
Chapter 3: The Unexpected Twist

Holmes and Watson arrived at the location indicated by Raven's clue, a small antique shop in the heart of London. Inside, they found a peculiar object - an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus.

Holmes's eyes widened as he examined the sarcophagus. "Watson, this is no ordinary relic! It's a genuine artifact from the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses II."

Suddenly, the shop owner appeared, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Ah, Sherlock Holmes! I've been expecting you. You see, I'm not just a shop owner... I'm also Johan Libert himself!"

Holmes's eyes narrowed. "The game's afoot, indeed! But I'm not surprised. Your cunning and intellect are matched only by your ego, Libert."

Libert chuckled. "Perhaps. But you'll never leave this shop alive, Holmes. My trap is set, and you've fallen right into it!"

Just then, the doors locked, and the room began to fill with a deadly gas. Holmes and Watson were trapped!

But Holmes remained calm, his mind racing with a plan. "Elementary, my dear Watson... we shall escape, and the game shall continue!"