
Shining Duos

Living your best life, an easy sounding feat that is in reality incredibly tough to do in a universe where everyone has extraordinary powers. Though for one Kazami Star he was born with supreme gifts allowing him to live out his greatest desires! To the heavenly pleasure of tasting the love of a fairy maiden or crushing his enemies with supreme power that even gods will tremble upon seeing, he wants it all. Plus he isn't alone! His celestial eccentric twin Kuzumi Star who takes pleasure in the despair of others wants to enjoy life to the fullest as well as long she traveling with her dear Kazami. Fame, Power, Kingdom Toppling Beauties is all that Kazami gain in the exhilarating adventure of cultivation. Though not everything is as one to one as it seems... https://discord.gg/kVbTCay-My Discord.

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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140 Chs

Setting Off

A few minutes passed since the four went into their close quarters. Admittedly for mythical beasts waiting, they were genuinely anticipating what would come.

Even for these thousands of years old beasts, they could attest to Kazami, and the girls' appearances being above even the purest of gods. All of them could naturally attract people towards them without trying at all.

And what seemed like a long wait soon ended once Lun Yuo and Brenda came out.

What followed could only be a breathtaking event as the girls seemed to done extra preparation while also wearing the magnificent robes.

Lun Yuo now had a radiant, delicate, gentle beauty that warmed one soul. Her lushes long green hair was braided in a lovely style from the back further giving her the charm of a soothing and caring maiden.

The silvery black robes perfectly suited her body, highlighting her alluring figure and bountiful breasts. From showing off her supple, slender legs and grand bouncy chest, it would be hard for Lun Yuo not to gain the adoration of a crowd.

Her gorgeous face similarly had the kind tender vibe as she was wearing a small sweet smile along with still having the same purplish-green flower at the top of her hair.

Brenda, on the other hand, would draw one in with her wild, stunning looks making her out to be a unique beauty. At first glance, one's eyes would get sucked into her beautiful curly long white hair. It swayed in a hypnotic rhythmic pattern flowing down her back like a waterfall.

What also helped to pull in people were here pure white eyes that gleamed in the darkest of pits

Her robes were worn a bit different compared to Lun Yuo as her was bit open at the centre, giving one a little more view of her pure lustrous neck. The robes also enchanted her gracious curves and huge breasts that threaten to spill from her robes.

Her chest was slightly bigger than Lun Yuo, and her robes tightly clung to her body like she was a stunning ancient seductress. Brenda bewitching face as well could arise the forbidden lust men would try and keep down.

Once their eyes met with each other Lun Yuo sprouted a massive grin rushing over to Brenda while Brenda got slightly taken aback.

Lun Yuo indeed looked even more incredible than before and surprising her Lun Yuo took Brenda hands as she praised;

"My Brenda if you could only see your adorable self right now. You're nearly perfect!"

Her sincere tone and high praised got Brenda to feel a bit of warmth as she similarly praised,

"Yuo I'm not adorable but dangerous! Though you as well Yuo have a beauty that can suffocate men and women, leaving them gasping for air as you crush down on them!!"

Bit of a bizarre way to praise but Lun Yuo took it to heart none of the less feeling nice as she stared into Brenda now alluring white golden eyes.

Her smiling and staring did get Brenda to feel a little bit awkward but didn't try to shake her off feeling a bit good with linking hands with her.

However, they soon turned their attention when they heard another pair of footsteps and was by the enchanting person in front of them.

Kuzumi exuded a joyful heavenly beauty look that swoons for people to follow her every step. Her pure golden hair now was a bit shorter than before only going a bit past her shoulder also gaining a brilliant mixture of purple with it.

Her robes matched her magnificent figure-eight body as if it got perfectly sculptured for her. And her more average size breasts also emitted a sexy style and grace that matched her bewitching beauty face.

On her forehead, the original divine markings had also shaped into a stylish feathery tattoo over her right eyebrow.

Walking over to the other two world-class beauty Kuzumi held a toothy smile speaking,

"Hey hey hey, don't we look a trio of celestial beauty. I'm sure all of us no matter where and when can garner a lot of attention something in which I'm greatly looking forward too."

Despite being in shock for a few seconds, Kuzumi words got them to shake their heads as Lun Yuo wryly smiled and taking one of her hands to grasp Kuzumi's hands.

"Indeed I'm sure we will, and you can have all your fun then. But I must say Kuzumi you certainly go beyond even the highest expectations."

"No kidding, I bet you can even get people to lick your shoes for a large sum of money!" Hearing Brenda idea did get Kuzumi to adopt a pondering excited expression.

"I don't think it will be terrific to enable her Brenda or she might actually go ahead with that idea." Lun Yuo sighed at Kuzumi look while she only happily smiled describing to them,

"Yu, what Brenda suggested maybe one of the most entertaining things we can do on this planet! Not only me all of us can participate in it! Even Kazami can do it as well!!"

"I whole heartily think I can make better use of my times than having people pay me to lick my shoes."

Kuzumi inspired high got soon cut off with Kazami deep voice, and as the girls all turned to stare at him, their eyes were open wide.

Handsome men were something all three girls seen throughout their lives, more so with Lun Yuo and Kuzumi as they live in God realms. And Kazami always did stand out above the rest of handsome men, but now he was even more gracious than ever.

Somehow his purple silver eyes were even more dazzling, and it fit perfectly with her clean silver hair that shined through the sun. The centre of his forehead his divine markings had taken the shape of a feather there as well.

His robes showed off his now lean and muscular body that oozed a supreme emperor look. And furthering that was at the centre of his robes being slightly open to show his husky chest.

Kazami was the prime example of someone who commanded respect.

Walking over to the girls he saw all three of them had moderate blushes on their faces with Lun Yuo and Brenda staring feverishly at him. He didn't really take a look at his sister expression but knew she was amazed all the same.

Without any words, he got in his two girlfriends faces and sensually began to stroke the side of their heads showing them,

"Just like you I'm also at a lost for words to describe all of your flawless looks. So let me transfer my feelings through these strokes."

Both girls leaned in more to his hand as Lun Yuo dreamily sighed;

"Ah~. Kazami hand, I can feel it~! Too good of an experience, too good of an experience~!" She had a near dazed face melting into his hand and gazing upon his dashing looks.

"Yoh~! Yea I'm gonna have to require you to do this a lot more times Kazami! In fact, I'm thinking of doing this daily." Brenda held his hand and told him with a serious straight face.

"That'll depend on how lovable you keep being. Though I'm sure this will be task easily accomplished by you, Brenda. Of course, this goes for you as well my adorable flower!" He smiled, telling them, causing both girls to sprout blushes as they almost began to jump giddily at the thought.

His hands were like constant feelings of being loved and cared for something that softened their hearts even more. This moment felt like they were in their own little world.

Until Kuzumi put her hands over Kazami staring into his eyes.

"Fret not, how could I ever forget my darling beloved little sister?! Your big brother will shower you with love!" He exclaimed and immediately began to use both hands to caress his sister's face.

Kuzumi however now was madly blushing from his words and caressed pleading with slight tears in her eyes;

"D-d-d-d-don't say that around others!! Beloved little sister?! Shower me with love?! Only when we're alone!!"

Kuzumi felt her heart suddenly beat rapidly being hearing Kazami saying, beloved and love. Especially being in front of his girlfriends, Kuzumi was feeling unusually embarrassed from it.

Kazami however, only started to pick up the pace on caressing her.

"Yuo...Is it just more or did I sense a bit of jealousy in Kuzumi eyes." Brenda made no effort to whisper and said out loud to Lun Yuo.

Brenda words got Kuzumi to push Kazami hands-off as dramatically turned to Brenda shouting before Lun Yuo even had a chance to respond,

"Jealous?! Who's jealous?! You're jealous!! Senior beasts, what do you think of our new looks!"

Kuzumi abruptly changed the topic staring into a specific spot a blush still a little bit on her cheeks. Her reactions caused Brenda and Lun Yuo to look at each other and smirk.

Kazami merely shook his head, finding amusement in his sister action and finding it extremely cute for once.

Hearing her as if it was their cue the mythical beasts did appear, but even now they were still stunned by the youths extraordinary beautiful looks. After all the event of their trials, they now genuinely look like young noble, godly youths.

Senior Myla, as usual, took the lead saying:

"As expect of young godchildren, you all are the very being of looking noble and charming."

"Thank you Senior Myla, ah also now that everything is done with how will we get out of this place?" Lun Yuo asked them, and Senior Quava responded with,

"It's easy we'll simply take you outside back to the entrance of this cave. Don't worry about that other group most of them are dead but one did manage to escape using an ancient talisman barely, but they're near death."

Nodding her head Lun Yuo also saw in the beasts head was her flower she gave them,

"Thank you for all of your help Seniors, and it seems like you're very appreciative of my gift as well. Another thing to before we go, Seniors, how can we find our ways back to you guys?"

Giggling softly Senior Myla shook head saying;

"Ah that a simple task. All you need is flashing one of yours bloodlines out at the entrance, and we'll open up to teleport all of you inside. By the way young god Lun Yuo you're flowers are almost too comfortable to touch."

"Hey do any of you know where you will head next? And on that matter why not just cultivator inside here with all of your resources?" Senior Alar questioned them since it indeed would be more simple to stay and level up in here.

"Huh? Where the hell is the fun in that staying coop in here?! Besides I might just go crazy if I have to stay here another second looking at these blue walls!!" Kuzumi complained not satisfied in the slightest with the suggestion of staying here.

"I fully and totally agree with Kuzumi! If I stay locked up in here I might just want to slaughter everyone here! And it's honestly much better to kill for cultivation than sitting around." Brenda excitedly said as antsy as Kuzumi.

"Have young godchildren catch information of this continents grand tournament?" Senior Lukil suddenly asked out of the blue.

"I don't believe so, but what about it? It's just some mortal tournament on this planet right?' Kazami indifferently said taking no value in whatever tournament getting held.

"Accurate however young god Kazami, this tournament from information throughout years is held only at times every hundred of years or they gain something that extraordinary will fundamentally change this planet. And we learn it is the latter for a reason this tournament getting held."

"That extraordinary thing from what we speculated is something rich in divine energies mainly due to the fact of this planet unprecedented oddities. Godchildren we severely lack in information only being able to obtain it through challengers. While this tournament geniuses are beneath you, I believe you all will gain something that will further aid your journey." Senior Myla picked after Senior Lukil got done and earnestly stated to them.

They all held no lies in their words as despite being on this planet for thousands of years, they remained trap in this space because of the threat from the mission centre.

Yet despite being something that would for sure excite any other geniuses, the teens had a mix response.

Lun Yuo was the only who looked interested in experiencing the tournament honestly and wanted to see more of the planet. Kuzumi was thinking about how fun it would be to mess with the people in the competition.

Brenda held a feral gaze cause of the havoc she could breach onto those geniuses and elders of the tournament. And Kazami held a calculating gaze on how to take what he needs without the bullshit simply.

This time Kazami spoke up but had held a strange smile as he told the beasts,

"We'll think about it, but this tournament will be dealt with our special team way, right girls?"

"Indeed, this will be a fresh experience we all probably need." Lun Yuo sweetly and nearly ominously smiling answered.

"Yea it'll probably be my most fun time on this planet." Kuzumi playfully said, but her eyes held and dangerous glint.

"I just can't wait to share my newfound sensations among them all, they perfect for me." Brenda licked her teethes while saying, a wild look on her face.

Suddenly the four mythical beasts almost felt sorry for this continent for telling these four about the tournament, but Senior Myla stated,

"Right, and by the way godchildren, we suggest heading to the second-ranked province Veiled city. The ones know as the Outlaw clan spoke about some significant events happening with the sects in that city. With your talent, it's but of a simple task to join in.

"Is that so? Well, we had no prime destination so far and that Veiled city seemed interesting enough anyway. And Senior beasts once we finish with our mission and kill that horned red tiger we will rightfully get you off this planet." Kazami declared bore into their eyes as well to make it clear.

And the four mythical beasts felt even more admiration and respect towards them as Senior Quava said,

"We trust godchildren words, and we're all proud to have you like our complete inheritors! Now let's get you all outside."

With a snap of Senior Myla fingers, they all were whisk outside of the cave entrance looking around the forest a bit in a daze. Kuzumi, however, jumped eagerly and proclaimed,

"Now it's time for our supreme team to reign upon everything we touch!"