
Shifted Hearts

Sold into marriage to a prince by her abusive father, Dawn hoped she could keep her head down and her demon under control. But, when a dark Duke catches her eye at her engagement party, she is swept into an underground society of magic and steamy romance that she was not prepared for. As political tensions rise and danger grows closer, Dawn's darkest secret threatens to come to light and her only protection lies in trusting the Duke of the Wolves.

Amanda_Nistico · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 10

The large floor to ceiling mirror caught Dawn's eye as soon as she closed herself inside the bathing room. She considered the glass a moment before stepping in front of it. She took herself in, looking at everything from her bed dishevelled hair to the wrinkled soiled dress and the bruises and bandages in between. And then she looked into her own eyes for the first time in a long time. Her vibrant green eyes, that always had a way of looking serious or sad. She stared into them and tried to pretend she wasn't seeing herself but someone else, a stranger, someone normal like everyone else.

Well, almost everyone else.

Her mind wandered to Atlas and she glanced at the closed bathroom door. So many unanswered questions lay behind it. So many complicated feelings that she'd never felt before. So much to sort through and analyse.

She sighed softly and undressed, stepping away from the mirror and closer to the bath, slipping into the warm water that soothed her aching muscles. Her sigh this time was one of deep pleasure as the heat wrapped around her like a blanket. She lingered in the water, wanting nothing more than to stay in it forever. Her desire to stay only worsened as she washed her hair with a soap smelling of lavender, then cleaned her body with the same. It was divine on her sore body and she felt clean and rested deep into her bones.

Only once the water started to cool and her fingers and toes began to wrinkle did she reluctantly leave the embrace of the water. She dried herself with a plush towel and dressed in a simple blue dress that had been laid out for her. Her body still hurt, but less so than before.

She went back to the bedroom hoping Atlas was still there. He smiled at her as soon as she stepped out, from his seat at the table.

"Feel better? Come have a pastry with me." He said, gesturing to a tray of food he had set up in front of him, his paperwork from before was gone.

She nodded in answer to his question and moving like an obedient noble woman, went to sit in the chair opposite of him.

"Thank you." She said quietly, eyes down. "I haven't had anyone ever be this kind to me."

"I won't ever let anyone ever be so cruel to you again." He swore, nudging the plate closer to her, encouraging her to take anything from it. She settled on a flakey bread in the shape of a moon, picking it up and looking it over. She wasn't hungry but it had been days since she had eaten and her body needed food. She took a bite and it seemed to appease Atlas who smiled, starting to eat his own pastry, a blueberry scone.

"Why?" She asked him after taking a few small bites.

"No one deserves what you've been through. Especially someone as kind hearted as you." He said, easily answering her question.

"But why save me? Why offer to take me away that first night?" She pressed, glancing up at him. He didn't meet her eyes which she found strange as it was always her averting her gaze, not him.

"I'm one of the few who know of Thomas's true nature. I knew he wouldn't be kind to you. Had I known it would have been as bad as it was, I would have taken you away immediately that first night." He said, regret in his eyes as he looked at his pastry. He still wasn't looking at her and she got the sense he was holding something back, but she decided to let it go for now. She was trying to figure him out, puzzling through his motives. He confused her easily and not only with the shifter magic things. She looked back down, still nibbling on her pastry.

"What will you do if I'm pregnant?" She asked, voicing a fear she'd done her best to ignore till now. As soon as the words left her lips she felt fear claw its way up from her stomach and she set her pastry on the table, her appetite gone in favour of nausea at the idea of carrying the prince's child. Atlas looked at her now, her face a mask of fear and sadness.

"We have a contraceptive elixirs designed for shifters if you'd like to take it." He offered carefully with kindness. "It's not too late. It's your decision." He didn't let his opinion of Thomas colour his voice as he spoke, wanting her truly to make her own choice on the matter.

Her eyes snapped up at the suggestion and she nodded quickly, perhaps too quickly, then felt shame flood her cheeks.

"I-It's not that I don't want children, I just..." She trailed off, biting her lip and looking down, feeling the red hot shame in her face. He reached across the table to take her hand and squeezed it gently.

"I understand. Thomas has no business fathering a child." He said it carefully again, wanting to sooth her without influence. "I have half a mind to go over there and ensure he never can." He added under his breath, not sure if she could hear it or not.

"He tried his hardest." She said, tears threatening her eyes again but she forced them back. She wanted to get through the rest of the day without crying. She had cried her own ocean's worth in the last twenty-four hours. Atlas squeezed her hand again then let go and stood.

"Then let's not give him what he wants, hm? I'll be right back." He left the room and returned not long after with another bottle similar to the one on the nightstand and a cup of tea. The steam from the cup visible in the evening light from her window.

"I suggest you take the elixir first then wash it down with the tea. It's a tad bitter." He smiled trying to be light in tone.

She nodded and took them both from him. She stared into the small bottle, the smell of it giving away little about the taste this time. She lifted it to her lips and was met with a sharp tang that simmered into the taste of a citrus gone sour. She grimaced at the taste but knew if she set it down, she wouldn't have the stomach to pick it back up, so she drank it all in one gulp. She set the empty bottle down and quickly took a large drink from the teacup, burning her tongue lightly.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He grinned, happy to see her taking charge of a decision regarding herself.

"Better than the alternative." She said with the grimace still on her face from the taste as it lingered in her mouth. She took another sip of her tea then set the teacup down on the table.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" He asked softly and she shook her head. He debated holding off on making his next offer but sooner or later she would want to know things. "...Or any questions I can answer?"

She had picked up her glass of water and was swishing it in her mouth to try to clear the bitter taste. She drank it then did it again, partly to wash away the bitterness the tea hadn't removed and partly to stall for time. There were so many things she wanted to ask but she felt it was important to be strategic in what and when she asked them.

"Why were you at the palace?" She settled on finally. It wasn't an earth shattering question but it was something she thought it was important to know for the context of who he was publicly. "Are you actually a Duke?" The corners of his mouth quirked up, and she felt heat on her face. His teasing smirk made her heart do a flip and she silently chastised herself. She was not here to have a crush like a schoolgirl on the duke of a manor. She was nothing and he was so much more.

"Yes, unfortunately, I am a real Duke. My father and the king were good friends when he was alive. Our territory is one of the largest in the kingdom, so it is in the king's best interest to have a favourable connection with me. So I'm often invited to dinner parties and whatnot to show good faith." He explained. She held her cup of water, looking down into the half full glass.

"Or an engagement party…" She added, putting together why he had been there. He nodded watching her face and he saw the fear come across it suddenly and she looked up at him.

"Did saving me cause you conflict with the king!?" She asked quickly. Had she inadvertently just started a war? He shook his head and smiled reassuringly.

"Nothing I can't handle, darling. Please don't worry about that." He assured and Dawn's remaining blush went crimson.

"Darling?" She repeated back to him with a question in her voice. Her heart did another flip at the affectionate term. He coughed awkwardly and blushed ever so slightly.

"I apologise, my tongue slipped. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He mentally kicked himself for allowing such a term. The last thing he wanted was for her to think she owed him anything, least of all her affection.

"N-No, it's fine." She averted her eyes as she stamered her words. "I-I just have never had someone be... endeared to me before. I'm not used to pet names." She wouldn't look up at him. Did he actually like her? Was that even possible? He forced a smile despite his self-reprimand.

"Well then, one more atrocity we will have to remedy then." He forced his voice to be level and even and he smiled formally, a gentleman being polite to a lady.

She looked up at him through her lashes, not comfortable enough to fully look up at him now, and smiled a tentative but honest smile. It was one of maybe ten smiles she'd shown in the last month.

His breath hitched in his throat and he coughed again, his formal demeanour failing as he looked at her. Her smile was stunning and it took his breath away.

No! He needed to stop this!

"Well," He cleared his throat and it was him that broke eye contact first this time, his eyes going to the table and pastries, anywhere else but at her. "I recommend you keep eating. It's best to keep your strength up." His voice wobbled with an uncertainty that wasn't normally in it.

There was giggling outside the door, abruptly and Dawn's attention was drawn away to look at it. Atlas groaned, but was secretly grateful to have something else to focus his attention on.

"Don't mind them, that's my younger brother and his ma- girlfriend." He caught his words mid sentence and amended to girlfriend, she did not need to be burdened with that yet. "They're both horridly annoying but otherwise harmless." He pitched his voice loud enough to be heard by the two outside the door.

"You have a younger brother?" Dawn asked, looking intrigued by that bit of information. Atlas sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Unfortunately. He's a pain in my ass, but I love him." He rubbed his face tiredly then ran his hand through his hair.

"What's his name?" She asked, looking back at him.

"Silas!" A voice shouted from outside the door. Dawn looked back and couldn't help the tiny giggle that escaped her lips.

"What did I just tell you!" Atlas yelled to the door, getting to his feet. He sounded more like an annoyed father than a pestered brother "You have five seconds!"

Laughter erupted outside the door before feet were heard running down the hall. Dawn giggled more listening and watching Atlas's face. It was interesting seeing this side of him. He looked at the door sternly before sitting back down heavily.

"I apologise for them. I thought I had made it clear they were to leave you alone." His apology was sincere and Dawn smiled at the whole ordeal.

"It's okay... It's nice hearing laughter in the hallways instead of suffocating silence." Her tone was light. "Makes it feel warm... safe." He eased, seeing it hadn't bothered her.

"I'm glad. It can get rowdy here at times, especially in the evenings. I merely wished to not overwhelm you after everything that's happened." He explained and Dawn nodded.

"Thank you." She replied and she felt a deep but subtle fear inside herself. Not because he had done anything, but because he hadn't. The situation was too good to be true and she hated the fear of knowing it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down.