
Shinigami Reborn [Kazui Fanfic]

This is a power-fantasy trash, you have been warned. Also, most stuff spouted here doesn't make sense. === Climbing up the ranks? Been there, done that. Kurosaki Kazui has lived for more than three thousand years, and he felt that he had mostly accomplished anything possible. Being at the helm of the Shinigami-Quincy-Fullbring faction, Kazui brought a millennium-long peace, at least on the supernatural side. Due to his sense of accomplishment, he decided to undergo the process of reincarnation. Unbeknownst to him and his trusty Zanpakuto, Shingetsu, it had acquired an additional power during their fight against the invasion of Demons from Hell. While he did get reincarnated, his memories did not reset at all. === This was written waaay before the new one-shot was announced, so consider that one-shot and this fanfic unrelated. Facts that you know - those that I'm unaware of, might've been changed in this fic, so before all of that happens, I'm here to give my apologies, and to tell you to suck it up. Oh, and an unstable update.

NoMoreTimeMachine · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


1st of August, 1992.

An orange-haired boy is reading a book while looking over five more kids that's a whole lot smaller than him, playing around the room. A moment later, another kid burst in from one of the door, holding something in his hand.

"Kazui! A letter came for you! Quick, tell us what it says!" said the beaming child, looking towards Kazui as if there's stars sparkling in his eyes. Kazui, laughing at the younger kid's antics, took the letter from him while ruffling his hair at the same time.

"I know, I know. Calm down, Mark. The letter's for me, you know?" Still, the younger kid, Mark, didn't care and continued to urge Kazui to read the letter. Seeing the commotion, the children playing started gathering around Kazui and started urging him as well.

Kazui though, who saw the seal on the envelope, already have an idea to what the letter is about. As he put down the book he's reading, flip the letter open and read the contents, he would be shock if he was normal and unaware.

"Well, this letter says I'm accepted to some school that I haven't applied before. Seems like a prank to me." Kazui said, looking towards the children that's eagerly waiting to hear the content of the letter.

"EHH? But Kazui is super smart, no doubt they've heard about of you!"

"Yes! Kazui is smart. He taught me ABC yesterday and I've memorized up to K!"

"And he taught me how to count! I can count up to one hundred!"

Kazui just smiled at the younger children. As he was about to stand up, his actions didn't escape from Mark.

"Where are you going, Kazui?"

"I'm going to show this letter to the matron, please watch over them for me, Mark."


Kazui then walked out the common room, and he started walking towards the office of the matron. Before reaching his destination, Kazui started reminiscing the past almost eleven years of his life.

Kazui Kurosaki (rom. Kurosaki Kazui) is an orphan. He was sent in a well-off orphanage by the hospital where he was birthed and where his mother died giving birth to him five days after his birth and had stayed there for almost eleven years now. He had lived an almost normal life, except for the day when the flowerbed that he is in charge of watering suddenly bloomed out of season as he was watering it.

That, and the fact that he had reincarnated with the same name and feature as his past life, as well as having his Zanpakuto, Shingetsu, receive the same treatment as him. He got over the reincarnation shenanigan fast, since he had live for more than three thousand years in his past life, and just considered his reincarnation a welcome surprise.

After a small reminiscing, Kazui arrived at the matron's office. He took a small break reorganizing himself before knocking on the door.

"Come in." the matron answered from the other side of the door. Receiving the confirmation, Kazui opened the door.

As he opened the door, Kazui was greeted by the sight of the matron smoking from a pipe at her table, while reading documents.

The matron is a beautiful woman with a silky, long black hair, an enchanting green eyes, and well proportionate body. Unlike a typical matron uniform, this matron dons an executive outfit – with white shirt and a pencil skirt, with her blazer hanging in a rack behind her.

"Matron, the letter from Hogwarts has come, as expected." Kazui said, as he put the letter in the table in front of the matron.

The matron stopped for a moment, put down both the letter she's reading and her smoking pipe, as she took the letter from the table to read it for herself. It took a while for the matron to read the letter, looking as if she wasn't just reading it, but also reminiscing of her past. After reading it, the matron folded the letter and returned it inside the envelop.

"That was nostalgic. So, do we send a letter back, or will you wait for whoever will fetch you here?" The matron asked, smirking at the last part.

"Let's wait, I guess. Yep, let them do their job. I want to hear about the wizarding world from another perspective, from those who are indoctrinated." Kazui replied, laughing at the end, to which the matron joined.

They then converse for a while before Kazui decided to go.

"I'll be seeing myself out, matron."

Stepping out of the Matron's office, Kazui started walking, heading towards the room he was previously at when an old man in a gaudy black yukata with red spider lily patterns appeared beside him.

"You really want to enter that stupid school?" Asked the old man.

"Sure, better than a normal school, right? Besides, you're bored as well, aren't you?" Answered Kazui, not looking at the old man at all.

"That might be true, but you cannot deny the fact that this "magic" of theirs, is in fact inferior, even to some lower numbered Kido. Your caretaker said that she's on the higher end of the hierarchy, but even her spells are powered at most only reaching the power at the thirty. Even with just one hit of your empowered Byakurai could annihilate her." The old man replied, agitated – no, clearly excited about something. Due to his response, Kazui stopped on his tracks to look at the old man.

"That's out of the line, considering she's taking care of us, Shingetsu. What's up with you?" Kazui asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I have gotten a new mastery over my abilities, and I want to test it. You understand that much, don't you?" Hearing Shingetsu's reply, Kazui frowned a bit.

"Right, I do as well. Who would have thought that a small piece of a broken katana would enhance a part of your abilities greatly? That thought alone is concerning, but also-"

"-exciting, right? The idea of someone possessing the ability to create a weapon and the possibility of its user having the same level of skill in his swordsmanship makes my blood boil in excitement." The old man interjected, donning an excited yet savage grin on his face. Kazui gave him the stink eye and continued walking.

"But didn't we decided to off ourselves because we got bored of fighting? What's with you all of the sudden." Kazui can only shake his head and he continued to walk.

"Of course I'll get bored. For more than three thousand years all that we've ever fought were Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow, Fullbring, and after the stupid attempt of invasion from hell, the Demons. Maybe because we are reborn, but I felt like my mindset had been reset as well. The bloodlust I thought I've lost for fifteen hundred years has returned. I have this renewed vigor and I'm thirsty for blood." Shingetsu said, the savageness in his expression never left, to which Kazui only sighed.

"I get it. It's not like I don't understand where you're coming from, but wait for a bit. I still need some growing up to do. And I'd like to study this world's magic. Maybe I can continue some of my unfinished project with a new system's help."

"Very well. I've endured fifteen hundred years, I can wait a few more. I'll quench myself little by little in the next five years." The savageness in Shingetsu's expression receded, and now he looked like an accomplished scholar.

"The next five years? Is trouble coming?" Kazui asked, though he doesn't look necessarily concerned about it.

"Not for us. At the very least, some sort of people you wouldn't mind dying will cause some trouble. After that...you'll have to wait to see. An event will take place where a lot of training dummies will gather."

Kazui just hummed, not particularly caring about Shingetsu being secretive.

"I guess I'll look forward to it then." Kazui said as he arrived at the door of the common room. As he open it, the younger kids eagerly waiting for his return greeted him. That was Shingetsu's cue to disappear as well, even though he already cannot be seen.

"Ah! He's back! Kazui, hurry! Let's play, let's play!" Mark, the kid who delivered the letter to him went and grabbed Kazui as he dragged the elder kid towards the others.

Kazui just smiled as he let Mark drag him off.