
Shining Duos

Living your best life, an easy sounding feat that is in reality incredibly tough to do in a universe where everyone has extraordinary powers. Though for one Kazami Star he was born with supreme gifts allowing him to live out his greatest desires! To the heavenly pleasure of tasting the love of a fairy maiden or crushing his enemies with supreme power that even gods will tremble upon seeing, he wants it all. Plus he isn't alone! His celestial eccentric twin Kuzumi Star who takes pleasure in the despair of others wants to enjoy life to the fullest as well as long she traveling with her dear Kazami. Fame, Power, Kingdom Toppling Beauties is all that Kazami gain in the exhilarating adventure of cultivation. Though not everything is as one to one as it seems... https://discord.gg/kVbTCay-My Discord.

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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140 Chs

Extraordinary Lineup

Opening the map up, the four saw it had a fascinating appearance and held directions to a marked place. It was a bit away from their current location, and there were odd writings over the marked spot.

It read "Mystical Realm" in black writing stunning the four youths since the words looked as if they're popping off the map. And they similarly felt a strange aura the map was radiating off.

"The name of this place…do you think this also hail from the God Realms?" Brenda asked aloud as the map held a distinct aura, and she never heard of something like this on this planet.

"I'm not sure, but like those Qi orbs, this map or this place shouldn't exist on this planet," Kazami answered her while contemplating the vibrant sublime aura of the map.

It indeed felt pure and rich in energy, similar to what he usually feels while at home. Such an aura further reinforces the idea that something significant was happening on this planet."For now, I think we should go to this tomb. I think our strength is lacking in this province." Lun Yuo jumped in and said after experiencing the levels at Occult Heart Guild.

If it weren't for the Slaughting God talisman, they never would've been able even to cause a dent at the guild. And more than ever, they need the power to deal with their future enemies on their own.

"Even if we're are lacking, it won't be too long before we overtake them. Before we go, brother, Yu, let's merge our powers and pour it into these cloaks. I'm sure that the tomb will be a tourist attraction." Kuzumi got a sudden idea and told the two.

Now at the Origin Formation realm, the effect of merging their powers would not only become faster, but it will also be much more potent than before.

Getting into position the three linked hands with each other and throughout their bodies, their Qi's smoothly flowed around each other. The process only lasted a minute before they poured their combined might into the cloaks.

"I wonder just how much better it is now. Get in the middle again, Brenda, this time you should be concealed completely." Kazami said to her as Brenda nodded and pulled up her cloak, getting in the middle of them.

The four rushed into the forest, observing the reaction of the beasts while running.

And as predicted, no beasts ever took notice of them, even the Heaven Rulers beasts when close didn't seemed to spot them although they did have to stay clear of Heaven King Sea beasts as they appeared to look in their direction if the four got a bit too close to them.

By following the directions given on the map and staying careful, it was a smooth journey for the four.

Outside, a closed dull brown cave that would be unnoticeable to most people stood seven hair-raising dignified figures. Three of them were marvelous strong-looking men wearing black and white suites focusing on this ordinary cave. All three of them carried weapons, had sharp distinctive crisp features, and transmitted an intimidating aura.

The other two were fetching elegant women standing to the men's side and wearing black and white suits. These two carried also carried weapons and held a terrifying vibe as their eyes were cold as ice and held the gaze of general disdain to most things.

The great terrifying thing about them, however, as they were all at late stages of the Heaven King Sea realm! They had a powerful line up that could deter clans and families amongst lower-ranked provinces.

And it wasn't over yet as behind them were two extraordinary men that walked with power. They wore pure gray suits in contrast to the five and carried an indifferent expression on their faces.

Not a single bit of aura leaked from them, but from their mere presence alone, they would be able to make a Heaven Ruler kneel.

"How much longer do we have to wait before this cave open Gylas? I'm itching to get this show on the road." One of the men holding a beautiful purple spear asked. His hands had numerous scars on it, but he gripped the spear tightly.

One of them that had a crisp blue saber strap to his back spoke up saying,

"Shouldn't be too long now, at least from what that guild told us."

"Say speaking off them, shouldn't they be here by now? That man and woman paid big for us to show up." One of the other men with dual-wielding hammers in each of his hands said.

"No matter if they come or not. Those two probably would've been a burden for us anymore at their prowess." One of the women spoke up this time, and she packed a bow and arrows.

At this time one of the two men at the back focused his eyes and told the group,

"Alright, everyone focuses up now, I sensed slight fluctuation coming from the cave. It's nearly time."

The five respectfully listen to the man's words and enter a high alert state as the closed cave started to tremble lightly.

From a fair distance between four black cloaks were intensely gazing at the scene and who had shown up.

At their distance, the Heaven King cultivators typically would've sensed something close, and the two behind would for sure caught them.

Yet the four were able to observe from a safe distance because of their god cloaks and merging powers."Talk about a lineup, five late stages Heaven King Sea and I can now vaguely sense those two are Emperor Sea cultivators." Kazami started to tell the girls as he concentrated on sensing their levels.

At Origin Formation, his spirit sense had significantly improved, and now he didn't need to exert himself to sense Heaven Ruler cultivators or even Heaven King Sea.

"These guys-these guys are on the level of that man and woman we slaughter," Brenda said with a hint of killing intent leaking in her voice while also shock at the amount of strength this group has.

Now more than ever, she felt a desire to go out and wildly use her slaughtering Qi, but she pushed those sensations down in fear of what it'll do to her.

"Kazami, we should use the concealing talisman now; from the way their talking, they're far beyond what we face with the man and woman." Lun Yuo quickly suggested to him which only got Kuzumi to laugh saying lightly,

"Don't fret too much Yu as long we say at our distance we'll be fine. Besides, their no fun if there isn't a bit of danger, don't you think?" Her light tone of voice and words got Brenda and Lun Yuo to frown slightly.

"We can't treat this li-" She couldn't finish as the trembling from the cave got louder and more ferocious.

The ground violently shook, and slowly the cave opened up, revealing pitch-black darkness. No words were made between the seven as they rushed into the cave at lightning speeds.


The only signal needed from Kazami as the four of them rushed at the cave, which was slowly closing again.

As they were a fair distance away, the four to not lose out on the entrance unleashed their divine powers for a boost of speed, making it in the dark cave.