

Born to trickery, will Ohashi be able to survive in the world with such a massive target on his back? Carrying the legacy of two famed families, will he be able to change the fate of a world doomed to misery and death? What changes will the first son of Sakumo Hatake bring with his mere presence?

Drkest · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


The forces of Kumo had taken a huge setback from their offensive, and a kind of stalemate had been achieved. Both sides were now waiting for reinforcements, for they might have won the previous battle the war was far from over. His forces had now made camps and filled the whole area with traps, making any offensive from Kumo highly unlikely.

"What the hell even was that technique? How the hell did he manage to stall a whole platoon singlehandedly?" muttered his second-in-command for probably the hundredth time. Fugaku did not reply to him as he continued to read the missive from the village, feeling pity for the young Hatake. However, Ensui Nara had another question as he suddenly turned towards her.

"Didn't he learn under Mikoto as a genin? Did she teach him that?" Nara questioned her, and he shook his head.

"No. He developed it on his own. And I hope I don't need to remind you about how unprofessional it is to question a shinobi about their technique," he warned the Nara, who shut up immediately. Though according to the message, Nara wouldn't have much time to question the kid.

He passed the message to Ensui as he looked up at one of the guards at the camp entrance.

"Bring Ohashi Hatake to me!" he ordered, and one of the guards nodded and walked out of the camp. He watched as Ensui gasped as he read the letter.

"Sakumo-san is dead! How?" the Nara questioned, yet he had no answer himself. The Nara placed the missive down as he looked at him.

"I have no idea. The missive doesn't mention anything about that," he replied to Nara's question.

"Was the kid close to him?" questioned the Nara. He nodded.

"They were cordial," he replied, and suddenly his guard entered his tent, followed by the boy in question. The boy's injuries hadn't healed completely a week after the confrontation. Even now, his whole body was covered with bandages, and Fugaku was sure some of those injuries would leave permanent scars.

"You summoned me, Commander Fugaku," the boy greeted him and gave Ensui a nod. Fugaku could tell that the kid was a bit nervous. However, there wasn't any easy way to do this, so he decided to be straight.

"There is no easy way to say this. But Ohashi Hatake, you have been ordered to return to the village. Your father is dead," and he watched as the words registered to the boy. The kid's face became pale, and Fugaku watched the kid's eyes tear up a bit.

Ensui got up to comfort the boy and guided the kid to a seat and left the tent along with his guards. Fugaku was quiet as he let the kid process the news. And a couple of minutes later, the kid finally spoke up.

"When can I leave?" questioned the kid.

"As soon as the reinforcements arrive. According to the missive, they are a couple of days away," and then Fugaku glanced at the kid's injuries and asked once more.

"Shall I send a team with you?" he questioned, and the kid shook his head.

"There is no need. I will be fine," replied the young silver-haired shinobi, and Fugaku nodded. Then he picked up another piece of paper and passed it to the kid.

"What is this?" questioned the young Hatake as he opened the paper, his eyes widened as he saw its contents.

"These are your promotion papers. You have been promoted to a jounin. The youngest since Lord Third himself," he finished with a bit of pride. Miktoto would be happy for him. After all, she adored the kid. The kid seemed taken aback by the news.

"Two promotions at once!" the kid spoke out, and he nodded.

"Indeed! Though I must say, you deserve this. I believe that they must have been impressed by your showing in the last mission," and the kid glanced at him at that.

"Thank you, commander," and Fugaku nodded.

"You should go rest and make preparations for your journey back. You can leave as soon as the reinforcements are in sight," and the kid nodded and began to walk out of the tent though he did stop at the exit.

"Commander, may I ask, whom are they sending as reinforcements?" questioned the kid, and Fugaku was surprised a bit at this but still answered him.

"Orochimaru. They are sending a new platoon under Orochimaru's command," he told the boy, and He noticed the boy's fists clench a bit at that. And with a final nod, Ohashi Hatake left his tent, leaving him alone to plan how to deal with the Kumo forces.



Death for shinobi was meant to be grand. Fighting enemies, protecting the village, sacrificing yourself for a greater cause. You were meant to be honored as you were laid to rest in your final resting place. People were supposed to cry and wail. Yet there was no such thing for Hatake Sakumo.

There was only quiet. And the rising smoke from the incense he had brought, and nothing else as he stood alone in the dripping rain. There was no one else here.

Kakashi balled his fists as he stood there all alone. The rain made his hair fall and covered his eyes as he stood rooted.

"You were a hero. A hero! They worshipped you. Yet here you lie, and none of them even bother to show up," he complained, his voice raspy from his week-long silence. He looked up to stare at the sky, hoping that he was looking at him.

"Why couldn't you just complete the mission? Why did you have to save those ungrateful bastards!" he cursed, and his eyes were wet as drops dripped down from his chin.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and Kakashi's head snapped towards the source, and his eyes widened as he saw his half-brother, clad in a black mourning dress walking towards him. He hurriedly wiped his eyes as he spoke up.

"They told me you were away on a mission. When did you return?" he questioned as Ohashi came and stood by his side and nodded.

"I was, and I just returned. My posting was changed, and now I will be in the village for the foreseeable future," replied Ohashi before bringing his hands together and praying. Kakashi joined him, and only the sound of falling rain remained as the only two of people prayed for one of Konoha's most prolific shinobis.

"How are you managing?" questioned his brother suddenly, and this was now the longest the both of them had talked from what Kakahsi could recall. However, Kakashi understood the underlying question.

"I am fine. Kimiko-san comes in the morning and cleans and makes the food. She brings the groceries as well. It's working," he replied, and Ohashi nodded, and Kakashi found it refreshing that Ohashi did not push further. Kakashi was getting tired of the fake sympathy.

He saw Ohashi glance at the sky as the rain's intensity increased.

"Let's walk. We can talk on the way," and Kakashi nodded as they began to walk out of the cemetery. Ohashi removed an umbrella and pulled him in, covering him as well.

"Let me take care of the water. You could get ill if you stay wet in this weather," and he watched as he placed a hand on his clothes, and suddenly Kakashi felt the water coalesce out of them as they become dry in a second or so. He glanced up to see a ball of water in Ohashi's hand, which he had extracted from his clothes.

"My chakra nature is water. It's a small trick," his half-brother commented lightly as he swatted away the water ball. However, Kakashi knew better. What he had just observed must have taken excellent nature and chakra manipulation mastery.

Something not many could boast.

"So, how's the academy going?" questioned Ohashi, and Kakashi became quiet as he thought of a suitable response.

"It's ok. I will be graduating by the end of the year," he replied, skipping over all the prejudice and biased behaviors.

"That's impressive, that is very impressive. I was seven when I graduated. You will be graduating even earlier than me, but there are no team placements during mid-term. Perhaps they will apprentice you under someone for some time," replied Ohashi, sounding impressed.

"Maybe," Kakashi commented as they rounded the last corner and reached right in front of their home.

"Oh, we are here," Ohashi said, leaning down and handing him the umbrella.

"Now, I know we haven't talked much. And you probably don't know much ab…."

"I know," Kakashi cut him off, and his half-brother seemed a bit surprised. And Kakashi nodded.

"Father," and Kakashi stopped at that as he recalled the last conversation with the man before continuing."Father told me about you when you came here the last time. So, I know," he finished, and Ohashi nodded slowly.

"Well, that makes it a bit easier. As I said, I will be in the village for some time and moving into the house down the street. So, if you ever need anything, you can call me, and I will be there," Kakashi nodded as he glanced at the house his half-brother was pointing at.

He knew the previous owners and guessed that his half-brother had probably bought or rented the house to keep an eye on him. So, he gave the unmasked Haktake a nod as he finally turned toward his house.

Just as he was about to open the door, he stopped and glanced back at the silver-haired shinobi outside as he contemplated voicing the question before finally deciding to say it.

"Would you be willing to spar with me? In the morning, if you have time?" he asked slowly, expecting an apology, yet the answer came promptly.

"I will be there. The hospital will clear me by tomorrow, and then we can spar the next day. I will be here at dawn," came the reply as Ohashi gave him a smile.

"Thank you," Kakashi spoke up, turned to face the door again, and opened it with shaky hands. Suddenly as he glanced at the familiar corridor, he began to hyperventilate as he remembered it being covered in scarlet.

Kakashi was rooted to the ground once more as he simply stood there, unable to move. His chest heaving as he hyperventilated. Suddenly he was broken out of his stance by a hand on his shoulder.

He snapped back and saw a silhouette of his father smiling at him though it was just Ohashi.

"Perhaps you would like to help me move. I have some stuff to move, and then I could make you dinner afterward," said his half-brother, and after glancing at the gloomy halls and corridors, he nodded slowly.

"That's good. I was thinking I might have to call my old classmates," began Ohashi. As he closed the door, they began walking towards his house, with his half-brother carrying the light conversation.

And if Kakashi found himself sleeping in one of the rooms of his brother's house, he was just too tired from all the moving.


Deep into the night, when the commotion in the village had died down, a shadowy figure entered the Konoha's hospital. Yet in the morning nothing from the whole hospital would be missing except a single post mortem report. A report of a recently conducted post mortem of one Sakumo Hatake.

Days later another shinobi would try and search for the report yet would fail to find it and hence would have to return empty handed to his master. The masked shinobi kneeled infront of his master as he reported.

"The report was missing, Lord Danzo. Someone has already taken it away," and Danzo would stiffen at that.

"Was there any trace to who it was?" and the masked shinobi nodded, as he took out a plastic bag with a single strand of hair. A very uniquely colored strand of hair.

"I found this in the room," and Danzo recognized the coloring and smiled as his mind raced to understand the implication behind this.

"It seems we have a small problem."

During this whole ordeal, Ohashi Hatake sat in his room, his fingers touching the floor as sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Ohh, I can assure you Danzo. Your problem is anything but small!"

And it didn't matter that the same report that was being talked of, sat there right in front of him.


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