
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 16 -- Fight

Lex had the chance to finally see an Earth lion up close. They had the body shape of normal lions but stood 4 meters tall. They had tough brown skin with a large mane made of what appeared to be rock. Their front legs where muscular with claws at least 30 centimeters in length.

Lex stood there, his back against the village outer wall with a lion to his left , right and front. Instead of shaking in fear like a normal 16 year old, Lex was calm. The ambush did catch him off guard though, he was under the impression that his team had the element of surprise but it turned out the enemy was aware of their arrival.

With a calm expression, Lex unsheathed his long sword before activating his 'Force'. His hair , eyes and sword started glowing a bright red as he took a fighting stance.

As soon as he activated his power. The lion in front of him leapt with its claws and teeth ready to rip Lex to shreds. He quickly ducked and rolled under the lion , causing it to miss its target and crash into the wall.He then took a quick look at his system screen.


Name : Lex Black

Race : ?????

Rank : 1

Force : 38 / 38

Strength : 46 (+10)

Speed : 30

Endurance : 42

Mind : 10

Elements : Fire ; Darkness ; Light.

Fire element -> Lvl 2.

Darkness element -> Lvl 1.

Light element -> Lvl 1.

Skills :

Absorption Lvl 1

Flame blast Lvl 1

Scorching blade Lvl 1


{You could have slashed at it's stomach when you where under it} Angela criticized. Lex ignored his sometimes annoying AI and raised his sword to parry an incoming claw attack before rolling to the right to dodge another lion's attack.

The lion which attacked first had recovered from it's collision with the wall. It ran towards Lex , who was a good 25 metres away. Before the lion could get halfway to Lex's position , he slashed his blade and a crimson slash came out of it heading straight towards the still charging lion , Lex had used his [Scorching blade] skill for the first time against a living being and he was impressed with the result.

The lion was in mid air when [Scorching blade] hit so it could not dodge. The skill connected right on the forehead of the lion , flinging it back a few meters. Lex was looking at the lion he hit waiting to see if his attack was lethal.

However the few seconds he spent spectating his downed enemy , the other two lions sprung into action. One of them attached from behind , slashing straight at his upper back and drawing three large claw marks with Lex's dark red blood. The force of the attack flung him forward, where the last lion was waiting with its mouth wide open , barring it's large yellow fangs.

{Lex you gotta do something now!!!} Angela shouted in his mind.

{I know ok just shut up!} he snapped back , clearly frustrated. Through the few instants he spent exchanging words with Angela though, Lex came up with a plan to avoid certain death.

He pointed his sword directly at the open mouth of the lion. He planned to shove his sword down the beast's throat but the pain on his back caused him to flinch for a fraction of a second. Lex ended up missing his original target and his flame infused sword ended up coming out at the bottom of the lion's mouth.

The lion whimpered in pain but was not dead.

{Lex behind you !} Angela half screamed.

Lex let go of his sword and turned around to see the lion which had injured his back charging after him at full speed. His sword was stuck in the other lion's mouth so Lex had no choice but to use his hands.

Lex outstretched both his hands, with palms facing the incoming beast. Flame aura started to gather a few centimeters from his palms. The balls of flame quickly grew to the size of basketballs in two seconds. When the raging lion was 10 meters away Lex fired. The flame spheres blasted from his hands at unimaginable speed, jerking his whole body back a little from the recoil.

The flame balls where to fast for the lion to dodge. They converged at its head and exploded, flinging the beast 30 meters away.

Lex smiled at the power of his [Flame blast] skill but did not wait around this time. The lion which he just attacked with [Flame blast] was the most injured from the three so Lex knew he had to get rid of it first , and also because he was pissed off that it ripped his uniform.

Lex infused his legs with flame aura as he shot towards the lion , covering the 30 meters in 2 seconds. The lion was lying down with cuts and bruises on it's face and mane, but it was still alive.

Lex did not waste time as he forcefully opened the lion's mouth and shoved his hand down it's throat. He then ignited his entire arm with scorching hot flames , cooking the lion from the inside. After 5 seconds the lion went limp and Lex removed his hand from the now deceased lion's maw.

{Behind you!} Angela warned Lex.

He turned to see a lion with a big wound across its forhead coming at him. Lex panicked, the lion was too close to use [Flame blast] and he did not have his sword to use [Scorching blade].

'Well if this doesn't work I'm dead anyway' Lex thought before holding up his fingers like guns with his index finger pointing at the lion. He then proceeded to begin the procedure of using [Flame blast] but did not let the flame aura grow. Shooting his hand, a small flame the size of a bullet shot out at blinding speed.

{<System alert!>}

{<New skill unlocked! : Flame bullet Lvl 1>}

Lex didn't take the time to read the system screen as he kept spamming his new skill. The [Flame bullet] was weaker than [Flame blast] but it was way quicker and was precise.The lion had no choice but to stop it's charge under Lex's relentless fire. Lex kept on aiming at the wound on the lion's forehead while slowly walking towards the angry beast with an evil smile.

'Man if only Linda could see me now , bet i look so cool ! ' He thought in glee.