who had a welcoming smile on her face.

She wore a bewitching red-dress that hugged her curves quite nicely and perfectly matched with her dazzling light red hair.

"Six purple jade crystals, sir." She answered kindly while Kazami in his head was clicking since he didn't have an endless supply of money.

'After this, I'll only have five jade crystals left, still a good amount, but after tonight I maybe sucked dry...' Nevertheless, he paid the amount and was given two white orbs with numbers inscribed into them.

Throughout this whole process, Brenda and Lun Yuo felt their heartbeat up a bit from the little implications Kazami had while Kuzumi was feeling a bit sour.

But she shook heard thinking it's only natural, after all, they're only siblings while those two are his girlfriends, right?

Kazami, when turning back, didn't see their changing expressions and only urged them to go up with him.

"I hope you enjoy your stay at Star Light Hotel!" The beautiful receptionist told them while the four went up to their rooms.

"Here we are 311 and 312, Brenda, Yu; we'll settle in a bit before going back out, and Kuzumi...well don't wait up for us." Kazami smiling said, feeling more and more excited about what to come while Brenda and Lun Yuo madly blushed, thinking about later.

Only Kuzumi bit her lip a bit, the sour feeling rising up again. Though when Kazami turned to look at her, she quickly hugged him tightly, refusing to look in his eyes.

"You'll, no! You have to make it up to me later, you hear me?!" Kuzumi breathlessly said, only getting Kuzumi to hug her back and make her look at him.

"Kuzumi, as I said in the cave, you will always be my beloved little sister; no one can take that spot away from you. Don't worry about tomorrow. I'll spoil you like the little princess you want to be." Kazami, in the end, gently pressed his forehead against her staring straight into her eyes.

Kuzumi, on her part, felt her heartbeat out of control, and she felt like her face and body were on fire at this point.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yea yea! I get it just go on your stupid date already!!" Kuzumi blurted and escape from his clutches, taking the 312 white orbs from his hand and jumping into her room.

An interesting to note as Kazami watch was the room automatically opening once she held the orb.

Lun Yuo and Brenda watching all of it was quietly wondering how obvious it is, and yet neither wants to admit it. But Brenda grew a little devious smile thinking about how to handle the two of them, going over to pull Kazami's hand.

"Come on, stop fawning over your 'beloved little sis' and let's go inside!" Kazami, for his part, was staring at Kuzumi door, finding her face and reactions extremely cute until Brenda's words and pull woke him up.

"Right right, besides, I have something important to tell you two."

Going inside the room, the four had to admit the room was very spacious and fancy. The bed looked soft, and fluffy sporting designs fit for a king.

It also had a large bathroom that looked like it could be a small hot spring as well. Though the girls' attentions were soon taken away from the room once Kazami held both of their hands saying,

"Now, I think it's time for our long-awaited romantic date." And once these words left his mouth, it sprouted an unknown amount of joy in Brenda and Lun Yuo.

Their eyes turned into stars and held a smile that threatens to split their faces as their hands clutched Kazami's tighter than they ever did before.