
Shhh (Just Keep Queit If You Want To Live)

RYENCHEL ANGEL CERVANTES, a simple girl, short hair with curls, just the right complexion, kind, smiling, not very smart but in an unexpected time she will go to the University where many unbelievable things happen and above all it is necessary just keep queit if you don't want to die.

Blue_Shin1317 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Ryenchel!" so I looked at my cousin, I didn't notice that she was already here because I was thinking too much. "I'm sorry I forgot you were here?" I said this shyly. "It's ok! is there a problem?" she asked me but I just shook my head.

"Here's your uniform!" she said smiling and handed me the long sleeves brown shirt and black skirt. "Is it beautiful?" she asked with a smile, I nodded, "too short" I whispered causing her to laugh. "When you wear that, you look sexy" she said smiling causing me to blush because I have never wear a short skirt.

I woke up early so I could get ready to go to school, then I went to the bathroom to take a shower, I was very grateful for my aunt and uncle's adoption of me and they treated me as their own child.

Other relatives only see me as a maid and I have never seen my parents because my father died and my mother just left me.

After I got dressed in my uniform, I looked in the mirror like I couldn't believe it because I didn't think the uniform I was wearing would fit me.

I looked at the door when I heard a knock

and when I opened the door, Nor-Ain's smiling face appeared to me.

"Did I disturb you?" it asked me smiling.

As I sat in front of the table full of food, I couldn't help but feel shy. But I immediately looked at Tita when she started talking "Don't be shy Ryen, just take what you want to eat" she said with a smile.

When we finished eating, my uncle came to me and gave me two thousand, I hesitated before accepting it but I accepted it and thanked him.

When I was in front of the car, the driver's door opened for me and I got into the passenger seat and Nor-Ain sat in the back seat.

When we were in front of the University, we couldn't stop being amazed because of how beautiful it was and unlike before when it was just a simple school.

"Our school is beautiful, isn't it?" Nor-Ain asked me. "It's so beautiful" I answered with a smile.

While we were still outside the gate, I saw many students already inside.

I reached for my I.D when the guard asked for it and then he gave it to me again and the same to Nor-Ain, then the guard opened the gate for us.

I really can't stop being amazed because it's even more beautiful inside.

Until I saw a girl, beautiful, with a sharp nose, white skin, tall, with long hair, but I was surprised when she looked at me, causing my heart to beat faster that I can't explain.

But my eyes turned to Nor-Ain when she started talking to me, "I've been talking to you for a while now, you're not listening!" it said angrily. "Sorry I was just thinking about something!" I apologized and looked for the girl I saw but she was not there.

Until we reached the very high staircase, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Ryen, you can wait here because I'll get our schedule first!" Nor-Ain hurriedly told me. "Alright" I answered her briefly, I looked at her until she moved away from me.

I looked around, it was very clean, it was obviously cleaned every day and I noticed that the students here were all female.

But I looked at other students who ran down the stairs, but I didn't know that I also ran and peeked at the gathered students who were huddled together.

Because I was also huddling with the students, someone pushed me causing me to close my eyes, I didn't look where I was going to fall and I didn't hear any noise.

I only realized that I fell into the soft so I slowly opened my eyes and grew to see my position resting on a woman

and my lips touched it.

And when I realized it, I thought of standing up, asking for forgiveness and running away, I wiped my lips, and I couldn't believe what happened.

I just ran and ignored the people around me but I sat down when I bumped into something causing me to fall to the floor.

I felt two feet coming closer to me, so I slowly opened my eyes and was stopped by a woman looking at me coldly and there was only a little distance between us.

She is also beautiful, white, with a sharp nose, tall, and long hair, almost as beautiful as the woman I saw earlier.

"Next time be careful if you don't want to die!" causing me to get cold so I slowly stood up and started running. until I saw Nor-Ain. "Why are you in a hurry?" she asked me I was about to answer when the bell rang and she pulled me and ran.

Until we get to the front of the classroom and it says SECTION 3D.

Nor-Ain knocked slowly and soon it opened and we were greeted by a beautiful woman of quite a bit of age.

Nor-Ain entered and I followed while bowing and I noticed that the whole class was very quiet.

"Can you introduce yourself to your classmate!" Our teacher said it was a reason to lift me up but I immediately stopped when I saw the two girls I kissed and bumped into looking at me.

"Is there a problem Ryen?" I heard Nor-Ain whisper so I held my breath before starting to speak.

"Good Morning Everyone, My Name is RYENCHEL ANGEL CERVANTES, I'm 17 years old and nice to meet you all!" I tremble to introduce myself.

"Okay, you can sit!" the teacher said smiling at me and Nor-Ain held my hand as we looked for a place to sit.

When we had not found a seat, Nor-Ain suddenly spoke. "Ma'am, there is no empty seat!" Nor-Ain said to our teacher so she looked at me and Ma'am looked angry but I just looked at the girl earlier when she suddenly stood up and took the bag and put it on her back.

I was surprised when all my classmates looked at me and later looked at Ma'am again so Nor-Ain immediately said goodbye and I sat in the middle of the two girls.

I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked them because they didn't seem to recognize me, so I decided to listen to the teacher.

I was restless as if someone was looking at me so I decided to look at the person next to me and at the same time I got chills when she looked at me and smiled so scary that I couldn't help but be nervous.

Good Morning

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