
Shinigami Reborn [Kazui Fanfic]

This is a power-fantasy trash, you have been warned. Also, most stuff spouted here doesn't make sense. === Climbing up the ranks? Been there, done that. Kurosaki Kazui has lived for more than three thousand years, and he felt that he had mostly accomplished anything possible. Being at the helm of the Shinigami-Quincy-Fullbring faction, Kazui brought a millennium-long peace, at least on the supernatural side. Due to his sense of accomplishment, he decided to undergo the process of reincarnation. Unbeknownst to him and his trusty Zanpakuto, Shingetsu, it had acquired an additional power during their fight against the invasion of Demons from Hell. While he did get reincarnated, his memories did not reset at all. === This was written waaay before the new one-shot was announced, so consider that one-shot and this fanfic unrelated. Facts that you know - those that I'm unaware of, might've been changed in this fic, so before all of that happens, I'm here to give my apologies, and to tell you to suck it up. Oh, and an unstable update.

NoMoreTimeMachine · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


(N: My knowledge of HP world came from the movies, so this arc is heavily influenced by it. Aside from OC's, I mostly won't be describing much well-known characters, or anything that had happened in the novels – unless I've read about them in the fandom wiki. Oh, and I'm writing this assuming everyone have watched the movies.)


Kazui went home, and bonded with his new pets along with the other kids from the orphanage. After making sure to tell what to and what not to do to the sand cat kitten and the eagle - namely Faith and Clara respectively, and warned Clara not to harmed the children, he went to Jasmine and recounted his experience shopping around Diagon Alley.

"So, what do you think?" Jasmine asked seriously. Ever since she was aware of Kazui being a magical being, and him showing maturity way above his age, she had told her a lot of things that happened during the war while taking note of his expressions. Starting then, she had expressed her stance regarding various topics and had actually listened to a kid not even a decade older. This time, their topic is about the results of the current regime and the wizards' state of mind.

"Hmmm. For the nobles and politicians, things to be doing very well. Their lists of shops you told me to look out for does seem to be doing 'very' well. The muggleborn, not so much. I noticed in some of the rundown shops, there are workers that are decent if I were to compare them to your associates, truly wasting potential."

"Those in power continue to grow stronger, and the weak continue to grow weaker." Jasmine said grimly, to which Kazui nodded.

"These noble families really are stupid." Kazui said. 'Just like those in Soul Society before the defeat of Yhwach. With Byakuya-jii and Yoru-nee on the forefront, the nobles took over the Central and are actually doing good work. Ability over bloodline. They might have different starting line, but the path are the same.'

"Based on the statistics you've given me before, matron, the current trend is actually that of half-bloods and most muggleborn wizards have higher potential than that of most of the pureblood wizards. If they've actually spare a decent amount of money to these newcomers, just like what you are doing with whoever you are doing your business with, they'd sure to have powerful and talented wizards in their ranks." Kazui said to which Jasmine smiled.

"According to what my partner told me, this might be the cause of inbreeding. I have read a book about it, and I still don't understand completely, but I know that my family won't ever have this problem since my ancestors was only able to established themselves after the witch-hunt era, and never had problems or accidents with muggles. It might be also due to the fact that my family has been mostly in Hufflepuff, where most muggleborn wizards are put into." Jasmine explained to Kazui.

"That's right, have you thought of which house you will be put into, Kazui?" Jasmine asked with a smile, her business-mode off.

Kazui smiled as well, knowing that she expecting him to be wanting to be in Hufflepuff just like she was. Based on what he'd read from some of the books she had let him read before and the stories of when she was a student, Hogwarts freshmen will be sorted during their first day in one of the four houses depending on their nature – which Kazui call bullshit.

The Gryffindor, the house of the brave; Hufflepuff, the house of the loyal; Ravenclaw, the house of the wise; and Slytherin, the house of the cunning.

Kazui certainly didn't want to be in Gryffindor or Slytherin. He didn't want to take part in what he call "petty squabbles". And while Jasmine explained in sunshine and rainbows about the house of Hufflepuff – minus the bias she included, Kazui thought it is nice going there. However, in Ravenclaw, there is a privilege only available to seven students in the school, a single-person room.

Kazui was able to know of this when he was reading a diary of a vindictive former Ravenclaw student, one of the many books Jasmine had randomly gathered for him. According to the diary, the head of the house gather every student by year in their common room to give them a long quiz regarding the incoming school year, different from two hundred years ago when the first years aren't able to acquire one because they aren't graded until the end of the first year since the room was given to the student with the highest grade from the previous school year. It was changed due to one of the room owner died, and a lot of student wanted to own the room for themselves. The head of the house that time decided to give a quiz to every student the same year as the one who died so that everyone had an equal chance, and it continued for two hundred years.

"I plan to be in Ravenclaw. The single-person room that they have is very appealing, you see. I haven't bothered here, but a growing boy needs his privacy, matron." Kazui said.

Jasmine, hearing Kazui reply, was a bit disappointed. She understood Kazui's concern, especially with him being especially mature for his age – she thought that Kazui had some secrets and had no plans on prying on his personal business. She had no idea why, but she had an instinctual feeling that she can trust him no matter what.

They then talked for a bit more; like why bring an eagle to a world of owls, his wand, the absurdity of the books he'd purchased for his Defense Against the Dark Arts and a few other mundane topics. Only after an hour did Kazui returned to the other children and his new pets.


Days passed, and the first of September came. It was early in the morning, and Kazui was sitting in car with Jasmine besides him. As the orphanage is located in the outskirts of London, they had to travel by car to get to King's Cross Station, where the 'portal' to Platform 9 ¾ are located, as well as the train that will take them to Hogsmeade Station.

As they took off early, they also arrived early. Kazui didn't noticed any magically capable person yet. As Jasmine continue to lead him to the supposedly portal, he noticed a disturbance in one of the pillars.

'That must be it, then.' Kazui thought.

Jasmine stopped in front of the portal pillar and looked at Kazui, pride and sadness etched in her beautiful face.

"This is where we separate, Kazui. I still cannot go to the other side, 'cause I know I'll be unable to stop myself from killing somebody. I'll see you on the holidays. I know you'll take care of yourself." Jasmine said as she bend her knees a bit to kiss Kazui's forehead and started walking away.

"See you on holidays, Jasmine." Kazui just smiled, looking at Jasmine's departing back.

Kazui pushed his luggage and walked a bit faster towards the pillar, and he arrived properly at Platform 9 ¾. He was greeted by a large, red steam engine, and even with his experience, he was awed by it. In his generation, steam engines are completely out of service, and can only be found in museums, and Japanese ones are smaller in comparison.

As expected, there were not a lot of students and parents yet, so he was easily able to find an empty room for himself and released both Faith and Clara from their cages. He plans to let Clara fly when they got out of the urban areas. For the time being, he was playing with Faith while talking telepathically to Clara.

It was only until half an hour later when a crowd had form at the train platform. The outsider are giving his room second looks. Whether it was his hair color, his tiny feline companion, the majestic avian creature hanging out in the window, or all of the above, Kazui didn't care.

Kazui was scratching Faith's ear when the door of his compartment was opened by another student – clearly because she's already wearing her uniform. From his perspective, she might be a student from second or third year due to her uniform, a Gryffindor.

The first time the intruder saw Kazui, she was taken aback and her mind blanked out for a bit. There are three bizarre creatures that she is seeing, and while one was a little less so, that didn't diminished the absurdity – from her common sense, that was the occupants of the room. She only came to when Kazui talked to her first.

"Excuse me, do you need something?" Kazui amicably asked.

"W-why do you have an eagle? And why is your hair orange? Are you unaware that dying your hair is banned in school?" She asked questions one after another, fingers pointing at Kazui.

And with that, Kazui sighed. 'Curiosity plus unnecessary righteousness. The most terrible combination, and the one I'm most uncomfortable with even after all these years. Add to that her shrilly voice. I might love kids, but I totally hate brats. And '

"There's no rules against an eagle, so I'm free to have one. As for my hair, I'm born with it. And since dying of hair is banned in school, even if I want to – not that I want to, I can't dye it to whatever else. And don't point your finger at me, that's rude." Kazui replied without looking at her. (N: Nope, you can't have PH Eagles)

Hearing his reply, the woman stood uncomfortably at door, speechless. She wanted to deny his hair being natural colored, but she cannot exactly deny him due to the nature of their school. She decided to let the teacher judge him, but there's still one thing on her mind. She took a deep breathe to regain her bearings.

"I'm sorry. It's the first time I've seen someone with orange hair, so I'm really surprised. But your eagle… by any chance did you not know that birds in Hogwarts are dominated by owls?" She said in a slightly condescending tone. She deducted that Kazui is a first year, since she was unaware of him even with his unique features.

"You must read a lot, don't you? I know that eagles and owls are completely hostile to each other, but Clara is both smart and strong, and she has a separate resting place than the owls, so there won't be a lot of problems." Kazui replied as he continued petting Faith, not looking at the intruder.

Hearing the eagle's name, the intruder got a bit embarrassed and started scolding herself inwardly. She had some terrible experience last year due to her attitude, and while she doesn't plan on changing her ways soon, she surely doesn't want to make unnecessary enemy.

"I apologize, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Hermione Granger, a second year." The intruder, namely Hermione, introduced herself.

"I'm Kazui Kurosaki, first year. Her majesty, like I said earlier, is Clara. And this young lady here is Faith. If you're here for the seat, then please, they are completely free. If you're uncomfortable with Clara, please bear with her until we're in the rural areas." Kazui also introduced himself, as well as his companions. And trying not to be rude, he decided to invite her to sit as well.

Hermione noticed his name is not native, but trying not somewhat offend Kazui, she kept her thoughts to herself. She accepted the invitation to share the compartment, and replied with a thank you. As she sat, and thought everything through, there was one last creature that is still a question mark in her mind.

"About…Faith, was it? What kind of cat is she? Because I haven't seen nor read about cat of that size before." Hermione asked, genuinely curious.

Kazui noticed her sincere curiosity this time, that's why he decided to indulge her for a little bit.

"She's a rare Arabian sand cat. I noticed that she her when I was looking for a courier, and decided to take her in. When I had the matron's magizoologist friend look at her, he said that she had eaten an unknown plant that caused complications to the process of cell division on her body, so she'll stay like a kitten until the end of her lifespan. Aside from her being this adorable for the rest of her life, nothing else is special about her." Kazui explained as he continues to pet Faith. Noticing where his new roommate's gaze is at, he smirked.

"Do you want to pet her?" Kazui said with a subtle teasing tone.

Hermione, noticing that Kazui was staring at her as she was staring at Faith, turned a little red with embarrassment.

"I-if she's fine with it." Hermione answered with a barely audible voice. Kazui only laughed at her.

"What do you think, Faith? Do you want to play with Ms. Granger?" Kazui asked the cat in his lap.

When asked the question, Faith stared at Hermione for about half a minute before giving her a 'meow' in reply as she stood up.

"All right. Here you go." Kazui said as he held out Faith to Hermione.

During the mini-staring tournament, every second that passed is like waiting for judgement day for Hermione, as she nervously awaits the cat's decision. Kazui though, who secretly collaborated with Faith via telepathy to tease the girl, was holding back his laugh. Only when he started to feel bad for her that he decided to let Hermione play with Faith. Moreover, Faith loves the attention that it gets as well.

A few minutes of petting, another young lady intruded the compartment, with her parents to boot.

"Oh, Hermione. There you are. Here you go, Ginny. It's best to be traveling with someone you know. Good luck, dears." The new arrival's mother said as she kept on hugging her daughter while his husband was putting the luggage in the overhead bins. They've then bid farewell both to their daughter and Hermione and promptly went away.

The moment the newcomer sat, Hermione introduced her, knowing that she's a bit shy to strangers, especially boys.

"Ginny, this is Kazui Kurosaki, a first year just like you are. Kurosaki, this is Ginevra Weasley."

"Kazui is fine. It's easier to say even here in the west, and is acceptable even if pronounced wrong. I don't like to hear my family name being butchered." Kazui said nonchalantly. (Ko-row-saa-key)

Ginevra, or Ginny, nodded as her response. Then she also decided to address the biggest elephant in the room – based on her common sense, at least.

"Your hair, is it natural?" Ginny asked timidly, but still politely.

"It is. According to the matron, my mother had the same color of hair as I have." Kazui answered amicably as well.

"Matron? Are you perhaps…an orphan, Kazui?" Hermione started with her normal tone of voice, which started to get lower midway due to the nature of the topic.

"I am. And I'm not bothered by it. Like I've told Professor McGonagall, I had receive every familial love that I want." Kazui said to them, smiling lightly.

After that, they didn't talked very much. Kazui started reading, sometimes chuckling in amusement, one of his DADA book. As for the ladies, they continued to play with Faith. And Clara is still being with her majestic self.

Not long after, the train started to depart. The families of the students onboard are waving their hands towards the train while the students reciprocated their own. While the goodbyes were being given, Hermione suddenly stood up and handed Faith over to Ginny.

"I'll look for Ron and Harry. I'll come back when I find them." And off she goes. Ginny just nodded as she continues to play with Faith, while Kazui never cared for whatever her business is.

It took a few dozen minutes before Hermione returned, alone.

"Have you found them?" Ginny asked.

"No. They weren't in any room, and no one had seen them." Hermione said, clearly irritated.

"They are there somewhere. Just ignore them."

Ignore them she did, as she returned to playing with Ginny and Faith.

It wasn't long until the train were out of the populated area, and Kazui decided to finally let Clara fly on her own. As he did so, he noticed a flying car following the train. When he focused on it, he noticed that the passenger was one of the key figures that Jasmine told him to look out too, Harry Potter, and the driver, who has the same features as one of his roommate.

'I see. So Hermione is friend with Harry Potter, and the boy with him should be Ginny's brother.'

"Say, Miss Weasley, is there any chance that your family owns a blue car?"

"We do. It was even enchanted to fly."

Kazui replied with a hum, but Ginny didn't mind. She's still busy playing with Faith. Hermione though, the ever curious, cannot stop herself.

"How do you know they have a car, Kazui?" Hermione inquired.

"Well…let's just say that you'll know about it later. For the time being, please take care of Faith. I plan to take a little nap. Please only wake me when something serious happens." The ladies only shrugged in reply, as the moment they looked at Kazui, he looked like he is already sleeping.

For the next few hours, they talked and played, until they reached Hogsmeade Station.


While Kazui's body is indeed sleeping, he actually entered his mindscape, or inner world. This is the place where he communicates with Shingetsu.

His inner world is composed of almost never-ending sea of red spider lily flowers, reaching in every direction. There's a spot where an old man in black kimono was meditating. It was Shingetsu, Kazui's Zanpakuto.

Kazui stopped in front of Shingetsu, and sat the same way as Shingetsu did. Kazui did closed his eyes as he started meditating. A few seconds later, both of their breathing became identical, and they became one with the inner world. At the corner where the almost never-ending sea of red spider lily flowers had stopped, an empty space, which Kazui once called an unconquered territory, is starting to be filled with more red spider lily flowers. The red spider lily flowers continued advancing forward, conquering the unconquered territory.


It was dark when they arrived at Hogsmeade Station.

Hermione woke up Kazui about half an hour ago when he was asked to leave the room for Ginny to change into her uniform and after Ginny was finished, they changed role as the two girls walked out of the room to let Kazui change into his.

Hermione told the newcomers to leave their luggage behind since someone will take care of it for them. She then led the two of them to a tall man with an unkempt, thick beard.

"Hagrid, this is Ginny, Ron's sister. And this is Kazui, someone we shared the train compartment with. They're both first years, so I'll leave them to you. Ginny, Kazui, this is Hagrid, Hogwarts groundskeeper and a dear friend of ours. It's his duties to lead the first years to the school, so you have to follow him. Well, then. Good luck. I hope to see you in Gryffindor." Hermione explained in a hurry and left in the same fashion as well, like she's agitated about something.

'Must be looking for Harry Potter and Ginny's older brother.' Kazui thought.

"The lass is really excited, isn't she? All right. You two, be sure to follow me. First years, first years! First years, follow me!" Hagrid said to the two and gathered the rest of the first years as well.

After that, Hagrid brought them by the lakeside, where a bunch of small boats is located.

"No more than four on each both. Go on go on. Be careful once you're on to avoid night swimming. You two, as well. Go on."

And they did. Since Kazui and Ginny are already acquainted, they've got on the same boat and waited for two more to start their ride across the lake. It wasn't long before every other boats are full, and their boat was occupied by two others as well.

They weren't able to talk much with their new companions, since they knew that they might be sorted into different houses. As such, they have enough time to marvel at their experience in riding a small boat under the night sky.

Kazui though, noticed the presence that is gazing at them from under the lake, difficult not to when its mere size alone is gigantic, even if he did not physically look at it. Sensing no ill will, Kazui decided to ignore it.

They arrived at the dock of the school island, not before passing by a cave-like entrance that prompted Hagrid to warn the students to mind their head, not minding that his height is clearly way above normal. Kazui had a little bit of laugh from it.

They got off the boat, and Hagrid had told them once again to follow him. It took a few minutes before they arrived at the main castle, and Kazui took the opportunity to scrutinize each and every magical signature he can find.

Even though he basically haven't started studying magic yet, but with his mental capacity to memorize every small details on information and his ability to detect energies – in case of Hogwarts, magic; he kept in his mental library every enchantments and charms that he has seen for study for later.

One thing that's nagging on his senses though, are the amount of souls that are actually inhabiting the school premises. He did read about them in one of the books that he had purchased that they are present in Hogwarts for a long time.

As a Shinigami, it is his duty to deliver the souls of the departed to Soul Society. And even if he does not have that kind of duty on his new life, he did live for three thousand years doing so, and he doesn't know if there is a system the same that was used in Soul Society. Besides, someone is actually doing that kind of job. He had just caught a glimpse of it one time, that's why he never bothered doing his old job.

Kazui get out of his reminiscence mood when Hagrid stopped below of a stairs, and told them to climb up of it where another teacher will lead them straight to the Grand Hall before giving them some instructions. Hagrid watched all of them went up the stairs before going somewhere.

Following Hagrid's instructions, the first years did went up the stairs, and a female staff member, someone that Kazui is somewhat familiar with, greeted them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Shortly you'll pass through these doors and join your classmate. But before you can take your seat, you must be into your houses." The female staff, Professor McGonagall, look over everyone before continuing her speech.

"There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily, so wait for further instructions."

McGonagall left for a bit, probably to coordinate the procedure. As she did, the students started talking amongst themselves, asking whether where they wanted to be put into. Ginny, who had somewhat became comfortable with Kazui, told him that she wanted to be in Gryffindor, since his parents told her that it is the best place to be, where many great wizards came from, and had asked him where does he want to be sorted.

"Hopefully in Ravenclaw. It sounds like it's the most quite place to be. Aside from that, the dark side of the Ravenclaw barely concerns me." Kazui said.

"Dark side? Are there dark sides in houses? My brothers never told me any dark sides in houses, maybe except Ron's distaste towards Slytherin." Ginny curiously asked.

"There are few things in this world that are one sided. No matter what positive remarks you might have heard from others, there are bound to be a negative side to it. For example, you plan to be sorted into Gryffindor, which boasts to be the where the braves are sorted. While that's true for some, I don't think they apply to everyone. I've heard rumors regarding Harry Potter during his stay here last year, stopping a professor from stealing an item hidden and protected by the headmaster, together with his friends, miss Granger who was with us earlier, and if I've heard correctly from her earlier, your brother, Ron. Tell me, Ginny; is what they've shown during that time bravery?" Kazui explained and asked Ginny, without missing the fact that her expression turned somewhat dreamy when he mentioned Harry's name.

"Isn't it? They've managed to stop the evil intentions of that professor with just the three of them, even with the incessant reminders of the other professors that it is safely guarded, proving them wrong." Ginny replied, with somewhat fanatical tone in her voice.

"While that may be true, what I saw was idiocy and recklessness. Sure they might've taken action since the other professors weren't listening to them, and had only cut and bruises after the end of it, but I believe that it's either a ruse of a great puppeteer or sheer, dumb luck. In any case, it's not just the Gryffindor. The Hufflepuff are loyal, and always band together, which made me think that I don't want to go there since I highly value my privacy. The Ravenclaw, where the more intelligent ones gathered, are mostly seen as snobbish and prude. Last, but definitely not the least, the Slytherin, the house of the cunning, is mostly just a gathering of pureblood noble supremacist without knowing how an actual noble should act."

Ginny took in what Kazui had told him. Even if she could understand what Kazui meant, she didn't want to admit it. After all, her mind is still full of sunshine and daises, of a knight riding a white horse. That's why she wanted to refute him, to tell him that he's wrong. She wanted to hold on to her fantasies much longer, even if she's unaware of it herself.

She never got the chance to do so as Professor McGonagall appeared once more.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me." McGonagall promptly said, and lead them to the Great Hall.

They walk a for a few more seconds before they stopped in front of a large door. McGonagall paused for a bit before she opened the giant door, as she smiled at the new students. Well, she technically didn't opened it since the door opened by itself when she got near enough to it.

As the door opened, the new students was greeted by the sight of their elder students, the school faculties, as well as the bewitched ceiling that looks like as if it was the real night sky. Oh, let's not forget the flying lit candlesticks.

As the most of the new students are marveling about the ceiling, the older students are watching them as well. After all, the sorting ceremony only takes place once every year – a total of seven if you get to finish studying in Hogwarts, with the exception of those who plans to teach in Hogwarts, of course.

While every newcomers look interesting – for various reasons, one particular student stands out the most. Not just to the students, but to the teachers as well. Aside from being fairly taller than the others, he had a really eye catching eye color. That, and him being Asian as well. It is a well-known fact that Asians have conservative outlook at most things, so seeing an Asian kid with an orange hair is really a revelation.

The target of the various gaze, Kazui, didn't mind the attention one bit and kept on walking forward while following McGonagall. He was used to such attention.

As the new students gathered at the front, before the stage – where a chair with a hat atop it, McGonagall instructed them to stay just below the platform.

"Now, when I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat in your head, and you will be sorted into your houses."

McGonagall started calling out names, and every time the hat announces the student's house, that house cheers as if they've won the lottery – except for Ravenclaw who're just loudly clapping every time someone was sorted into them.

"Kazui Kurosaki." McGonagall called out. Most were clueless due to the nature of the name, but the knowledgeable ones managed to deduct the origin of the orange-haired Asian kid. He is of Japanese descent, or at least half of him.

The cheering from the previous student who got sorted died down, eager to find out where he will be sorted into. More so than him being Asian, they were most curious about his hair. Which will disappoint them due to the dull answer that they will get.

As soon as Kazui heard his name, he started walking towards the chair on the platform, no hesitation or nervousness in his system. Why would he? There's not a lot of things that will actually get on his nerves.

As he walked towards the chair, three particular teachers took a notice of him. The headmaster, a man who has fought two wizardry wars; the Potions teacher, Snape, who had been present in the presence of the best wizards of both parties that are at war; and the Charms teacher, who was actually an ex-dueling champion – someone who've fought powerful wizards in his heyday. And all of them thought of the same thing.

'He has the presence that doesn't belong to an eleven years old kid.'

Not minding one bit the thoughts of others, Kazui sat upon the chair on the platform as soon as he reached it. As if on cue, McGonagall put the sorting hat upon his head, and Kazui closed his eyes.

Now, normally for Kazui, if someone were to enter or manipulate his mind, aside from the brutal attacks that will come from Shingetsu who never holds back, they will have to pass through multiple layers of security details he had put inside his mind with the help of one of his former teachers, the traitor Aizen himself.


For whatever reasons, Aizen had lay low after the defeat of Yhwach, and even helped once again during the Hell Invasion. He had also taught Kazui how to defend himself against those who had similar abilities to his Kyoka Suigetsu.


The sorting hat would mostly read the students memories, mostly their behavior, how they were raised up, who are their parents, etc. From there, with the wisdom given into it by the four founders, it will put the students into wherever it felt that they would be able to produce outstanding results, or whoever they may become. Of course that's not all the criteria it needs. Sometimes it factors in the students own feelings regarding some matters, since while they are suitable for one house in particular, the atmosphere surrounding it may not be it the student's liking or upbringing.

So when the sorting had was about to continue it's duty, instead of the usual sea of memories, it found itself floating in front of a Torii Gate, leading into a humongous mountain.

'Director! This wasn't part of the script!'

As the sorting hat was surprised by what's in front of it, Kazui appeared behind it.

"I'm sorry for bringing you here, old hat. My mind and memories, after all, are very precious that the information that you might found there would shatter your common sense – if you do have one." Kazui chuckled.

"Let's get straight to the point, hat. Just put me into Ravenclaw and let's be done with this." Kazui said.

The hat, who just started to get out of it's shocked state, looked warily at Kazui.

"Who are you? And where did you brought me?" The hat asked.

"I am who I was called, hat. Did you turned dumb? As for where this is, this is the only place in my mindscape that an intruder can get into without being torn to shreds. Luckily I had a journal of a former student who described the process of sorting. Otherwise, you would now be in pieces." Kazui explained.

The hat didn't feel better even with the explanation, and got even more wary. Even Dumbledore, with how powerful his mind is, can still be pried open just like when he put the hat a few days ago to negotiate with it.

And even if it's just a hat, it had lived for as long as the castle of Hogwarts had. Its wisdom was given by the four founders, making its loyalty towards the school just as strong as them, if not stronger – for it has four of them inside itself. It cannot wantonly let a student of dubious origins let in the school freely.

"Look, hat, not that I won't let you get a read on me, but I just can't show you what's in the mountain. And my specialties in my mindscape is its defensive mechanism, definitely not for touring. I didn't have enough time to get used to trick someone into reading only parts of my memories. That's why I'll show you around myself. Come on."

And toured him he did. Kazui brought the hat into a smaller hill besides the humongous mountain, where his memories of his current life is being kept. He showed his life in the orphanage and the interaction between him and Jasmine. At the end of it, the hat can only sigh.

"If your plan comes into fruition, it will certainly help restore Hogwarts into what it was supposed to be. Even if I want to, I cannot bring back the prestige of the school, as I'm just a powerless hat. I've really shamed the founders. I'll do as you wish, Kazui Kurosaki. And this might be presumptuous of me, but please restore Hogwarts to its former glory." The hat asked to Kazui, the sincerity of his pleading even moved him a bit.

"If everything works out, returning the school into what it once was will come along naturally. I'll make sure to make your wishes come true, hat." Kazui replied.


Kazui somewhat understand the sentiments of the hat, since he has been in the same situation before. It was when a grandson of a former member of the Central worked hard to clear his family's name after their corruption was leaked out. Kazui didn't mind, since he believed that the sin of the father is not the sin of the child. But that grandson become a very powerful Shinigami, who was even able to become a captain. He didn't just cleared his name, he even gained a lot of followers, who had also spread goodwill of their own.


From everybody in the Grand Hall, it was five minutes of silence before a resounding word from the hat broke it.


Immediately, the students from the Ravenclaw started clapping their hands vigorously, with their Head of the House more so. He doesn't understand it himself, either, but he sure does feel good to have Kazui in his house.

McGonagall took of the hat off Kazui's head, and he immediately started walking towards the Ravenclaw table. On the way, he found Hermione and Ginny looking at him, so he sent them a small wave and a smile.

As soon as Kazui sat on an open space, he was surrounded by those near him and started shaking his hands. He feels genuine happiness from them for him joining their house, but he can also feel the curiosity they have towards him, particularly his hair. As the sorting is still taking place, no one bothered asking him about it, but he sure do know that once the sorting is over, various questions will surely flew towards him.


The feast ended, and the students are being led towards their respected houses by prefects.

As expected, Kazui was bombarded with questions relating to his hair. It only stopped the moment when he said that her departed mother also has the same color, proven by the matron of his orphanage. The curious students reeled in a bit, giving him space, thinking they've touched upon a touchy subject for Kazui. He didn't mind, but he's appreciative of the space they've finally given him.

After a few lefts and rights, ups and downs, they've arrived at the Ravenclaw Tower. At the entrance of it is a bronze knocker in a shape of an eagle. The prefect explained that to enter, you have to answer the riddle given by the knocker, if not, you have to wait for someone else to answer it for you. He's given an example by knocking on the door, listening to the riddle, answering it incorrectly to let the new students understand the mechanism better. After that, he let someone else answer the riddle, and since they are the Ravenclaw, a lot of them volunteered to answer. The prefect just chose someone randomly and had them answer the riddle.

As they entered, the curious new students look at every details available, most of them thinking how to properly utilize their free time.

"All right. First years, gather around me, please." The prefect said in a loud voice, holding a bunch of papers.

"Before you are divided into your rooms, you are to take part in a secret tradition held within the Ravenclaw House. This tradition had remained a secret for a long time, and I don't wish to see it broken during my time, or yours, because the punishment is…well, let's just say that you don't want to know." The prefect told the first years. Kazui knows that the punishment is a sham, but the others doesn't have to.

"The Ravenclaw Tower actually has seven extra room, and they are rewards for the student with the most impressive grades from first to seventh years as a single-person bedroom. And since you first years doesn't have grades yet, you will be given a test, personally created by the head of the house every year – from the various textbooks that you've been required to buy, and whoever have the highest score will have the privilege to the single-person room. If you cannot obtain the room this year, do not fret, for as long as you obtain the highest overall grades amongst your housemates at the end of the year, the room will belong to you next year. Form a line as I'll hand the questions overs, pick any table over there, there's already quill and ink that you can use, and start. Professor Flitwick will grade the test after you're finished."

The first years took the questionnaire from the prefect and picked their own table.

'As I've thought, no questions from the DADA books are in here.' Kazui thought when he finished answering the test. It'd only take him five minutes to finish it – mostly to write the answers, but deliberately slowed his pace in answering to avoid unnecessary attention and suspicions.

Thirty minutes during the test, Professor Flitwick arrived. He's a about as tall as the goblins that Kazui saw in Gringotts. According to Jasmine, he has a dash of goblin blood in him, hence his height.

Kazui passed his paper to the short professor and returned to his chair.

It took twenty more minutes for everyone to finish, and another ten for Flitwick to grade them. It was getting pretty late in the night, so some of them are already yawning, which prompted the part-goblin to grade their papers faster.

"Well, congratulations to Mr. Kurosaki. He aced the test. Well done, my boy. Well done." Flitwick said as soon as he finished gathering the test. As soon as he started clapping, the other's started clapping as well – though others did reluctantly.

"Your luggage has been arranged. The boys are to follow Mr. Hilliard, while the girls to Ms. Clearwater – they will guide you to your rooms. Mr. Kurosaki, please follow me." Flitwick instructed.

The single-person room's location isn't that much of a secret. There's another door to the left after the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, and once you enter it is where you can find the seven single-person room. Flitwick took Kazui to his room's entrance, had his palms placed towards it, and Flitwick made a chant less spell that indicates the ownership of the room to Kazui.

"I'll leave you to yourself, Mr. Kurosaki. Your stuff's already inside. If you're having trouble with something – anything at all, you can come to me." Flitwick said. The result of Kazui's exam impressed him, since there hasn't been a lot who was able to aced the exam. Especially this year's exam with how there's too many DADA books, even if they weren't part of the exam. Unknowingly, Lockhart had sabotaged the Ravenclaw's two-hundred years of tradition.

"Oh, in that case, professor. Students are only permitted to go out of the castle only after six, wasn't it? Perhaps there's a way for me to go out before that?" Kazui took the opportunity. While he can extend his senses, seeing things personally is better.

"Hmm? If you're given permission, they yes. But, I have to know you're reason for doing so, Mr. Kurosaki."

"I used to job every morning, professor. It'd be helpful for a growing boy like me." While he is powered by spiritual powers, he still needed to train his body. He also plans to practice his swordsmanship after jogging so that as he continue to grow, his muscles will memorize his movement as he trains the sword, making it easier for him to move. At least that's what his grandfather said, who was certainly a better swordsman than his father.

"Very well. I'll see what I can do. Good night, Mr. Kurosaki.

"Good night, professor."


The next morning, Kazui arrived at the great at around seven to have breakfast. Together with him is Agnes Ashwin, a fellow first year Ravenclaw, sitting beside him as he eats.

Agnes is daughter of a British wizard and a rare Icelandic witch. Her defining features are her silky, straight black hair that reach up to the middle of her back, eyes that turns either gray or blue depending on the lighting, and a beauty mark under the outer part of her left eye.

There wasn't a conversation between them, as Agnes started walking with Kazui the moment he stepped out of the single-person room quarters. He didn't bother while they were walking as he was busy observing the vicinity, but now that he's less busy, he has time to spare.

"So, Ms. Ashwin, is there something I can do for you?" Kazui said before taking a bite out of his breakfast.

"Agnes is fine, Kazui. You scored the highest with last night's exam, with a perfect score no less. I plan to learn from you. You don't mind, do you?" Agnes stated, straight to the point.

'Of course you do.' Kazui thought. Though he's not correct all of the time, Kazui believed that he can fairly understand the intention of others. What he noticed from Agnes, is intense thirst for knowledge.

And Kazui couldn't be far from the truth. Agnes has always been fascinated with magic. She wasn't able to read much due to the restriction given to her by her father, who wanted her to learn magic properly at a school with proper teachers. The first thing she did after buying her books for her first year in Hogwarts, she locked herself in her room to read almost everything, memorizing and taking notes of topics that really interest her.

She believe that she will score the highest in last night's exam, but there is someone to actually score higher than her, with a perfect score to boot. If that person can help her, why wouldn't she try asking for their help? The eleven-year old girl won't let her worthless pride hinder her pursuit of knowledge.

"Even though this may sound like an excuse, but the books that I've spent reading the most wasn't part of the exam at all. Perhaps you've known about the exam, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts wouldn't be included in it?" Agnes asked.

Kazui decided to indulge her curiosity, seeing that they are a bit far away from their housemates. Even though he's fine being alone, having some company wouldn't hurt him one bit – as long as they're not infuriatingly annoying.

"I've known about the exam. I'll show you how later. As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts not being included, while there is a high chance that they won't be included, I've read them all the same. Tell me, Agnes, what do you think of those books?" While Kazui hated brats, he's always been patient with what people would call bookworms.

Agnes was silence for a while, gathering her thoughts before answering audible only to the two of them.

"I asked my parents about them once, since I was totally confused about them. While my father, who's an Auror, had doubts about Professor Lockhart's achievement, my mother outright said that he's a fraud. My mother said that instead of a biography, it is an equivalent to what muggles call a fairy tale story."

"Interesting. What does your mother do for a living, I wonder. If your parents happen to talk about it, and was able to reach such conclusions, why didn't they report him?" Kazui asked her, testing the waters, not just of Agnes', but her parents as well.

Agnes knew the answer, but she's holding onto it. She knew why, just as her parents does more so than her. In the end, she answered the question.

"When Professor Lockhart's books started getting famous, Minister Fudge immediately gave him his Order of Merlin status, without carefully reading through the books. When someone reported that he's a fake, the minister didn't only not take back the Order of Merlin status, he even started protecting him, so that his reputation wouldn't suffer. At least that's what my father said when he investigated this back in his office after I asked them about it. My father wanted to do something about it, but mother stopped him, saying that it will accomplish nothing." Agnes explained with her tone being as low as possible.

Kazui smiled lightly at her response.

"That's right. The ministry is a place like that, especially with the minister more concerned about his reputation than his actual work." Kazui picked up the last piece of his breakfast before standing up.

"Walk with me, Lady Ashwin." Kazui held out his hands to Agnes to help her stand. Agnes had finished eating her breakfast already, and is only waiting for Kazui to finish his own.

Agnes took Kazui's hand, and released it after she stood up. She followed him as soon as he started walking as well. After they got out of the Great Hall, Kazui started talking.

"I'm sure you've heard of this already, but I'm actually an orphan. The matron of the orphanage that I'm from is actually a witch, who leave the wizarding world behind after some death eaters were released under the results of them being under the Imperius Charm. Since the damage caused by their group in the war didn't only involve the magicals, but the muggles as well, the matron took over an orphanage and collected children that was orphaned during that dark times. I was one of such children." Agnes listened carefully to Kazui, and has become slightly aware of their destination.

"The matron taught me a lot about this side of the world, including the individuals she considers as important or to look out to – with both of her biased and unbiased view. That includes Professor Flitwick. Based on what the matron told me, I made an educated guess that he wouldn't include Professor Lockhart's nonsense in his test." Chuckling, moved in an open area after they arrived at the main entrance of the castle. He whistled loudly as he looked at the sky, waiting for someone.

A few moments later, Clara arrived. Kazui pulled up his robes on his left arm, and he took out his wand as well. There's a leather, fingerless gloves on his left hand that reached his wrist, and he tapped it with his wand twice before it slowly extended in two directions, until his elbow and covering his fingers. The gloves are specifically used by magizoologist to protect their arms against scratches and bites, and has a standby mode if not in use.

Clara landed on Kazui's leather covered arm, and Kazui throw some snacks at her that he knows she enjoy – some nuts and stuff. He's was not bothered to feed her since she can hunt on her own, out of her own accord, but she still enjoys whatever snacks Kazui gave her.

"Having fun?" Kazui said as he kept giving nuts to Clara, to which she replied with a positive cry. Then, Clara looked at the other person besides Kazui.

"Right. Agnes, this is Clara – Clara, this is Agnes." Kazui half-heartedly said. Clara, though, amazes Agnes. Moreover, Clara being the same species of the symbolism of her own house, Agnes is more than interested in Clara.

"Can I get closer?" Agnes asked. Kazui looked at Clara for confirmation – with their telepathy, and slowly brought Clara closer to Agnes.

Agnes didn't touch or talk to Clara, as she only looked at her closely.

"Here. Try and throw it anywhere near her head and she will catch it." Kazui handed Agnes some nuts.

Immediately, Agnes took the nuts from Kazui as she nervously throws them at Clara, piece by piece. Clara agilely caught every piece of it, and Agnes' nervousness disappears every time she throws. When they finished, Kazui started strapping something on Clara's legs.

"I need you to send this to Jasmine. After that, I'll bring you there again."

Kazui moved his left arm upwards to help Clara take off. He and Agnes watch until Clara disappeared from the horizon before Kazui talked to Agnes.

"Shall we go to our class, Agnes?"

This was supposed to be posted at Friday 00:00 GMT +8, but i'm starting not to feel well again, so i wanted to post this before i "disappear" for some time.

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